A Meeting?

"The teacher said I play the piano better than the violin, so she suggested that I focus on the piano," the girl replied.

"..." Sha Yu fell into deep thought.

Is playing the piano even more impressive than the violin?

Isn't this talent a bit too terrifying?

Do other people also have this amazing talent?

If Xu Youxiang had such a talent, she would have been arranged by a big company to work with a wheelchair nanny, without having to worry about money.

With money naturally comes happiness, and one wouldn't think about ending their life.

An Siyao is just an exception.

Maybe it's the first time exchanging bodies, a benefit given by the game.

Speaking of Xu Youxiang, if he wants her cooperation, he needs money. Where can he get the money?

Sha Yu worried about this.

It took him an hour to learn the White Wolf at an eight times speed, and then he started learning Triss.

Compared to the masculine piece White Wolf, Triss is much softer.

After learning another equally difficult piece, St. Gregory's Bridge Inn, Sha Yu stopped learning the violin and went to the piano room.

Playing the violin requires holding it on your neck, and constantly pressing the strings with your left hand, which is not as comfortable as playing the piano and not as cool as the piano.

"What do you want to learn?" An Siyao asked, "Classical or popular music?"

Sha Yu thought for a moment: "Popular music, I guess."

"Jiulang's Talisman? The Gallery of the Changing Son? Soft Snow? River Cicada?" An Siyao still mentioned some high-difficulty pieces.

This time Sha Yu didn't refuse after knowing the style of the piece, he chose The Gallery of the Changing Son.

"First, search for the sheet music for this piece..." An Siyao began her instruction.

Even with an eight times learning speed, Sha Yu still found it a bit difficult and finally succeeded just before the time was nearing its end.

He stopped playing when there were 15 minutes left.

He came at midnight, and now it was 7:45 in the morning, almost time for school.

To prevent An Siyao from being late to school, Sha Yu started to help her wash up.

When he entered the bathroom, An Siyao suddenly asked, "Did that woman cause you a lot of trouble?"

"How did you know?" Sha Yu looked up at the mirror, his teeth were white and neat, his canines were not sharp.

"Emotions can spread into music, I could hear that you were worried," An Siyao replied.

Is she that amazing? Sha Yu was surprised.

He picked up the toothbrush, squeezed the toothpaste, moistened it in the cup, and put it in his mouth.

The taste of the toothpaste was a bit strong, he didn't know what brand it was, and there was a lot of foam.

While brushing his teeth, he pondered, and after ten seconds, he asked An Siyao with the toothbrush in his mouth, "Is there any quick way to make money?"

An Siyao seriously thought for a moment and said to Xia Yu, "Use the body of a former bank executive to transfer money to a foreign account, then launder it and bring it back to the country?"

What a strange plan!

It even involved body swapping!

Not to mention how to launder the money, just embezzling bank assets was not something Xia Yu could do.

The body-swapping game is very useful: given time, he could become a world-class tycoon, and shouldn't lose the big picture for something small.

Speaking of which, to come up with such a plan, this girl is not some kind-hearted person either.

"I am a law-abiding and well-behaved youth," Xia Yu rejected An Siyao's suggestion.

An Siyao was silent for a while, and after Xia Yu finished brushing his teeth, she cautiously said, "Actually, I can ask my father and grandfather for money. How much do you need?"

To use An Siyao's money?

Xia Yu was somewhat resistant, but upon careful consideration, if he were to send money to Xu Youxiang himself, it would easily expose his identity, whereas letting An Siyao do it would leave no loopholes.

"How much money can you get? Just ask normally, without any hardship for you," said Xia Yu.

"About 40 or 50 million?" An Siyao hesitated.


I should have thought of this sooner!

"No need. Just one hundred thousand is enough," Xia Yu said.

Xu Youxiang was willing to sell her body for only one hundred thousand before.

"One hundred thousand? Then my pocket money is enough!" An Siyao was surprised.

After a moment of silence, Xia Yu couldn't help but be curious and asked, "How much pocket money do you have?"

"From my father's and grandfather's, I have over six million, and I also have some shares in companies like Leng Lie Valley Limited ..."

"Alright, I get it," stopping An Siyao from continuing, Xia Yu recalled his remaining 1700 in savings and felt a bit bitter.

Why didn't I reincarnate into a wealthy family in the first place?

It didn't have to be as rich as the An family, just having tens of millions in assets would have been good!

With a deep sigh, Xia Yu washed his face, went to the bedroom, and wrote down a bank account number for An Siyao to transfer the 100,000 yuan to.

This number was Xu Youxiang's bank card number, and Xia Yu didn't plan to have any connection with this money.

As for whether Xu Youxiang would go back on her word after receiving the money, Xia Yu was not worried. A woman could run away at heart, but not her body.

As long as Xia Yu wanted, he could log into her body.

At eight o'clock sharp, after Xia Yu left, An Siyao looked at the bank card number and pondered.

This was the first time "he" had left any information.

Since "he" didn't say I couldn't check, then there shouldn't be a problem checking, right?


On the other side, Xia Yu was on his way to school.

When he arrived at the class, he unexpectedly saw a piano in the classroom.

The class leader smiled and said to Xia Yu, "The wind ensemble doesn't need it anymore, so we brought it here. You play a piano piece today, and then a violin piece! I will host a dinner party on Saturday night!"

Playing both piano and violin is quite doable.

At this moment, in the teacher's entertainment room on the fourth floor, two teachers were playing ping pong. One of them was the principal.

The elderly principal was no match for the middle-aged language arts teacher, losing seven to nil.

The language arts teacher laughed, "Principal, you're not good at this!"

The principal smiled, "I'm old, I'm not a match for you young people."

At the same time, the principal thought to himself: He doesn't let me score even one point, doesn't give me any face, don't expect me to go easy on your report this year, I will be strict!

"Come on, let's play again, Principal." The language arts teacher wanted to continue taking advantage.

"No, I can't compete with you young people. Let's go and see how those kids are doing today." The principal was reluctant to be further humiliated.

"By the way, our class has a student who brought a violin. Do you want to go and see?" The language arts teacher casually promoted his own class.

"A violin? What's so good about that?" The principal showed little interest. "I heard the wind ensemble has a piano, let's go and appreciate some piano music."

The two went to the wind ensemble, only to find the piano had already been returned.

The disappointed principal then went to Xia Yu's classroom.

Before entering, he heard the sound of a piano.

Is this a piano performance?

The principal couldn't help but stop.

The piece was called "The Gallery of Banruo's Son."

He was lucky that when he came over, the piece had just begun.

The melodious prelude made the principal lean against the wall and savor.

The Banruo's Son is the son of the immortal god in the legend. The gallery is where the Banruo's Son lives, isolated from the world.

In the legend, at that time there was turmoil and the gallery's surroundings were a bloody mess, but the gallery remained peaceful.

Sitting at the edge of the gallery corridor, watching the huge maple tree in the courtyard, the breeze blowing, the bell echoing, fame, life, and death were all isolated, and a sense of autumn's tranquility and spiritual transcendence emerged.

As the last note ended, Xia Yu rested his fingers for a moment, ready to continue playing the violin, when a sudden voice sounded.
