Another Look at Xu Youxiang

Applause sounded along with it.

This made the guests in the class who were quietly listening to the music dissatisfied, and they turned their heads to glare at the newcomer.

Damn, it's the principal!

The students and staff quickly averted their gaze, and to save the principal from embarrassment, they also joined in the applause.

"Very good, very good." The principal's expression was excited, and he looked around, wanting to sit down and continue listening, but found that there were no vacant seats.

Auntie from the cafeteria promptly stood up: "I have to leave for something, Principal, you can sit here."

The principal nodded in satisfaction and decided to give the cafeteria auntie an extra burden.

Xia Yu hesitated for a moment, deciding to pretend not to see the principal, and took a break before picking up his violin.

His violin skills were as superb as his piano skills, but the principal did not show the same excitement as before. It was only when Xia Yu returned to the piano that the principal showed a smile again.

At two forty in the afternoon, the cultural festival officially ended, and the principal stood up, saying to Xia Yu, "Come to my office on Monday next week."


What do you want?

Watching the principal walk away, Xia Yu felt a little nervous.

"Xia Yu, don't you have a part-time job? You should hurry up and go," the class leader said.

The remaining cleanup work did not require Xia Yu's intervention; they would handle it.

After working at the coffee shop on the street corner until 5:30, Xia Yu returned home.

Upon opening the skill panel, he found that his agility had been upgraded to lv2.

Sure enough, using the piano and violin could improve the level of agility.

However, since it wasn't a specialized agility training, the efficiency was somewhat low.

With lv2 agility, Xia Yu would be even more proficient in playing the piano and violin.

But that was not the point; the point was that he could go to Xu Youxiang's place to learn programming in the early hours!

From here, the Xia family's Internet empire began!

When it was midnight, he couldn't wait to press the game key.

Xu Youxiang, start!

He thought Xu Youxiang should already be asleep at this time, but when he swapped over, he found a laptop in front of him.

On the laptop screen was a forum page, and Xu Youxiang was replying to a post.

Looking at the content of those posts, Xia Yu closed his eyes again.

Several hundred threads of mutual greetings to the family were still possible.

"What is this situation?" Xia Yu scrolled up, trying to find the reason for Xu Youxiang and the other person's quarrel, only to find that this wasn't even the site of the incident. The thread that served as the crime scene had already been deleted by the poster, who couldn't bear their quarrel.

"Humph, what else could it be? A lame person is unhappy and comes online to vent at people!" Xu Youxiang refused to explain.

Through the fragments of their conversation, Xia Yu already knew that it was the other party who first attacked Xu Youxiang, apparently because of the problem of whether the potato chip bag should be pulled open directly or torn open along the teeth.

What a strange reason!

"Why did you bother fighting with such people? Just use your hacker skills to hack their accounts directly!" Xia Yu said.

"…" Xu Youxiang didn't know how to respond for a moment, as she hadn't expected Xia Yu to say such malicious words.

This made Xia Yu shake his head.

Although temperamental and fond of cursing, Xu Youxiang, like her appearance, was a pure child.

"Alright, I've transferred the 100,000 to you. You've received it, right? Now, it's time for you to keep your promise." Xia Yu decided to start learning programming.

Xu Youxiang paused for a moment and told Xia Yu, "It's in the wardrobe beside you."

The wardrobe beside me? You actually hid the programming learning materials in the wardrobe! No wonder I couldn't find them!

Coming to the side of the bed, Xia Yu tucked his two crutches under his arms and approached the wardrobe. He leaned against the wall, freeing one hand to open the wardrobe.

The first thing that caught his eye was a variety of dresses.

These were real dresses with lace and intricate details.

Are you a Lolita fan too? Aren't these worth at least ten thousand?

But that's not the point, where is my programming book?

After rummaging through the wardrobe, Xia Yu still couldn't find the book.

"Where's the book?" Xia Yu asked Xu Youxiang.

"What?" Xu Youxiang replied, "What book?"

"The programming book," Xia Yu said.

"...Let me ask first, what are your intentions when using my body?"

"Of course, it's to learn programming. What else could it be, you? Didn't I learn it the first time I came over?" Xia Yu said helplessly, "Although I don't know what you misunderstood, haven't I already proved it? I'm a girl, just like you. I have no interest in your body; I just want to learn!"

"I thought you wanted to use my body to try on some little skirts." Xu Youxiang said with some embarrassment.

Exchange bodies just to try on skirts with someone else's body?

Xia Yu couldn't understand Xu Youxiang's female logic.

"Search for a basic programming book online," Xu Youxiang began to teach.

Xia Yu returned to the bed, opened the laptop, and started to learn.

He didn't immediately activate his experience card.

Thinking of the experience card, he felt heartbroken again. He did not anticipate that Xu Youxiang would solve the problem so quickly here, so he had used most of the experience card the day before yesterday.

Now, there are only half an hour left in the three double experience cards and an hour and a half left in the five times experience card.

Enduring the pain, Xia Yu figured out the basic concepts and began practicing under Xu Youxiang's guidance.

Fortunately, the programming language used in this world is Chinese. However, Chinese is not immediately accessible; the language used in programming is different from everyday language to avoid ambiguity and misunderstandings.

At this time, he also activated all the experience cards.

After using up all the experience card time, Xia Yu successfully achieved programming Lv1. This pace was much slower compared to learning the piano with An Siyao; firstly, because programming knowledge is much more comprehensive than just playing the piano, and secondly, because Xu Youxiang's programming level was nowhere near An Siyao's piano level.

Xia Yu was not satisfied with this speed, but Xu Youxiang was astonished.

"You learned so fast; are you sure you're not fooling me?" Xu Youxiang asked.

"I have my own methods," Xia Yu said.

Xu Youxiang was skeptical. While teaching basic concepts, she indeed felt that Xia Yu was a layman. However, Xia Yu's level was not achieved overnight; he just learned quickly.

"At this rate, when can I develop my own mobile phone software?" Xia Yu asked impatiently, his bank card already starving.

"Develop mobile phone software? You can do it now." Xu Youxiang replied.

"Really?" Xia Yu was delighted for a moment, then felt something was off.

"However, it might take years to develop, and the number of bugs is uncertain." Xu Youxiang continued.

Without looking at her face, Xia Yu knew she was grinning mischievously.

Reaching out, Xia Yu touched his own thigh.

"What are you doing?!" Xu Youxiang immediately panicked.

"Retaliation!" Xia Yu declared righteously.