I want a new brother

In the past few days, everyone who paid attention to Zhong Yunxin felt something different about the girl.

The once arrogant Zhong Yunxin was staying quietly in her dormitory these days, coming out for meals with a cautious look on her face, and she wouldn't yell for people to move away if someone walked in front of her on the road.

Some daring and fast girls tried to approach Zhong Yunxin to see if she would scold at them, but she didn't.

"It's all because of An Siyao. You didn't see it, but Zhong Yunxin offended An Siyao twice, and An Siyao severely taught her a lesson each time," a third-year sister told her first-year sister.

"Is Sister An Siyao so ferocious?" the first-year sister shrank her neck, a little scared.

"An Siyao is famous for her good temper, but she only takes action against such scoundrels," the third-year sister sighed. "A real young lady should be both cute and fierce."

The first-year sister was intrigued by her sister's words: "Where can I meet Sister An?"

"An Siyao usually hangs out with Feng Yujia and Feng Yumo, the two sisters. You can go to the cafeteria at noon to catch a glimpse of her. She likes snacks, if you give her some delicious ones, she will be very happy. However, you can only give them once a month, if you give too much, those fan groups will come to bother you."

The third-year sister wanted to say more, but she caught a glimpse of a figure.

"An Siyao is coming!" She pulled her sister to look at the direction she indicated, and the sister saw a girl with fluttering hair and an extraordinary temperament.

"She's so beautiful." She couldn't help but say.

Hearing her words, Xia Yu smiled at her and continued walking forward.

He came to Zhong Yunxin's room and dragged the girl out.

"What do you want? I haven't done anything bad these days!" Zhong Yunxin protested.

"One, you go with me, two, you stay here. Which one do you choose?" Xia Yu asked.

"I choose one!" Zhong Yunxin immediately followed Xia Yu.

She sneered in her heart: Do you think I'm still the fool from before? Last time I chose two, and that happened. Obviously, two is a death option!

She was anxious about where Xia Yu would take her, but she saw him heading straight for the door.

"I can't leave!" exclaimed Zhong Yunxin.

Xia Yu didn't reply, he just kept walking forward.

Zhong Yunxin had no choice but to follow obediently, and to her astonishment, the security didn't try to stop her at all.

She recalled the vicious man's words from last night:

"Our young lady's grandfather is the biggest shareholder in Dongzhiliang, so don't even think about hiding in school, it will only make it worse!"

"Transferring schools? You need the teacher in charge of the file management to let you go. You understand, right?"

What kind of school for young ladies is this? It's just an evil organization! It's all Kong Hanmoon's fault!

As she got into the car with An Siyao, Zhong Yunxin looked at the driver in front and couldn't help but scream.

The driver took off his sunglasses and showed her a smile.

This smile made Zhong Yunxin extremely terrified.

That day, with a smile like this, he sank a woman who had offended An Siyao into the sea!

The woman's screams before her death were still echoing in her ears every night these past few days.

"Drive your car," Xia Yu glanced at the driver.

The driver immediately put away his smile and began driving honestly.

Zhong Yunxin remembered what the driver had said when he pushed that woman down, "I'm just following orders, if you don't sink today, I'll be sunk by the young lady tomorrow. You're lucky, she doesn't do it herself now, otherwise..."

An Siyao was even more terrifying! Zhong Yunxin shuddered.

Seeing Zhong Yunxin's reaction, Xia Yu was very satisfied. Hiring an 18th-tier actor to perform a sea-sinking scene was indeed very effective.

On the day of the sea burial, Feng Yujia and Feng Yumo also went to watch. It was said that the actor's performance was very dedicated, and it scared them.

They even gave the actor an extra tip, allowing her to upgrade her originally planned high-end plastic surgery package.

Xia Yu posted some vague information on the Internet, successfully scaring Zhong Yunxin into submission.

"Where are we going?" Zhong Yunxin was a bit uneasy.

"We're almost there."

In front of a beauty salon, the driver stopped the car and opened the door.

Xia Yu led Zhong Yunxin inside.

"Dye her hair black and remove all the little gadgets from her body," Xia Yu told the staff.

Hearing that they were going to touch her hair, Zhong Yunxin immediately shouted, "No!"

"No, what?" Xia Yu glanced at her.

"No... I don't like this color, so it's perfect," Zhong Yunxin cried in her heart.

"That's it, take her away."

Leaving Zhong Yunxin to the staff, Xia Yu sat in the waiting area watching TV.

When Zhong Yunxin's red hair turned black and her earrings were removed, Xia Yu took her to buy clothes.

"How about this?" Xia Yu asked, holding up a dress.

Looking at the plain white dress with lace in his hand, Zhong Yunxin wanted to refuse but didn't dare.

To others, normal clothes seemed strange to Zhong Yunxin, and wearing them would be very embarrassing.

"Change if you have no objections," Xia Yu pushed Zhong Yunxin into the fitting room and waited.

After dawdling for five minutes, Zhong Yunxin finally emerged from the fitting room.

Zhong Yunxin's late father had a penchant for beauty, and her mother was naturally beautiful, so she inherited those good looks.

The plain white dress, paired with her clean white face, and the wronged expression on her face, made her look not like a delinquent but like a bullied person instead.

Satisfied, Xia Yu chose more than ten sets of clothes for her, let her pay for them, and then took her back to her dormitory.

Entering the girl's room, Xia Yu removed all the delinquent clothes from her wardrobe and replaced them with the new ones.

"From now on, you're only allowed to wear these, understand?" Xia Yu told Zhong Yunxin.

"I understand," Zhong Yunxin said weakly.

"I'll take these away," Xia Yu gathered the delinquent clothes into a bag and walked out of Zhong Yunxin's room.

As soon as Xia Yu closed the door, Zhong Yunxin pounced on the bed.

My leather jacket and hot pants! They even took away my tank tops!


Picking up her phone, Zhong Yunxin called her brother Zhong Yunze to complain about An Siyao's misdeeds.

"...What, where does she live! I'll go find her right away!"

Hearing her brother Zhong Yunze's words, Zhong Yunxin felt a touch of warmth in her heart.

But when she thought of the woman who sank into the sea, her heart was raised.

She replied, "No need, her family is powerful, don't conflict with her."

"What are you talking about, child? What conflict? I'm going to visit and thank her!"


Hanging up the phone and throwing it aside, Zhong Yunxin angrily pounded the bed.

Other people's brothers would stand up for their sisters, but you actually sided with the enemy!

Why is my brother like this? I want a new one!