The City of Water

Returning from An Siyao's place, it was already five in the afternoon. Xia Yu took a short rest before coming to Kong Hanyue's house.

As soon as he entered, Kong Hanyue hugged him, "Yu Yu, you're amazing!"

Xia Yu guessed it must be about Zhong Yunxin, which had reached Kong Hanyue's ears.

Indeed, Kong Hanyue was talking about Zhong Yunxin's matter.

"Today I received a call from Zeze, I heard about Xin Xin's situation and asked some of her classmates, only then did I know you'd already dealt with her!"

Kong Hanyue admired Xia Yu, regardless of him being her child. She had always been like this when Xia Yu was young.

Being admired by the younger generation is exhilarating, but being admired by the older generation is a bit awkward.

"How did you manage it? Zeze said that it was a classmate who found her," Kong Hanyue asked curiously.

Thinking about the previous agreement with Xia Yu, Kong Hanyue added, "I didn't tell Zeze anything!"

"You don't need to know about it," Xia Yu did not answer.

"So how did the girl deal with Xin Xin? You can tell me that much," Kong Hanyue thought, hoping to use the same method against Zhong Yunxin later and make her obedient.

"What kind of tricks could there be, just scolding and threatening," Xia Yu knew Kong Hanyue's thoughts and smiled, "You can try it."

Kong Hanyue was disappointed, scolding and threatening was not something she could do.

Her best means of dealing with an adversary was to ignore them, which was effective against Xu Xue.

It might work on Zhong Yunze, but he was obedient and wouldn't provoke her.

Xia Yu glanced at Kong Hanyue again, ordinary people unrelated to the situation would be concerned to ask about the outcome of the scolding and threatening, but Kong Hanyue didn't ask at all.

She treated Zhong Yunxin like a task, and wasn't concerned about her at all.

Thinking about this, Xia Yu couldn't help admiring Kong Hanyue's deceased husband's foresight for establishing such rules.

Otherwise, Zhong Yunze might be fine, but Zhong Yunxin would definitely be abandoned by Kong Hanyue.

According to the law, Kong Hanyue would have been entitled to a share of the property acquired during their marriage, but she had none, so it was unclear what legal means her late husband had used.

When Xia Yu inquired, Kong Hanyue explained, "His shares were not in his own name but in some other institution, so they did not count as marital property. He paid himself a salary of only three thousand a month in the company."


Rich people are not foolish.

Putting this matter aside, Xia Yu and Kong Hanyue went to the guzheng room to continue their lessons.

"Oh, right, Yu Yu helped Mom so much, there must be a reward!" Kong Hanyue became excited again, "What do you want? I still have one million and fifty-three thousand hidden, and can give you half a million."

She felt a bit heartache, this over one million was obtained through various means, and she dared not use it for fear of being discovered by her late husband.

"Once mom's shares are in hand, I'll buy you a big house. Zeze isn't careful enough, so mom will still live with you and help you raise your son."

After solving Zhong Yunxin's matter, Kong Hanyue began to envision the future: "Don't raise a girl; they're disobedient and cause trouble. Sons are better!"

"Let's talk about the future later. First, learn the guzheng," Xia Yu said.

Of Kong Hanyue's words, what Xia Yu cared about most was the phrase "live with you."

Of course, his mother should come to him, as the two people in the Zhong family had no blood relationship.

"Then mom will save it for you, and when you go to Hua University, I'll buy you a car," Kong Hanyue finalized.

She then seriously told Xia Yu: "The 500,000 is just a starting point. What mom really wants to reward you with is something else."

Seeing her mysterious expression, Xia Yu became curious.

"Wait here." Kong Hanyue left the guzheng room.

Five minutes later, she returned with a small square box.

She handed the box to Xia Yu.

It was an iron box with patterns and words on it:

Donggong Biscuits


It was a common practice to hide treasures in biscuit boxes, not surprising.

With anticipation, Xia Yu opened the biscuit box and saw a photocopy of a sheet of paper.

On the paper was a simple music score with three words printed at the top:

City of Water

Holding the sheet music, Xia Yu flipped through it and looked at Kong Hanyue with a puzzled face: "What is this?"

"It's our Kong family's secret guzheng piece, which only the head of the family can learn. Originally, it was something to give you after my death," Kong Hanyue said proudly.


"You were actually hiding a guzheng piece from me!" Picking up a nearby scroll, Xia Yu threatened Kong Hanyue.

"Humph! Isn't it normal for a master to have one or two secret techniques that they don't easily pass down?" Kong Hanyue argued.

"Don't make excuses! Are there any more?"

"There's also 'Iron Will.'"

"Anything else?"

"'Tears of the Moon' is for Zeze, and you have another piece."

"You think you're a master from a martial arts novel, giving each disciple a unique skill!"

Under Xia Yu's pressure, Kong Hanyue handed over all her pieces.

The pieces weren't important, as they could be found online. However, if Kong Hanyue hid something while teaching, Xia Yu wouldn't notice. Having her hand over the pieces was to make her more honest in teaching.

Looking at her unique sheet music now in Xia Yu's hands, Kong Hanyue felt wronged. She complained about disrespecting her master while teaching Xia Yu.

Xia Yu was learning 'City of Water,' a calm piece. He listened to Kong Hanyue's demonstration.

In the music, he felt the city in his heart gradually being submerged by water.

The city disappeared, the noise faded, and the waters became calm.

All troubles and distractions were buried with the city under the water.

What a great piece of music.

Thinking that Kong Hanyue almost hid it, Xia Yu pinched her face again.

Learning until 10 p.m., he took the last bus home.

The next morning, he woke up from his sleep, and groggily opened the door and entered the bathroom to wash up.

After finishing washing up, he stretched lazily and sat at the dining table.

It wasn't until Yuxue brought over the bread and bacon that Xia Yu realized that today was October 8th, a school day, and Yan Wei was not there.

For the past week, he had seen Yan Wei every morning, and it felt strange not having her around all of a sudden.

Placing the bacon in the bread, Xia Yu took a bite and frowned.

The bacon was a bit overcooked, and the bread was cut a bit thick.

If it were Yan Wei, she wouldn't make this mistake.

Before Yuxue could see, Xia Yu quickly adjusted his expression, finished his breakfast, and headed to school.