The Old Lady Behind the Door

In order to wait for the cat food manufacturer's side to come out, Xia Yu delayed the time to go to An Siyao. When he went there, An Siyao couldn't wait for him and was already doing her own thing.

She was holding a book and studying.

"I have an exam coming up soon," An Siyao explained.

Writing down the exam time, Xia Yu decided to come over on that night, or go directly to Xu Youxiang's place.

Speaking of studying, it seemed that he hadn't been to his own school for a long time.

However, this was not a problem. The teachers in Dongzhi Township explained things more thoroughly than those in Ziyu, and he could already be admitted to Hua University by music, so what else did he need to learn?

Wouldn't it be a waste of time?

Putting the book aside, Xia Yu got up and went to the piano room.

He exchanged all his in-game points into experience cards and continued practicing.

What he was practicing now was a piece called "Farewell to Tears."

This piece was famous for its vast and desolate tones. It was a piece with not much variation.

"No changes" does not mean no changes, but subtle changes. These subtle changes are the hardest to master.

If played too obviously, it would destroy this subtlety. If played too subtly, it would also be considered a failure.

"'Farewell to Tears' is based on a myth, a myth of killing gods," An Siyao explained the emotions of the piece to Xia Yu.

"Gods are creatures that are believed in. For a believer to raise a sword against their faith, this kind of desolation is the center of emotion. From the fear of people confronting gods in the first part, to the thick sorrow of gods about to die in the latter part, that's the change in the piece."

What An Siyao said had no effect, because Xia Yu's lack was not in his mastery of the piece's emotions. Instead, his basic skills were not mature enough.

Fortunately, with the experience card bonus, his skills were growing at a visible speed.

Three hours later, he could play the piece proficiently, but his skill level was still at Lv3, not reaching Lv4.

He had already learned dozens of pieces. Were these not enough?

"Do you have any other pieces?" Xia Yu asked.

"All the difficult ones are gone, and what's left are ordinary pieces," An Siyao said.

Why couldn't he reach Lv4 after learning all the hard ones?

Xia Yu frowned, and a feeling of frustration rose in his heart.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself.

Now he had a good teacher by his side. If he had any doubts, he could just ask, couldn't he?

So, he asked An Siyao.

"To make further progress?" An Siyao organized her words and said to Xia Yu, "To make further progress, you need to experience emotions. Did you see the player who competed with me in Flight of the Bumblebee before?"

Xia Yu felt complicated when he heard himself mentioned by An Siyao.

"In the last competition, he played the Fran Old Wolf, and he had this condition," An Siyao said, "but his skills were too poor."

Was the breakthrough point here?

However, he couldn't play Fran Old Wolf right now, or An Siyao would definitely discover it.

Xia Yu closed his eyes, recalling the story of mortals killing gods that An Siyao just told.

This piece, although based on a myth, was actually a portrayal of a small Eastern country.

The people rose up and overthrew the brutal ruler, but they also lost their leadership, and turned into loose sand, eventually being swallowed up.

The composer fled to another country and created this piece of music.

Five minutes later, he opened his eyes and pressed the first note of Bai Lei.

The window of the piano room was not closed, and the evening breeze blew on Xia Yu, which seemed a little dry.

The autumn evening breeze would not be dry naturally, but the dryness was caused by the empathy of the melody.

The vast music surrounded Xia Yu.

Winds and sands raged, boundless and endless, the white dragon symbolizing the royal family hovered above the country, looking down at the people below.

Thump -

A heavy sound suddenly appeared in the slow melody, which was the thunder and lightning brought down by the white dragon, and the royal family's suppression of the people.

The sound appeared from time to time, with a majestic momentum.

The rebellious people dodged among them.

At the end of the first part, more and more people gathered, and even some royal troops rebelled.

The White Dragon was weakened step by step, but the melody had no relaxation or excitement. It was still a vast sorrow until the White Dragon completely died.

In the third part, the melody became even slower. The gods had been killed, so where to go next? There was only a sense of confusion left.

Bai Lei, tears were shed by both the white dragon and the people.

The last note drifted in the air, and Xia Yu also saw the prompt for the skill upgrade.

The level 4 music was completed.

There was basically no problem with the tri-match at the end of the month.

The final match would take place two days after the tri-match, and by then, the instrument competition would be completely over.

His recommendation to Hua University was almost in hand!

Speaking of which, he had asked An Siyao's university preference before, and the girl also answered Hua University.

Whether this was a good thing or a troublesome thing, Xia Yu was not sure.

He would think about it when the time comes.

Xia Yu began to play other pieces. When he reached level 4, no matter what he played, he had a feeling that he had never had before. This was the kindling of emotions, and music was originally the product of emotion.

"We did it!" An Siyao exclaimed with joy, her excitement in her tone even stronger than the waves in Xia Yu's heart.

"Yep." Xia Yu said.

In the remaining time, he played other pieces.

When the time was up, he returned to his own body.

Now, it was already 5 pm. After hanging around in the coffeehouse for another half hour, he arrived at Kong Hanyue's villa.

After pressing the doorbell, the door was quickly opened, but the person behind the door was not Kong Hanyue but a skinny old lady.

Taking a step back, Xia Yu looked around and confirmed that he had not gone to the wrong villa.

In that case, the identity of the old lady could be determined.

This was the teacher from the north that Kong Hanyue had asked him to steal skills from.

At this time, Kong Hanyue jumped out from the side and hugged the old lady's body.

She grinned at Xia Yu and said, "Surprise?"

"Surprise your head!" Before Xia Yu could speak, the old lady stretched out her finger and tapped Kong Hanyue's head, causing her head to tilt to one side.

At the same time, a smile appeared on the old lady's originally serious face.

It seems that Kong Hanyue had a good relationship with her teacher.

After fooling around for a while, Kong Hanyue introduced to Xia Yu, "This is your mother's teacher, you can call her Master."

"What master!" The old lady knocked on Kong Hanyue's head again.

She turned her head to look at Xia Yu, her smile fading, and her face becoming serious again.

Xia Yu's heart was shocked; he understood that the old lady might not have a good impression of him.

It was probably Xia Dongyang's fault.

"You can call me teacher. Yuyue told me that you have good talent. Try it now!" The old lady's expression was indifferent, and she didn't take the words of Kong Hanyue seriously.

How could she have not heard of a talented young person?

It was most likely that Kong Hanyue wanted to find a way out for her son, so she tried to force it on her.

Xia Yu looked at Kong Hanyue again, and Kong Hanyue gave him a mysterious smile.

Xia Yu then knew that Kong Hanyue had deliberately hidden it from the old lady.

Otherwise, sending a video would be enough to solve the problem.

As for her purpose, was it to see the surprised expression on her teacher's face?

What a wicked taste.

When they arrived at the guzheng room, under the old lady's indifferent attitude, Xia Yu put on his armor and plucked the strings.