Another Bug

Xia Yu played a piece called "Tears of the Moon," which is also known as "Moon's Tear," a nickname for a type of white trumpet flower. This piece doesn't have any special techniques or passionate emotions; what it expresses is the admiration for the sea of Moon's Tear flowers and the appreciation for beloved things.

With his level 4 music skill, Xia Yu couldn't help but want to inject emotions into his performance. He recalled his favorite things in his mind and eventually settled on An Siyao's white jade dumplings that he had tasted. The dumplings had a white jade-like appearance, a soft texture, and juice that flowed on the tongue, making Xia Yu's body relax and his mood pleasant.

After this emotion emerged, the old lady immediately sensed it. Her originally straight sitting posture became lazy. She went from an ordinary posture to a comfortable one. To appreciate beautiful things, one must have a most peaceful mindset.

As the piece ended, the old lady was about to speak when Kong Hanyue hugged Xia Yu first. "What happened? How did your skills suddenly improve so much?" As someone who had been watching Xia Yu practice the guzheng, Kong Hanyue knew Xia Yu's level very well. Three days ago, Xia Yu, who had rapidly improved, finally hit a bottleneck. She was happy for a moment, thinking that Xia Yu wasn't so abnormal after all, but in just three days, he broke through the bottleneck? She even invited her own teacher to teach him!

Kong Hanyue was a bit emotional as things hadn't developed according to her expectations. "Isn't sudden enlightenment quite normal?" Xia Yu pushed Kong Hanyue away. Kong Hanyue wanted to make a fuss, but the old lady pulled her back.

"Teacher," Xia Yu called to the old lady in front of him. "You're too polite. Just call me Grandma." The old lady grabbed Xia Yu's hand, and the more she looked at him, the more she liked him. So Xia Yu changed his address to "Grandma."

Kong Hanyue on the side calculated the generation difference, her face filled with astonishment. She hugged the old lady and called her "Mother." "I don't have a silly daughter like you!" The old lady pushed Kong Hanyue away. Although her face was full of disgust, her tone and eyes were clearly filled with indulgence.

The old lady turned to Xia Yu: "I will be staying in Ziluan for more than half a month. If there are no problems in this half month, you can accompany me to Ahfang City." She wanted to keep Xia Yu by her side to teach him.

However, Xia Yu didn't really want to embark on the path of music. "I have a competition to participate in a month later," he said as a distraction.

"What competition?" The old lady was puzzled. "Instrument Competition," Xia Yu replied.

"You participated?" The old lady was surprised.

Since Xia Yu said that he would participate in a month, it meant that he had already passed the second round and could enter the third round. However, the old lady had seen videos of all the participants in the second round, and among those playing the guzheng, there was no Xia Yu.

After getting Xia Yu's positive answer, the old lady asked the question in her heart: "I didn't see you!" "Probably because I played the violin," Xia Yu replied.

"???" The old lady had a "you're kidding me" expression on her face. After five seconds, the confusion on her face turned into realization, and she slapped the table: "You're the one who played 'Flight of the Bumblebee'!"

"It's me," Xia Yu nodded.

The old lady became even more excited than before, grabbing Xia Yu's hand again. Instead of looking at Xia Yu's face like before, this time, her eyes were fixed on Xia Yu's fingers.

"The wild bee can play so fast, and its sensitivity is definitely sufficient. Good, excellent!" The old lady's excitement overflowed onto her face.

Kong Hanyue seized the opportunity to interject, "Yu Yu's fingers are incredibly agile. Teacher, you can share your secret masterpiece with Yu Yu, without a doubt!"

"Yes, yes, I'll share it." The old lady gently touched Xia Yu's hand and looked at his face again, liking him even more.

"By the way, you have a granddaughter, teacher. Share it with Yu Yu as well," Kong Hanyue suggested.

"Sure, sure, I'll share... Hmm?" The old lady slapped Kong Hanyue's head, coughed, let go of Xia Yu, and sat up straight.

She said to Xia Yu, "I have a granddaughter. She is eighteen this year. How old are you?"


The old lady asked Xia Yu his birthdate and smiled, "It's quite a coincidence; you are one day younger than her. In the future, you should call her sister."

"..." Did that mean she was subtly hinting at Xia Yu not to target her granddaughter? After all, if he called her "sister," how could he make a move on her?

However, Xia Yu had no plans to pursue her and didn't pay much attention to this matter.

"My granddaughter also learns the guzheng. She's not very skilled with her hands, so she can only learn the northern style," the old lady sighed, but she looked at Xia Yu and brightened up again.

Xia Yu had heard from Kong Hanyue about the different guzheng schools; the southern and northern styles are the mainstream, while their flower style was almost extinct.

"She also participated in the music competition. You'll meet her during the third round," the old lady informed him.

Ending the discussion on this topic, the old lady eagerly began the teaching phase, starting by correcting Xia Yu's posture.

"What did Moon Moon teach you? Your posture is not accurate," she complained.

This wasn't entirely Kong Hanyue's fault; Xia Yu's time learning the guzheng had been too short, and the posture had not become a habit yet.

"Moreover, your movements must be handsome. You know what 'handsome' means, right? How is it possible to play our flower-style guzheng without being handsome?"

Xia Yu originally thought that when Kong Hanyue said guzheng playing should be handsome, it was her personal bias. But he did not expect that this concept was actually inherited from the old lady.

Under the old lady's guidance, Xia Yu studied until 10 pm and then bid farewell and left.

On his way back, he used the internet to search for famous guzheng masters and finally found out the old lady's name.

Her name was Liu Ronglan, the only guzheng master of the flower style and one of the leading figures in the field of guzheng.

He found a video of Liu Ronglan in her youth and watched it.

She wore a long-sleeved Hanfu dress, her hair pinned up with a golden hairpin, and the golden butterfly on the hairpin swayed with her finger movements under the stage lights, reflecting a sparkling gleam.

With a smile on her face, her movements while playing the instrument were dashing, making her performance not only an auditory feast but also a visual feast.

Reflecting on himself, Xia Yu realized that, influenced by the piano, he had only focused on the music itself when playing the guzheng and hadn't considered looking handsome as well.

This shortcoming was somewhat challenging to correct and would take a relatively long time, perhaps not enough for the third round and the finals.

Sighing, Xia Yu entered his sleep.

The next morning, as usual, he clicked on An Siyao's column and prepared to go to An Siyao's place.

However, after the darkness in front of him, a mix of mocking voices entered his ears.

It couldn't be so noisy in An Siyao's villa.

Opening his eyes, Xia Yu saw a white cage, and he was locked inside.

Was it another bug?

What had it turned into this time?

Lifting his hand and seeing the meatball on it, Xia Yu felt a little regretful.

It was another cat.

What bug, just call it Cat-ug.

Since it was still a cat, there was no value in it. He already had a black cat, and the dexterity bonus had been transformed into a permanent one.

Opening the bonus, Xia Yu glanced randomly.

Two eyes,

And then stared closely.

Elegance bonus lv1, Psychic Sense bonus lv1, Soothing bonus lv1.

It was completely different from the black cat!

He could understand the elegance in front, as cats were called elegant elves. But what about the latter two? Especially the psychic sense, this was already a special ability!

While Xia Yu was excited, a voice sounded beside him.

Xia Yu's original joy suddenly sank.

Because he found out that the language used in the conversation, he couldn't understand.