Arrival of the Pooper Scooper

Xia Yu had thought that in order not to be discovered, the old lady would send him to the countryside, sell him or the two of them would simply leave this place with the cat. However, he didn't expect to return to the pet shop. Was it found by the police officer? It shouldn't be possible, as the old lady appeared to be a smart person and wouldn't make another mistake after her first one. Lying in the cage, Xia Yu couldn't figure it out. He sighed. Anyway, his Tina brand cat bed was gone.

Lying in the cage until nine o'clock, Xia Yu saw the two store employees coming to work. The employees chatted and laughed as they took the cats in the cages to the backyard. When they picked up Xia Yu, they even affectionately pinched his paw pads. What was going on? Why were they so calm? Xia Yu couldn't understand, and he began to think about the importance of knowing a foreign language. If this world had English classes, he wouldn't be limited to understanding only simple sentences.

Later on, he might encounter bodies from other regions, so he should find a way to acquire a foreign language skill. "Meow," a voice interrupted Xia Yu's thoughts. It was the new blue cat. The blue cat tried to rub against Xia Yu's body, but Xia Yu slapped it away. Unlike the previous blue cat, this blue cat was male. Xia Yu needed to find someone to leave this place. After all, staying in the pet shop for too long was not good, and there was a blue cat with ill intentions.

Narrowing his eyes, Xia Yu thought of getting rid of the blue cat as soon as possible. When some customers came over, Xia Yu deliberately bullied the blue cat. Seeing the pitiful blue cat, the customers couldn't bear it and chose it. Xia Yu, who had regained his peace, lay on the flower bed and sighed at his cleverness.

After a while, the back door was opened again. Turning his head, Xia Yu looked in the direction of the door and was shocked. It was a blonde, blue-eyed girl, whose name was Tina. When she came to the yard, she looked around and happily picked up Xia Yu. The employee spoke a few words to her, then lay down on a lounge chair nearby, basking in the sun.

Employees would sometimes let children in to play with the cats, to get them accustomed to human interaction. But the employees were too lazy to tease the cats, so they brought children in to help. After Tina, another young boy came in. Lying on Tina's lap, Xia Yu yawned. The employee regarded Tina like the previous child, so she probably didn't know that Xia Yu had been taken to Tina's house before.

So, it wasn't because Xia Yu had been discovered that he was sent back. Other than that, Tina wouldn't have dared to come over again. Did she let him go back in the middle of the night? Xia Yu recalled the conversation between Tina and her grandmother. From their expressions and actions at that time, it seemed that Tina wanted to send him back. After the police officer visited, the girl realized how the white cat had come into her possession, so she asked her grandmother to return it.

Even if it was risky to throw him back into the yard at night, the old lady wouldn't take such a risk. Stroking Tina's head, Xia Yu offered consolation.

Since he had returned, he didn't want to go back to the girl's place. Although he had many ways to make the girl's family live comfortably, to a point where they could support themselves, it was still too troublesome.

Being a human, working hard was enough, but being a cat and still having to work so hard was not worth it.

Just like the black cat, it could enjoy delicious food and drink every day, play with its little hamster when it's bored, that was the life a cat should live.

He would look for a cute and wealthy young lady in the next few days to follow.

It was not that Xia Yu was arrogant, but he was confident that no matter which guest he set his eyes on, even if they originally wanted a chinchilla, he would be able to make them change their mind and fall in love with him as a white Persian cat.

Two hours after Tina's visit, she left at noon. There were more guests in the afternoon, but Xia Yu didn't find the one he liked.

He saw two store clerks talking to each other while looking at him, not knowing what they wanted to do.

He still needed to learn a foreign language skill after all.

After eight hours, when he returned to his own body, Xia Yi continued playing the piano while thinking about this matter.

Did he know anyone around him who was proficient in foreign languages?

He had heard of a few famous translators, but they were all middle-aged or older. It was uncertain whether they relied on their talents or their hard work to make a living.

Hard work cannot bring extra benefits, only talent can.

After finishing the piano piece, he went to Kong Hanyue's place to continue learning POD042, Xia Yu didn't have time to think carefully.

The difficulty of POD042 was not high; the main challenge was in mastering the various techniques and the continuous difficulty.

Xia Yu asked why this piece had such a strange name. He found out that it was written by the predecessors of the Flower School to commemorate a computer, which was the computer model number.

It was said that besides this piece, there was another one written for another computer model, but for various reasons, it was never completed.

He wondered why they wrote music for a computer model.

Though the motivation seemed a bit suspicious, the piece was genuinely great.

This was only the basic piece of that mysterious song, he wondered what the ultimate piece, which Kong Hanyue and Liu Ronglan referred to as a mystery, would be like.

He asked Kong Hanyue and Liu Ronglan about it, but they kept it a secret from him. They only told him that the name was "Ending E".

This did not stump Xia Yu.

He opened a search engine, entered the keywords "Ending E," and found Liu Ronglan's performance among the numerous videos that appeared.

It was a considerably more sophisticated piece than POD042, with an astonishing momentum and endless sadness.

Technically, it was almost a continuation of POD042, but the difficulty was greatly different.

With Xia Yu's current level, it was most likely impossible to master it before the final competition.

At 10 p.m., Xia Yu left Kong Hanyue's house, took the subway back to his home, and sat at his desk, continuing to think about the foreign language issue.

Anyway, he didn't have to go to An Siyao and Xu Youxiang's place to learn anything for now. It was worth trying to test who among the translators had the talent for foreign languages.

Now the problem was that he had three slots in total, which were An Siyao, Xu Youxiang, and White Cat. If he wanted to switch to someone else's body through free selection, he would need an empty slot.

He needed to delete one.

The deleted one could be restored through free selection, but free selection required seeing the other person.

White Cat was in the second area, and he had no way to go to the second area to see White Cat, so it seemed that White Cat could not be deleted.

However, what if An Siyao sent someone to the second area to buy White Cat?

But he had already exposed enough at An Siyao's place.

Unable to come up with an answer, Xia Yu went to sleep.

In the next two days, he continued to log into White Cat's body, looking for a potential cat owner, and pondering whether or not to let An Siyao intervene.

In the end, he gave up on this idea.

Even if White Cat was taken to An Siyao's place, after he deleted White Cat, he would need to go to An Siyao's villa to see White Cat again to select it, and An Siyao's villa seemed harder to get into than the second area.

Unless he acknowledged his relationship with An Siyao.

But chatting online is temporary fun, while meeting in person brings trouble.

God knows if An Siyao's attitude would change, and he would be in trouble by then!

On the third day, Xia Yu came back to White Cat's body. He spent half a day choosing a potential cat owner but still couldn't find one to his liking.

For some unknown reason, Tina hadn't come over these days either.

Xia Yu's mood was a bit low, and he started thinking about whether it would be fine just to find someone roughly suitable.

At this moment, a red sports car stopped in front of the pet store. Under the astonished gazes of passersby, a foot adorned with rhinestones stepped out of the driver's seat, and an old lady wearing a gorgeous long dress walked out of the car.

The old lady took off her gold-framed sunglasses with her fingers adorned with five gemstone rings, picked up a bag with a famous luxury brand logo, and entered the pet store.