Abnormal Old Lady

Hearing the sound of the sports car, Xia Yu looked in the direction of the back door, and soon an old lady with a shiny appearance came to the backyard.

Xia Yu rubbed his eyes, finding it hard to believe.

Equally unbelievable were the two shop assistants.

They both knew the old lady, but were unsure to confirm.

This old lady was the one who had been suspected of stealing the cat before. Although the cat was eventually returned, the two shop assistants still suspected it was the old lady who did it, and remembered her appearance.

However, the old lady was now wearing expensive clothes and had a proud demeanor, completely unlike the poor wretch she had been before.

The two shop assistants hesitated and chose to wait and see.

The old lady walked around casually as if she were in her own backyard, without even greeting the two shop assistants, and after circling around, she stopped in front of Xia Yu.

"How much is this cat?" The old lady asked the two assistants.

The two assistants looked at each other, and an older one said, "This is a noble Persian cat. The price is 1,800."

Xia Yu couldn't understand their conversation, but he did hear the number 1,800. Without question, this was his price.

Am I only worth 1,800?

Not quite, that's the currency of the second district; in Hua currency, it's about 12,000.

Although the price was still a bit low, it was considered a slightly higher-end cat.

I am indeed a noble cat.

With a sigh, Xia Yu saw the old lady reach into her bag and take out a thick stack of Franklins, handing them to the shop assistant: "No need for change."

"No, madam, this is too much!" The assistant's hand trembled slightly as she held the money; the stack was estimated to be over 10,000, which was her salary for several months.

"It's fine, consider the rest as your tip." The old lady picked up Xia Yu and held him familiarly, confirming her identity even more.

The question now was, wasn't this old lady living in a narrow, shabby old house before? How had she suddenly become so glamorous?

Was it a conspiracy? A scam?

Rejecting the proposal from the two shop assistants to send cat supplies, the old lady carried Xia Yu out of the pet store, opened the door of the sports car, and threw him into the passenger seat.

Getting into the driver's seat, the old lady started the engine.

The sports car's engine was loud and quick to start, darting out suddenly and giving Xia Yu a small scare.

From the old lady's momentarily dilating pupils, Xia Yu knew that she was scared too.

Indeed, this was the poor old lady from just a few days ago.

What exactly was her situation? Had Tina's mother married a wealthy man and come to pick them up?

Or had Tina's father suddenly come into wealth and returned?

Or, had the old lady gotten her adorable granddaughter...

There was not enough information to make an accurate guess.

Lying in the passenger seat, Xia Yu endured the noise of the engine, which was exhilarating when watching a car race, but once he was in it, he found it annoying.

The old lady couldn't properly drive the sports car, so her speed was a bit slow, but fortunately, the second district was vast, and there were not many cars on the road.

An hour later, the old lady slowed down the car and gradually approached the gate of a villa.

Rather than calling it a villa, it would be more accurate to say it was a manor.

The entrance of the manor was blocked by a tall iron gate. Upon seeing the sports car, the security guard on duty immediately opened the gate to let the old lady in.

The old lady parked the car in the courtyard and carried Xia Yu out of the car.

A middle-aged man dressed in a light-colored suit appeared in front of the old lady.

Xia Yu couldn't clearly hear what they were talking about, but he caught the name of a person.


Was this the old lady's name?

Handing the car keys to the butler, Elma headed towards the house.

It was a white stone villa that looked historic.

Entering the door, Xia Yu saw a row of men dressed in suit vests.

The men all looked at Elma, put their palms on their chests, and greeted her with a slight bow.

So, Xia Yu realized that these were all male servants.

But what were so many male servants doing here?

His confusion was quickly resolved.

The nearest male servant took a bag from Elma's hand.

The second servant took the sunglasses from her hand.

The third servant attempted to take Xia Yu but was rejected by Elma, so he settled for taking her hat.

The fourth servant knelt down and changed Elma's shoes to a more comfortable pair.

Wearing the new shoes, Elma entered the hall.

Xia Yu, in her arms, was dumbfounded, not expecting Elma to have fallen to such a state.

If given a chance, he would definitely not fall to the same level as Elma.

Elma prepared to sit down in front of the chair, and before she touched it, a servant next to her took out a square blanket and placed it on the seat.

"Go and call all my spare servants, I want maids," Elma told the servant.

The servant retired and three minutes later, ten maids came before her.

Looking at the maids, Xia Yu was unclear what Elma wanted to do.

Elma began giving orders.

She pointed at the first maid and said, "From today on, you are in charge of hygiene."

She pointed to the second maid, "You are in charge of smoothing fur."

"You are in charge of feeding."

"You are in charge of watering."

"You are in charge of walking cats."

"You are in charge of odd jobs."

After assigning six maids to Xia Yu, Elma still felt like something was missing.

After thinking for a moment, she clapped her hands, and looked at the male servant next to her.

"Didn't the doctor get an extra one? Assign it to my Mimi," she said.

"But Dr. Shrek studies human medicine…" the servant reminded Elma.

"Of course, I know that human doctors can't treat cats. This is just for him to watch, in case the cat's servant gets sick, what do we do?" Elma replied.

The servant had nothing to say.

"You go and hire a veterinarian, one person and one beast, a perfect match."


Handing Xia Yu to the maid in charge of fur, Elma asked her to lead him away.

The six maids then welcomed Xia Yu and brought him to a room as big as An Siyao's.

The maid responsible for smoothing fur groomed him, the feeding maid gave him cat snacks, the watering maid gave him cat milk, and the maid responsible for odd jobs fanned him with natural wind.

This is the life of a noble.

With his eyes narrowed, Xia Yu enjoyed it.

At the same time, his doubts increased. Now it seemed that Elma was not just wealthy, but also the highest authority in this garden.

What on earth had happened to make her like this?

As Xia Yu pondered, a golden figure entered through the door.

It was Tina.