Strange Forum

When Xia Yu was preparing to ask these three people what they had done, Zhong Yunxin was brought over.

He then let the three of them sit aside for a moment and turned his attention to Zhong Yunxin.

"I haven't done anything wrong lately!" Zhong Yunxin defended herself.

"I know, your recent performance has been very good." Xia Yu crossed his fingers on the table and affirmed Zhong Yunxin's performance.

Upon hearing Xia Yu's words, Zhong Yunxin breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking that today was the last day of this semester, joy rose in her heart.

When she returned home, she could wear whatever she wanted and do whatever she wanted, without being managed by An Siyao anymore!

"This time, I called you over to talk about your vacation matters. I will communicate with your mother and have her watch you. If you do something unconventional, you know the consequences." Xia Yu said with a smile.

"What, are you going to manage me even when I'm on vacation at home?" Her dream shattered, Zhong Yunxin couldn't accept this fact.

She and Kong Hanyue didn't have a good relationship, and she believed Kong Hanyue would be happy to report her to An Siyao.

"I've already gone home!" Zhong Yunxin protested.

Boom -

Xia Yu gently tapped the table, the sound was not loud, but it made Zhong Yunxin's heart tighten.

She looked at Xia Yu's face, the smile had disappeared, replaced by a terrifying expression like that of a legendary Bodhisattva.

"Do you have any objections?" Xia Yu asked Zhong Yunxin in a threatening manner.

"No, no!" Zhong Yunxin straightened herself.

"Then you can go."

Zhong Yunxin immediately turned around and almost ran out of the student council office.

Xia Yu then turned his attention to the three girls sitting on the sofa.

The three girls who were sitting there were now standing, looking scared.

"You all..."

Before Xia Yu could finish speaking, the three girls confessed their mistakes.

"We shouldn't have run in the hallway, shouldn't have avoided responsibility when warned by the disciplinary committee member, we already know we were wrong!"

After finishing speaking, the three of them bowed at a ninety-degree angle.

"It's okay. After all, it's the holiday season, and I can understand everyone being a bit excited." Xia Yu turned to the disciplinary committee member, "On such holidays, you can relax a little."

"But getting excited because of the holidays is too childish," said the disciplinary committee member, standing up with some disagreement.

"Childishness towards maturity is like children to the elderly, there is nothing shameful about it," Xia Yu replied.

"But there has never been such a precedent before." The disciplinary committee member was a rigid girl.

"Is that always the case?" Xia Yu's words left the disciplinary committee member lost in thought.

"I understand." She sat back in her seat and looked at Xia Yu with admiration.

She felt that Xia Yu was a wise life mentor.

"That's how it is. You can go back now," Xia Yu said to the three girls.

Walking out of the student council office, the three girls breathed a long sigh of relief.

On the way there, including the first glance at An Siyao, the three of them were not nervous at all.

How could the lovely-looking senior An Siyao be scary?!

When they sat on the sofa, they even had the mood to discuss the layout of the student council room.

When Zhong Yunxin came in, they became even more excited and waited for the drama.

It wasn't until An Siyao knocked on the table that the three of them felt like they had seen an evil ghost.

This caused them to suddenly stand up from the sofa, not daring to sit back down.

After calming down, they discussed:

"It's all your fault; I'm scared to death!"

"Even though she looks so cute, it's terrifying."

"A senior sister told me before, that she was like a fierce beast, but she didn't say she was so ferocious!"

This was because Xia Yu's intimidation had reached level 2.

In these two months, he had not just used the skills for fun, and his skill panel was now:

Music lv5, Dexterity lv4, Programming lv3, Language lv3, Intimidation lv2, Night Vision lv1, Grace lv1, Soothing lv1, Electronic Games lv1, Painting lv1, Telepathy lv1, Dexterity Bonus lv1

Besides that, he still had ten experience cards left.

The difficulty of upgrading Intimidation lv2 was not high, and Xia Yu spent most of his time on programming.

Xu Youxiang's programming level was not high, she only began learning in college and had only studied for more than two years.

Her teaching ability was also poor, nowhere near the level of guidance An Siyao provided in piano.

Now, Xia Yu's skills were not too far behind Xu Youxiang's.

To progress further, Xu Youxiang's guidance would be useless; he'd either have to learn on his own or hire a professional to teach him.

Programmers above lv3 were already at the level of full-time employees in large companies. Xia Yu could afford to hire them, but their skills were still a bit lacking. He wanted to hire someone at lv5 to teach him.

He didn't have a way to contact such an expert, but An Siyao could.

Her grandfather had a famous game production company under his control, and there were bound to be experts inside.

How could he bring it up to An Siyao?

Xia Yu had a headache.

Well, he'd sort it out later.

Leaving the office desk, Xia Yu entered the lounge. On the balcony of the lounge, Feng Yujia and Feng Yumo were drinking tea, and Xia Yu joined them.

"Yao Yao, this is French Black Tea, try it." Feng Yumo poured him a cup of tea and looked at him expectantly.

An Siyao liked black tea, so she wanted to please her with it.

However, now An Siyao was Xia Yu.

After taking two ordinary sips, Xia Yu reached for some snacks.

After spending the last day of this semester in the academy, Xia Yu suddenly had an idea to log into the Eastern Countryside forum on the way home.

Ignoring the chatting threads below, Xia Yu looked at the two pinned posts, one about exam results and the other about the president's quotations.

Xia Yu clicked on the scores first and saw An Siyao's score was the top in her class.

He checked the school's overall ranking, and An Siyao was still number one.

How could she dominate the whole school even though her body was often used by me to slack off?

Apart from her personality, she was almost a perfect girl.

He exited the thread and clicked on the President's Quotations.

What kind of junk is this President's Quotations, Feng Yujia's quotations?

People's nature tends to prefer compromise. For example, if you say that this room is too dark and a window should be opened here, everyone will definitely not allow it. But if you advocate tearing down the roof, they will come to compromise and be willing to open a window.

A brave person gets angry and draws a blade against the stronger one; a coward gets angry but draws a blade against the weaker one.


He looked down at the post below and saw what he had just said today:

Being childish compared to being mature is like a child compared to an old person; there is no shame in it.

Has it always been like this? Is it right?

Below that, there was a group of girls having a heated discussion, interpreting their club president's words from multiple angles.

But this isn't what I said, it's what Zhou Shuren said! Also, I'm not the president; the president is Feng Yujia!

Putting away his phone, Xia Yu sighed.

The forum in the Eastern Village is even weirder than the one in Purple Ling First Middle School.


The next morning, Xia Yu, who had returned to his own body, received a phone call from Kong Hanyue.

"Come to my mom's house first, let me introduce you to Xinxin, and then we'll go to our hometown in the afternoon!"

Putting down the phone, Xia Yu came to Kong Hanyue's house with Yuxue.

The door was opened by Zhong Yunze, and Kong Hanyue was arguing with Zhong Yunxin about something.