Infiltrating the Enemy

Xia Yu didn't approach immediately but observed from a distance first.

He looked at Zhong Yunxin, who was wearing a black coat and tight jeans, with her hair still in its original black color. She looked no different from an ordinary girl.

However, this wasn't because the girl wanted to be like an ordinary person, but because An Siyao had taken away her clothes, leaving her with no choice but to wear this outfit.

The argument between Zhong Yunxin and Kong Hanyue was about going back to their hometown.

"In your dreams, I won't go back!" Zhong Yunxin didn't want to go to Kong Hanyue's hometown.

"You must go!" Kong Hanyue insisted, as it was because of Xia Yu's grandmother who forced her to take Zhong Yunxin back.

Otherwise, Zhong Yunxin wouldn't bother her, and she would be happy to let her be.

She threatened Zhong Yunxin, "That girl named An Siyao has already informed me. If you don't go, I'll tell her!"

"It's useless if you tell her, I haven't done anything wrong!" Zhong Yunxin wasn't afraid, as she knew that An Siyao was a reasonable person.

Xia Yu didn't feel comfortable to intervene in this topic, so he stood aside and watched. It would be even better if Zhong Yunxin didn't go, so he wouldn't have to help Kong Hanyue watch her.

In the end, the argument between the two ended with Kong Hanyue saying, "You annoying thing, I'll take Yuyu and Zeze back, and I don't need you as my daughter anymore!"

"I don't need you either!" Zhong Yunxin walked into her room.

"Yuyu, she bullied me!" Kong Hanyue hugged Xia Yu.


It was clear that they were bullying each other.

"If she doesn't go to our hometown, where will Zhong Yunxin stay?" Xia Yu asked.

"She said she would go back to school, as there are others who don't go home either. She'll come out again during the New Year," Kong Hanyue answered.

After thinking for a second, Xia Yu understood Zhong Yunxin's plan. With his previous arrangements, Zhong Yunxin would have to face Kong Hanyue's supervision at home, but if she went back to school, she could regain her freedom.

Zhong Yunxin thought that An Siyao wouldn't go to the school during the winter vacation, which was true earlier but now it might not be the case.

"Mother," Yuxue, who was holding Xia Yu's hand timidly, greeted Kong Hanyue.

Kong Hanyue responded coldly and went to Zhong Yunze to talk about how Zhong Yunxin had gone too far.

Three minutes later, Zhong Yunxin walked out of her room, "Where are my clothes? Where is the closet full of clothes in my room?"

She looked at Kong Hanyue with disbelief on her face. She had already guessed where her clothes had gone, but she couldn't accept it.

Kong Hanyue, somewhat afraid, hid behind Xia Yu, "It was An Siyao who asked to throw away all the clothes and stuff in your bedroom!"

Nonsense, I didn't ask you to do that! Xia Yu silently objected in his heart.

Subdued by An Siyao's name, Zhong Yunxin could only swallow her anger. She went to Zhong Yunze and held out her hand, "Give me money!"

Zhong Yunze handed her a bank card.

Taking the card, Zhong Yunxin strode out of the villa.

Needless to say, she was going to buy clothes with the card.

However, five minutes later, the girl returned home.

She asked Zhong Yunze, "Where is the mall?"

"Why don't you take a cab and ask the driver directly?" Zhong Yunze didn't catch the meaning behind Zhong Yunxin's words.

Her words were actually implying that Zhong Yunze should go to the mall with her.

Xia Yu noticed this. When he had previously instructed the driver to threaten Zhong Yunxin, he discovered that the young girl was actually just a silver wax spearhead, only daring to be fierce to the weak, and very obedient when facing someone stronger than herself.

"You take me!" Zhong Yunxin directly stated her demand.

"No, I've already promised someone to go racing for a while." Zhong Yunze firmly refused.

"You call riding a two-wheeled bicycle racing?" Zhong Yunxin looked disdainful.

"Ah, why can't bicycles race? Do you have a problem with bicycles? Let me tell you..." Zhong Yunze became a little annoyed.

"Fine, never mind, just get out of here," Zhong Yunxin pushed Zhong Yunze aside and began to hesitate.

She had always lived a radiant life, and Ziyin was a relatively unfamiliar place for her, so she was a little afraid to go out alone.

What if, like before, a group of suit-wearing men suddenly appeared and stuffed her into a car, taking her to the seaside?

Just as she gritted her teeth and was about to forcefully take Zhong Yunze, a voice sounded, "I'm familiar with Ziyin, I'll take you there."

Looking towards the direction of the voice, Zhong Yunxin saw a handsome, warm-looking young man.

She knew he was the child of Kong Hanyue and her ex-husband, her brother, in fact.

No matter how she looked at him, he was on Kong Hanyue's side, her enemy. Under normal circumstances, Zhong Yunxin would never agree, but now she needed someone reliable to accompany her.

Kong Hanyue was annoying but not a bad person.

Nodding, Zhong Yunxin agreed.

Leaving Yuxue in the villa, Xia Yu and Zhong Yunxin went out and got into a taxi.

"You follow behind me later and carry things. Don't nag me; if you nag, just get lost. Serve me well, and I'll give you a tip. Your proximity to that annoying Kong Hanyue is because you lack money, right? She doesn't have much to offer, and I have more..."

Speaking arrogantly about various matters, Zhong Yunxin turned to look at Xia Yu's face.

Her body stiffened.

"What's wrong?" Xia Yu smiled.

"No, nothing." Zhong Yunxin's heart raced, breaking out in a cold sweat.

She felt that she had just seen a terrifying ghost in Xia Yu's smile.

It was the same ghost she had seen from An Siyao, although the ghost had only existed for a brief moment.

"What did you just say?" Xia Yu asked with a smile.

"No, I didn't say anything just now." Zhong Yunxin became a little afraid.

This guy seemed to be as ruthless as An Siyao!

Is it too late for me to go back now?

However, at this moment, the taxi had already arrived at the destination.

Dragging her stiff legs, Zhong Yunxin followed behind Xia Yu and entered the shopping mall.

What she wanted to buy were leather jackets, ripped jeans, and jackets, but seeing the ghost earlier had made her uneasy.

Entering a random store, she picked up a white dress with lace trim, trying to show her obedient side.

"Do you want this kind?" Xia Yu looked at her.

Holding her left wrist with her right hand and placing it in front of her, Zhong Yunxin subtly nodded.

"I feel like this suits you better." Xia Yu picked up a black short jacket.

Zhong Yunxin's gaze moved back and forth between the jacket and Xia Yu's body several times. She grabbed Xia Yu's hand and excitedly said, "Right, this is what normal clothes should be like! Who would wear those skirts with ruffles?"

Xia Yu had a smile on his face, and he took out another pair of ripped mesh pants: "These are also nice."

"That's right, you sure know what's up!" Zhong Yunxin had completely let down her guard and she affectionately patted Xia Yu on his back.

"Come on, let's check out another store!" Pulling Xia Yu's hand, Zhong Yunxin excitedly continued shopping.

Having picked up all the clothes from Zhong Yunxin's school, Xia Yu knew what style she liked, which made Zhong Yunxin feel like wishing they had met earlier.

By the end of their shopping trip, Zhong Yunxin had already regarded him as a close friend.

She sent the vast majority of the clothes to her school.

"I'm not going back, just in case Kong Hanyue and An Siyao come up with some way to make my life difficult," Zhong Yunxin said.

Taking out her phone, she exchanged Qihoo contacts with Xia Yu. He watched as she carried a few of her favorite clothes and got into the car.

She rolled down the car window, her face full of excitement as she waved goodbye to Xia Yu.

Waving back at her, Xia Yu's smile disappeared after the car left.

You just enjoy this now. If those clothes survive until the day after tomorrow, I'll admit defeat.

Wait until tomorrow when I log in with An Siyao's account and take them all from you.

Glancing at Zhong Yunxin's Qihoo contact, Xia Yu smirked.

Now that he had infiltrated the enemy's ranks and gained their trust, it would be much easier if Kong Hanyue wanted him to deal with Zhong Yunxin's matters in the future.