Lost Interest

"Oh? If it's not an ordinary cat, what kind of cat is it?" Xia Nianhong didn't believe Yuxue's words.

"It's very smart," said Yuxue.

"Even if it's smart, can it go to work and make money?"

"Although it doesn't work, Xiaohei can really make money."

"How can it make money? How much?" When it came to money, Xia Nianhong became interested.

Yuxue mysteriously spread her palms. "This much."

"A hundred?" Xia Nianhong guessed a number she felt was normal.

"Higher," said Yuxue.

"A thousand?" Xia Nianhong's breathing became a bit hurried.

"It's ten thousand!"

Seeing the surprised expression on her grandmother's face, Yuxue was very proud.

In amazement, Xia Nianhong pulled Yuxue and asked how the money was made.

After learning that it was just the appearance fee for the black cat, her gaze towards the black cat became even more eager.

Taking the bag of cat food from Xia Yu's hand, Xia Nianhong filled it up for the black cat: "Eat more."

She then looked at Xia Yu: "You too, why do you only give the cat biscuits? Get some fish or mice or something."

"This is not biscuits, this is cat food, cats should eat this." Trying to stop Xia Nianhong from feeding the cat more, Xia Yu was a bit dumbfounded.

Xia Nianhong changed her previous dislike of the black cat, poured another bowl of cold white water, put it next to the cat, and stretched out her hand to touch the black cat.

After feeding the cat, Xia Yu didn't bother with it anymore. He returned to his room, played games for a while, and lay on the bed.

Recently, he had been going to An Siyao's body, so it was time to change. Tomorrow, he would go to Xu Youxiang's place to take a look.

Having planned in his mind, he went to sleep.

The moon outside the window slowly leaned to the east and fell, and the sun rose.

In the morning, after washing up, Xia Yu came downstairs to his grandfather's noodle shop as usual to help, but today his grandparents no longer needed him.

Yesterday, everything that needed to be shown off had been shown off, and Xia Yu and Yuxue had no use anymore.

Xia Nianhong told them to go to the only teahouse in town to find Kong Han; she had already talked to Kong Han's grandmother.

Xia Yu then took Yuxue to the teahouse.

It was a two-story wooden building, built by a particular boss initially. It was said to be very popular in the earlier years, but now young people mostly prefer coffee and milk tea, and they have lost interest in traditional tea.

After turning around the shop, Xia Yu and Bing Xue did not find Kong Han, it seemed she had not arrived yet.

There were many people in the teahouse, mostly elderly people, with a cup of tea, a packet of cigarettes, chatting all day.

However, there were also young people, about six or seven.

This made Xia Yu a bit puzzled, so when did young people like to drink tea as well?

And why was the color of this tea so dark? Why was it in a paper cup with a straw?

"Do you sell milk tea here too?" He asked the shop owner's daughter who was helping in the store.

"Milk tea is also tea," the other party replied.

Xia Yu was speechless.

After getting two cups of milk tea, Xia Yu and Yuxue sat down together, waiting for Kong Han.

"Why don't we just go directly to Hanhan's sister's house?" asked Yuxue.

"It's probably because grandma feels that meeting in the house isn't formal enough," Xia Yu replied.

"...Old friends, what's with the formality? Do you really think this is a blind date?" Yue Xue curled her lips.

"Either way, it's fine. If it's just like before, we can have fun together. If it's not the same, we can just leave." Xia Yu said.

It wouldn't be easy to leave if they were meeting at someone else's house.

"You really plan to develop a relationship with her if it's the same?" Yue Xue was pessimistic about Xia Yu's intentions. She remembered Kong Han had liked her brother since they were kids. Now that her brother had become even better, how could he not be liked?

She was a bit unhappy. Compared to Kong Han, she liked Yan Wei more. When they were young, Kong Han often monopolized Xia Yu by tricking Yue Xue into leaving. But Yan Wei never did such a thing.

Now, she somewhat regretted not helping Yan Wei more.

"Is that all you think about?" Xia Yu tapped Yue Xue's head and assured her it wouldn't happen.

"They're here," Yue Xue suddenly said.

Looking at the entrance, Xia Yu saw a face that was both unfamiliar and familiar.

Although there were some changes, he could still recognize it as Kong Han.

Upon seeing his old friend from years ago, Xia Yu didn't get excited, instead, he slightly furrowed his brows.

Beside Kong Han, there was another guy.

He was about Xia Yu's age, wearing a red and blue long down jacket.

Xia Yu recognized the guy, but they had never interacted before.

It wasn't strange for an old friend to bring along another friend when meeting. However, Xia Yu's intuition told him that he wouldn't be able to enjoy a happy reunion.

Kong Han's gaze swept across the teahouse, and upon seeing Xia Yu and Yue Xue, she approached them with the guy.

After exchanging casual greetings and introducing the guy, Kong Han sat down and ordered two milk teas.

She looked at Xia Yu sitting in front of her.

When she saw his youthful face, she thought of their past.

Back then, she was just a child, infatuated with this strong, intelligent-looking boy, thinking he was the best.

But just like how she used to think her small town was the entire world, these were just false imaginations.

Now, looking back, the boy was just an ordinary peer who matured a bit early and looked good.

After leaving the small town and coming to Kaiyang, Kong Han's image of the boy in her heart gradually faded. She thought she would never think of him again, but she never expected to be able to meet him once more.

To avoid causing trouble and letting him think ill of her due to their childhood, Kong Han brought along Lu Zhiwen.

Lu Zhiwen was not noticeable back then, but now he was a quite outstanding guy with various talents such as music and painting.

Compared to him, the boy who used to be the center of her thoughts seemed quite ordinary.

Kong Han took a sip of her milk tea and casually mentioned a few childhood topics. She observed Xia Yu's expression and found he wasn't as enthusiastic about getting close to her as she had imagined, which left her feeling disappointed.

But then she thought it could be because Xia Yu felt inferior, so her mood improved.

On the other side, Xia Yu responded to her words without any interest.

"I only won second prize in the oil painting competition in Su Province this time." Kong Han sighed with a pretense of disappointment.

It was indeed a little disappointing to have won only second place in the Su Province competition.

However, he knew that the girl's intention was to show off.

"Great job!" he responded.

"My grades dropped a lot for this competition. There might be some danger in getting into Donggong University."

Donggong University was a school lower in status than Hua University, which Zhong Yunze was preparing to attend.

"Shame, shame," Xia Yu continued to go along.

"My family is in Kaiyang now. You can stay at my house if you come to Kaiyang. We have two empty rooms that are enough for you and your sister."

Alright, I know you have a four-bedroom house in Kaiyang.

"Definitely, definitely."

Xia Yu was sure that this was a typical case of a sparrow entering a phoenix's nest, thinking highly of herself, and trying to show off all the time.

This was also a kind of adolescent mindset.

His enthusiasm faded.

Human relationships can change suddenly due to factors like money and time. It was a luxury to maintain the emotions of childhood.

He considered whether he should let Trustee Yu handle this, as they specialize in dealing with such situations.

He then looked at the nearby Lu Zhiwen, a good kid who had a "I don't exist" expression from the beginning, obviously dragged here by Kong Han.

If it were a bad kid, they would probably be showing off with Kong Han right now.

Kong Han noticed Xia Yu's perfunctory attitude and clenched her teeth, angry at his lack of cooperation.

In her imagination, Xia Yu should be exclaiming in admiration.

What's this bumpkin trying to act calm for?

"It's getting late. We should go." Kong Han stood up with a displeased expression and pulled Lu Zhiwen, who was lost in thought.

As he stood up, Lu Zhiwen made a helpless shrug gesture towards Xia Yu where Kong Han couldn't see.

Xia Yu smiled, indicating that he didn't mind.

After the two left the table, the three girls who had been staring at Xia Yu for more than five minutes excitedly approached him.

"Are you Xia Yu?" Their faces were flushed with excitement.