Free Noodles

The three girls recognized Xia Yu quite early, but they were not quite sure.

Because there was Kong Han who seemed to be on a date with Xia Yu, they didn't dare to come forward and ask; now that Kong Han finally left, they couldn't wait to come to Xia Yu's side.

Kong Han, who had just taken a few steps away, looked back at the three girls with disdain.

Girls from small places really lack experience. When they see a good-looking guy, they get excited like this.

Talent is the most important thing.

She continued walking forward, but then heard the three girls exclaim again.

"It really is you! We couldn't believe it when we saw you on TV!"

TV? What TV news?

Kong Han stopped in her tracks, somewhat puzzled.

"We couldn't find any information about you online. Don't you update your own encyclopedia?" The three girls asked again.

"It's just a second-place win in the regional competition. There's nothing worth writing about." Xu Xue interjected.

Second place in the region.

Kong Han's brow furrowed as she tried to recall recent contests, but she didn't pay attention to the music circle and couldn't remember Xia Yu's name. If it were An Siyao, she would have remembered immediately since the second place was not as noticeable as the first place.

Turning her head, she was about to ask Lu Zhiwen, but Lu Zhiwen who was supposed to be by her side had disappeared.

Lu Zhiwen came to Xia Yu's side, his expression excited, "I knew you looked familiar! It's you! I watched your E-ending, and it was truly amazing!"

Surrounded by the three girls and Lu Zhiwen, facing their constant questioning, Xia Yu was somewhat overwhelmed, but fortunately Xu Xue could help him deal with the girls.

The commotion at their table also attracted the attention of other guests, who joined in the observation of Xia Yu.

Kong Han finally learned of Xia Yu's fame through others.

The world's fastest young violinist, heir to the Hua-style guzheng, the only soloist in the E-ending, second place in the regional middle school instrument competition, master of steel, guzheng, and guqin...

Now she knew why Xia Yu had such an indifferent expression. In comparison, her little competition was nothing.

Thinking of her bragging words and her recent fantasies, Kong Han hurriedly left the teahouse while no one was paying attention to her.

She was embarrassed, and soon the whole town would know her story. She wanted to go home, back to Kaiyang!

Leaving the teahouse with Xu Xue, Xia Yu sighed with relief.

Fortunately, it was just a small town with few people, and most of them were just joining in the commotion, otherwise it wouldn't be easy to slip away.

"Come to my house when you have time." Lu Zhiwen waved goodbye to Xia Yu, looking forward to discussing music, painting, and other arts with him.

Xia Yu also waved his hand, feeling that this guy was not bad. He could invite him to play games together when he had time.

"That woman ran away quite fast." Xu Xue snorted, expressing her dissatisfaction with Kong Han.

"After all, she is still a child; it's normal to be a little naive."

Xia Yu was a bit surprised by Kong Han's change, but he didn't have much dislike for it.

Kong Han was an only child, and her parents pampered her; it was normal for her to be a little childish. In the last life of Xia Yu, at the age of sixteen or seventeen, he had also done many foolish things.

"I'm not naive at all!" Xu Xue said with some pride.

"Mature people don't say such things." Patting the girl's head, Xia Yu walked towards home while thinking about how to explain this matter to Xia Nianhong.

His worry was unnecessary, as the two old people were more concerned about what second place he had won at that time.

The small town was small, so news spread quickly. The bored elderly people came over to Xia Nianhong upon hearing the news.

However, the two old people didn't pay much attention to it, with grandpa kneading dough and preparing ingredients, and grandma sitting at the table watching TV.

Upon seeing Xia Yu return, they asked, "We heard that you won second place in a district-wide competition?"

"There was no second place, just second best." Xia Yu replied.

"Don't think you can fool me, isn't second best the same as second place?" Xia Nianhong didn't believe him.

"The organizers didn't rank a first or second place."

"It doesn't matter if they didn't, you still got it," Xia Nianhong exclaimed excitedly, asking Xia Yu to sit down. "Did you get extra credit?"

Xia Yu suddenly realized that the old man was asking about bonus points for the college entrance examination.

"I didn't pay attention to whether I got extra points or not," Xia Yu replied.

Normally such competitions would give bonus points, but the people who stood out in the district-wide competitions were usually the talented disciples of famous musicians and had their university plans already arranged. They didn't need to care about extra points.

Moreover, extra points wouldn't matter to him since he had already received a recommendation from Hua University.

Just as he was about to tell Xia Nianhong about the recommendation, she interrupted, "You didn't pay attention? Then you probably didn't get any."

The excitement on Xia Nianhong's face disappeared and she slapped the table, "Alright, don't just sit here, go upstairs and study."

Xia Yu was worried about when he could go to Xu Youxiang's place today. Upon hearing Xia Nianhong's words, he swallowed his explanation.

If he were to mention the Hua University recommendation, he would be dragged around to show off, and he wouldn't be able to see Xu Youxiang during the day.

He hurried upstairs.

That's when his concern came up.

"By the way, weren't you going to see Kong Han? How did it go?" Xia Nianhong remembered the important matter.

Weighing the pros and cons, Xia Yu was hesitant over whether to expose Kong Han's problem or sacrifice his freedom for the day. In the end, he decided to save face for Kong Han, considering their past friendship.

Otherwise today, with Xia Nianhong's ability, the whole town would know about Kong Han's issue by tomorrow morning. At that age, it would take quite some time for the child to regain her confidence and go out.

"Actually, whether or not I get extra points doesn't matter," Xia Yu changed the subject.

"Why aren't extra points important?" Xia Nianhong was startled.

"I already got a special admission from Hua University," Xia Yu continued.

There was a sound as grandpa's kneading dough fell to the ground.

"What special admission?" Xia Nianhong's face was frozen.

"It's Hua University," Xu Xue helped explain, "That district-wide competition wasn't just a normal competition. Many of the participants have been on TV, and some are even celebrities!"

The celebrity Xu Xue was referring to was Liu Manman, the granddaughter of singer Liu Ronglan.

Just as singers and athletes could be stars in the world, so too could those who played musical instruments.

In fact, pianists and guzheng players who became stars were not uncommon.

Yuxue continued, "So big brother got second place and received a recommendation from Hua University!"

To ordinary people, Xia Yu got the recommendation from Hua University because of his second place, but in fact, after the competition ended, the invitations sent were all from music academies. Hua University didn't have much ambition for music, painting, and other art subjects, and didn't even mean to invite Xia Yu at all.

The principal and other insiders were also somewhat puzzled about Xia Yu's insistence on going to Hua University.

They didn't know that Xia Yu had no intention of developing in the direction of music.

Leaning against the wall, Xia Yu sighed.

I just wanted to find a job in a coffee shop, but how did I suddenly become a Guzheng expert, the highly anticipated successor of the flower style?

At this point, Yuxue finally made things clear.

Next, as Xia Yu imagined, he was left to work as an assistant in the noodle shop.

Xia Nianhong went to find someone to make a banner and hung it at the entrance of the noodle shop.

To celebrate our town's student being admitted to Hua University, today's vegetarian noodles are free

When people passing by came in curiously to ask who was admitted, Xia Nianhong proudly mentioned Xia Yu and enjoyed the shocked expression on their faces.

The noodle shop was crowded for a whole day, and Xia Yu also got to know a bunch of relatives.

At eight o'clock in the evening, he finally escaped the noise and returned to his room.

He then logged into Xu Youxiang's body.