Missing Maid

After a moment of darkness, Xia Yu saw a small table and a book on the bed.

It was a book about programming.

Flipping through the book, Xia Yu asked Xu Youxiang, "What made you want to read this?"

Usually, when Xia Yu came over, the girl would be playing games.

"I found it while going through some stuff, so I just picked it up to take a look," Xu Youxiang replied.

"Really?" Xia Yu expressed doubt.

Not to mention how Xu Youxiang, with her inconvenient legs, could have gone through stuff, but the book seemed brand new, and there was even an express parcel for the book in the trash can nearby.

Was it because her current skills were almost on par with his own that she began to feel a competitive spirit?

He looked at the book in his hand.

All along, Xia Yu had either practiced skills on his own or learned them from others, but he had never read a book.

But reading a book was the least efficient way to learn for him.

"I can't teach you anymore, let your lover find you a better teacher," Xu Youxiang said with a hint of frustration in her voice.

That's what Xia Yu was thinking, but there were two things to consider.

First, how to bring it up with An Siyao, and second, whether Xu Youxiang could accept the new teacher.

As for An Siyao, solving this problem would only require a little shamelessness. But on Xu Youxiang's side, things were a bit trickier.

The girl had a strong sense of self-esteem, and the pressure of being seen in her bedridden state by strangers would be immense.

"Don't worry, I won't find a male teacher or one who's hard to get along with," Xia Yu assured Xu Youxiang.

"What are you talking about? What kind of person do you think I am? Am I such a weak woman?" Xu Youxiang said angrily.

"Fine, fine, I don't like men and difficult people myself," Xia Yu replied.

"What kind of tone of voice is that? You're like a pervert who's trying to have your cake and eat it too..."

Xia Yu didn't mind Xu Youxiang's scolding, in fact, he even wanted to record it and make a song out of it.

At the same time, he was skeptical about Xu Youxiang's claim of being strong.

Who was the one who thought of committing suicide back then? Thanks to him, it didn't happen.

Putting the programming book aside, Xia Yu picked up the notebook and opened the game.

Xu Youxiang's scolding also stopped.

"Play the one in the top right corner, yes, that one. I'm stuck, you help me pass it."

Xia Yu possessed an electronic gaming skill in addition to his other abilities. Though only at level 1, coupled with level 4 agility, it was enough for him to become an expert in many action games.

Having played games all night, Xia Yu returned to his own body in the morning.

It was six thirty in the morning, Xia Yu didn't want to get up so early, but today was the day to visit his grandmother.

His grandmother was still waiting for him to come for breakfast.

After washing up, Xia Yu took Yuxue with him, walking for more than ten minutes to the other side of the town.

This place was already close to the countryside. Instead of living in a building like his other grandmother, his grandmother lived in a tiled house with a small courtyard.

The tiled house had a main hall and two bedrooms, and there was also a small attic directly opposite.

Entering the courtyard, Xia Yu and Yuxue saw Kong Hanyue.

Kong Hanyue was basking in the sun and eating oranges.

In the kitchen, Grandma and Grandpa were cooking meatballs and glass noodles.

Taking an orange from Kong Hanyue, Xia Yu asked her, "Where is Zhong Yunze?"

He peeled the orange and stuffed a slice into Yuxue's mouth, then ate some himself.

"He went to race boats," Kong Hanyue answered.

"Race what?" Xia Yu was taken aback.

"In the river behind, go see for yourself," Kong Hanyue yawned.

Leaving Yuxue to eat oranges with Kong Hanyue, Xia Yu went to the back of the house.

In the big river, he saw Zhong Yunze holding a long pole and propelling a small boat.

Seeing Xia Yu, he stopped the boat to the side.

His face was flushed and somewhat out of breath.

Paddling a boat while wearing so many clothes in winter was quite tiring.

But he looked excited.

"Xia Yu, want to paddle together? I spent a lot of effort learning how to paddle. I heard from mom that you've known how for a while. Do you want to compete?" Zhong Yunze's eyes were full of fighting spirit.

"No, no, you come up quickly. It's time to eat."

As Kong Hanyue said, Zhong Yunze was really playing with the boat with the mentality of racing cars.

This guy, can he get excited when he sees any kind of transportation?

If it were a bicycle or a car, Xia Yu might have been interested in a competition with Zhong Yunze, but paddling a boat...

In Xia Yu's mind, he imagined the scene:

"Good, we see Xia Yu has arrived at the legendary Death Turn. This river is full of fishing nets, aquatic plants, and chestnut areas, very dangerous, and a thoughtless mistake could lead to a wrecked boat and loss of life."

"Xia Yu has rushed past, oh my God, his speed hasn't decreased! If he continues like this, he will break into the chestnut area! Beautiful! He drifts past the chestnut area with a swing of his tail and heads towards the fishing net..."

Shaking his head, he banished the awkward scene from his mind.

"Boats and cars feel completely different when you drive them, are you sure you won't join?" Zhong Yunze was still persistent.

After Xia Yu's stern refusal, he reluctantly came ashore.

Back at Grandma's house, while eating breakfast, Xia Yu faced a series of questions from Grandma and Grandpa.

Since Kong Hanyue had already bragged about Xia Yu's achievements to them, they were mentally prepared and their moods were calm.

After breakfast, Xia Yu, declining Zhong Yunze's invitation to play with the boat together, led Yuxue, keeping an eye on Kong Hanyue, intending to bring the two closer.

Kong Hanyue was annoyed by his persistence; she pulled Xia Yu aside.

"I think it's time for me to tell you something." She looked serious.

"What?" Xia Yu asked.

"Actually," glancing around to make sure no one else could hear, Kong Hanyue whispered, "Yuxue is not my biological daughter."

Her response was Xia Yu's fist.

"Ouch." Holding her head, which had been hit by Xia Yu, Kong Hanyue looked pitiful.

"And since she's not your biological daughter, she shouldn't follow you, right?" Xia Yu saw through Kong Hanyue's plan, "When you gave birth to Yuxue, I was the one who took you to the hospital. I saw the doctor carrying Yuxue out with my own eyes!"

"The doctor must have carried the wrong baby!" Kong Hanyue stubbornly insisted.

"She's sensible now and won't cause you any trouble. Besides, she's good at taking care of people." Rubbing Kong Hanyue's head, Xia Yu said, "You can try taking her with you."

"I don't want to."

"I can keep an eye on Zhong Yunxin and guarantee she won't cause any trouble," Xia Yu tempted with benefits.

Compared to Yuxue, Kong Hanyue was even more annoyed with Zhong Yunxin, so she agreed to Xia Yu's request.

At noon, after handing Yuxue over to Kong Hanyue, Xia Yu confidently logged into An Siyao's body.

After eating lunch and having a satisfying nap, Xia Yu went to the painting studio.

He had grown tired of playing the piano, but painting was a newly acquired skill and felt very fresh.

Upon entering the studio, he noticed that there were three more portraits of An Siyao.

No, this cold expression was from when he had logged in last time.

"Since you don't look in the mirror often, the painting is a bit off," An Siyao said.

"It's much better than what I can draw." After gaining painting skills, Xia Yu's appreciation ability also improved, and he realized that he and An Siyao were not in the same league.

"Teach me, please," Xia Yu said.

His piano skills were almost at the same level as An Siyao, so he hadn't received her guidance for a month and missed it.

"Okay," An Siyao happily responded, "First, let's call the maid to clean up."

There was a maid specifically in charge of the painting studio. Xia Yu summoned her, but she didn't show up.

Frowning, Xia Yu called another maid over to inquire.