Picking Up Xu Youxiang

Kong Hanyue's face looked relaxed: "It seems that there was a little problem, but it's not a big issue. Ze Ze said he can solve it, and if he can't, there's his dad's old friend who can help."

When Kong Hanyue mentioned an old friend, Xia Yu couldn't help but think of An Tian Feng. Seeing that An Tian Feng claimed to be Uncle Zhong Yun Xin in school, he must have had a good relationship with Zhong's father.

With the relationship between An Tian Feng, there should be no problem.

Xia Yu felt a little relieved.

He looked at Kong Hanyue again: "Did you go to find Zhong Yunze?"

"I couldn't find anyone to ask, so I could only learn that there seemed to be something happening, so I went directly to Ze Ze to ask." Patting Xia Yu's back, Kong Hanyue said, "I was so scared, I thought I had lost all my retirement money."

Xia Yu is not as optimistic as Kong Hanyue; just because someone is helping doesn't mean they can overcome difficulties easily.

However, this is not a big deal. The limited liability company owes debts to the company itself, and bankruptcy doesn't affect the shareholders. It's just that the investment has gone to waste.

Aside from this company, the Zhong family must have other industries. Even if they don't, it wouldn't be a problem for him to support Kong Hanyue.

Terrible, he just suddenly felt a sense of expectation.

After saying goodbye to Kong Hanyue, Xia Yu returned to his room.

He remembered something.

He just came to celebrate the New Year, so why did he and Yuxue settle down completely at Kong Hanyue's place now?

The scary part is that Zhong Yunze and Zhong Yun Xin had no objections at all.

After the husband's death, it's not a decent thing for the wife to bring her children from her previous marriage to her side.

Forget it, as long as all parties involved have no objections, Yuxue doesn't need to cook and clean anymore. They can just stay like this.

Pay more attention to Zhong Yun Xin as a reward for her hospitality, and accept all those jewelry she offered.

Yawning, Xia Yu lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

An Tian Feng will be leaving tomorrow. He's heard that he has plans with some donkey friends to explore a forest abroad.

He will leave tomorrow morning, and he can pick up Xu Youxiang by noon.

The next day, in An Siyao's body, Xia Yu bid farewell to An Tian Feng and watched him get in the car and head to the airport.

Back in his room, Xia Yu sent Xu Youxiang a message.

An Siyao: I will pick you up at noon.

Xu Youxiang: ? ? ?

An Siyao: Anyway, you're just lying in bed at home, so why not come lie at my place? It will be easier for your parents if you leave.

After typing the message, Xia Yu threw his phone aside, knowing that Xu Youxiang will definitely send some tsundere messages later, so he didn't bother to read them.

His gaze fell on the gift sent by An Tian Feng.

These days have been busy, and the gift box was left in the corner. He hadn't thought about it, and An Siyao hadn't opened it either.

"Can I open it and take a look?" Xia Yu asked An Siyao.

"Sure," An Siyao said indifferently. If she cared, she wouldn't have left it unopened.

Touching the box, Xia Yu's heart was filled with great curiosity; what could be inside the box?

In his mind, words like gemstone necklaces, jade carvings, and famous paintings flashed by.

Lifting the lid, he looked inside.

It was a wood carving.

It was not a delicate wood carving, but a bizarre and rough one that Xia Yu felt he could carve ten of in a day.

"It's probably a souvenir from Africa or America," An Siyao spoke calmly, obviously prepared for this mentally.

A native-style souvenir?

Picking up the wood carving and looking at it, Xia Yu closed the box and set it aside.

He was very disappointed.

"His hobby is running around," An Siyao continued. "My mom didn't like this about him and moved back here to live."

The topic suddenly became heavy.

What should be said at this moment?

Coughing, Xia Yu said, "I don't like running around."

"Um." An Siyao became happy.

Having successfully resolved this issue, Xia Yu dared not discuss An Tianfeng's topic again.

After going online and having lunch downstairs, Xia Yu appeased the three maids and called for the driver, setting off for Xu Youxiang's house.

Xu Youxiang's house was in the neighboring city, a two-hour drive, but the high-speed train was fast.

However, Xia Yu did not plan to take the high-speed train with Xu Youxiang.

The egoistic guy couldn't bear being watched by people on the train.

At 2:30 pm, the driver arrived downstairs at Xu Youxiang's house.

The robot driver didn't ask any questions, just followed the young lady's instructions and navigated here.

Opening the car door for Xia Yu, the driver stood by the car watching the young lady enter an ordinary residential building.

He was curious, but he didn't dare ask.

Back in the car, he continued to be a tool man.

On the other side, Xia Yu had arrived at Xu Youxiang's door and rang the doorbell.

Mother Xu opened the door for him.

Seeing An Siyao outside the door, Mother Xu smiled.

"It's Yao Yao, come in quickly." She handed Xia Yu slippers in a hurry, Mother Xu knocked on Xu Youxiang's door, "Xiang Xiang, Yao Yao is here."

To An Siyao, Mother Xu initially thought she was just her daughter's good friend.

But later, her daughter's aunt forced the marriage and said she didn't like men. She found out that the relationship between the two was not simple.

Later, more than half a month ago, a group of experts and professors came to check her daughter, and she learned that An Siyao was her daughter's benefactor.

"Auntie, I came here this time to take Xiang Xiang back to my place, which will make it more convenient to take care of her." Xia Yu explained his intentions directly.

"Huh?" Mother Xu was shocked, as Xu Youxiang hadn't told her.

Her heart was filled with reluctance, but after careful consideration, she thought Xia Yu was right, and Xiang Xiang could receive better care at his place.

"Well, I'll go pack Xiang Xiang's clothes." Mother Xu seemed a bit lost.

"I live in Yao Guang, this is my address, and you can come to see her anytime." Xia Yu handed a piece of paper to Mother Xu.

"Right, her dad is still outside. I'll call him back." Picking up the paper, Mother Xu made a phone call.

Seeing that Mother Xu had no objections, Xia Yu breathed a sigh of relief and went to Xu Youxiang's room.

Xu Youxiang's face was a bit red, and she didn't say anything.

Ten minutes later, Father Xu returned home.

They thanked Xia Yu and packed up Xu Youxiang's things.

"Take this with you."

"Take this one too."

"And this one."

Xia Yu watched as the two packed two suitcases, but said nothing. These items were basically not necessary, but bringing them would comfort Xu's parents a bit.

Instead of leaving immediately, they had dinner at Xu's house before Xia Yu got up to say goodbye. Seeing their young lady come out with a woman in her arms, and the woman's parents sending them off with deep gratitude, the driver gasped in amazement. However, he quickly adjusted his expression and opened the door for his young lady.

After settling Xu Youxiang in the car, Xia Yu got in as well. The two bid farewell to Xu's parents, and after the car started, Xu Youxiang rolled down the window and shouted at them, "You guys go ahead and bring out a little brother or sister!" After saying this, Xu Youxiang relaxed.

A moment later, she began to feel embarrassed about her earlier yelling. She didn't know how she could have said such an embarrassing thing. In order to prevent Xia Yu from laughing at her, she asked, "Weren't you only able to exist for eight hours... huh?"

Xia Yu covered her mouth and waved the phone in her hand.

An Siyao: Don't talk about this outside

Xu Youxiang: Humph, they wouldn't believe it anyway

An Siyao: Just use the game metaphor, fs, and the term online

Xu Youxiang: Aren't you online for eight hours a day? From the time you sent me a message till now, it's been more than eight hours, right?

An Siyao: She is special

Am I not? Xu Youxiang typed these words and then deleted them cleanly. Obviously, she was not. Anger rose in her heart, and she threw the phone to the side, turning her face away without looking at Xia Yu.

Seeing that the two were no longer communicating, the driver interjected and cautiously asked, "Miss, where should we go?"

"Back home," Xia Yu replied.

The driver's heart raced, and he wanted to ask the young lady if she was serious about bringing a woman to the villa. But he dared not ask. He guessed that this was the disabled woman that the young lady had laid her hands on.

She had struggled to defeat her brother, had the master come back to announce the heir, and then, as soon as the master left in the morning, she couldn't wait to bring a woman to the villa? That was too fast!

What if the master knew? The lady of the house would definitely not be able to hide it! Besides, the lady would definitely have some ideas! Should he remind the lady not to meddle in the young lady's affairs?

No, the lady's issues were no longer his concern. If he was caught again, he would be the one to disappear! With a heavy heart, the driver continued driving.