Xu Youxiang's Homecoming

On the way, the two were silent. Xu Youxiang looked at the passing lights outside the window, not knowing what she was thinking.

Xia Yu also looked out the window for a while, but soon lost interest and turned to look at Xu Youxiang.

Compared to the lights, Xu Youxiang was much better looking.

Especially when it got completely dark outside, the lights from the window shone on her face, making it appear somewhat hazy.

"What are you looking at?" Xu Youxiang asked harshly as she noticed Xia Yu's gaze.

Her voice was indeed severe, but her face was not at all frightening.

An Siyao's height was 1.6 meters, a normal height for an 18-year-old girl, but Xu Youxiang was already 21 and only a little over 1.5 meters tall. She looked like a child with her chubby cheeks, and her fierceness seemed more like coquetry.

Xia Yu reached out and pinched Xu Youxiang's face.

"What are you doing, let go of me, you pervert!" Xu Youxiang struggled.

The driver in front, stared straight at the road, not daring to glance back. If it weren't for the fact that plugging his ears would make it impossible to hear the horns, he would definitely plug his ears as well.

In those web novels, servants who knew too much often met a bad end.

If he made a mistake and gave outsiders leverage, his masters would surely be ruthless in dealing with him.

However, there were some benefits as well, such as those who knew more often being more valued and able to rise through the ranks swiftly.

By distracting himself with wild thoughts in his head, the driver successfully shifted his focus.

After enduring three hours, they finally arrived back at the villa, and the driver breathed a sigh of relief, immediately opening the car door for Xia Yu.

At this time, Yu Ningmeng, who had received Xia Yu's text message, was waiting at the door with a wheelchair.

As she wondered why her niece needed a wheelchair, she saw Xia Yu carrying a woman out of the car.

"Keep your hands to yourself!" Xu Youxiang hit Xia Yu in the head.

"It's you that's moving!" Xia Yu defended himself.

"Hmm," Xu Youxiang, realizing she was in the wrong, turned her head away.

Knowing that she always acted this way, Xia Yu didn't bother arguing further, and he placed Xu Youxiang on the wheelchair.

"Miss, who is she?" Yu Ningmeng asked Xu Youxiang, puzzled.

In front of outsiders, she always called An Siyao "Miss."

"My dad's illegitimate daughter."

"What?" Yu Ningmeng was shocked.

Delighted at shocking her, Xia Yu said with a smile, "Just kidding."

"Don't make jokes like that! It's terrifying!" Yu Ningmeng patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

She reached out to push Xu Youxiang's wheelchair, but Xu Youxiang avoided her by controlling the wheelchair.

"Let me do it." Xia Yu grabbed the handle of the wheelchair and pushed Xu Youxiang towards the villa.

On the way, Xu Youxiang observed her surroundings. Her face was expressionless, but her heart was experiencing strong emotions.

Although she had known An Siyao's family was wealthy, she didn't expect them to be this rich. This was the prime real estate location in Yao Guang City - owning such a huge villa here was something ordinary people wouldn't even dare to dream of.

She sighed again, no wonder he liked An Siyao. If it were her, faced with a choice between a poor girl and a wealthy one, she would choose the same way.

Wait, what does it have to do with me if that guy likes rich girls?

Pressing her forehead, Xu Youxiang threw this strange comparison out of her mind.

After entering the villa, she breathed a sigh of relief. Rich people were just ordinary people, and there was nothing extravagantly luxurious inside the villa.

She didn't know that nowadays, ostentatious things were often cheap, while low-key things were usually expensive.

For example, a colorful glowing keyboard for a dozen bucks versus a four-digit priced simple, large cherry keyboard.

"You'll be living next to me," Xia Yu said to Xu Youxiang. "There's a maid to take care of you; just tell her if you need anything."

Providing a maid for Xu Youxiang was approved by An Siyao.

Bringing Xu Youxiang here was also An Siyao's suggestion.

An Siyao's idea was to interact with him using their separate bodies while still being able to see him at any time.

Xia Yu didn't hide anything from her; she knew that Xia Yu was planning to learn programming and would often go to Xu Youxiang's place for that.

Now, even if Xia Yu was learning with Xu Youxiang, it wasn't considered leaving her.

After settling Xu Youxiang in and letting the maid look after her, Xia Yu was about to go back to his room and ask the maid to prepare some snacks when he saw Luo Yali coming over.

Like Yu Ningmeng, Luo Yali first asked about Xu Youxiang's identity.

"My father's illegitimate daughter," Xia Yu replied.

"Ah?" Luo Yali was taken aback.

Her reaction was like Yu Ningmeng's, just shock, without much anger.

The reason why Yu Ningmeng wasn't angry was that she had no relationship with An Tianfeng, plus her impression of An Tianfeng wasn't good. However, it was somewhat intriguing that Luo Yali, as An Tianfeng's current wife, also reacted this way.

It seemed that there was really no love between An Tianfeng and her.

This had nothing to do with Xia Yu; he just found it interesting.

"I'm just kidding. She's my partner," Xia Yu said.

"Partner?" Luo Yali's heart trembled.

What were they partnering on?

She couldn't help but size up Xu Youxiang.

Other than being a little cute and having disabled legs, she didn't seem to be anything special.

Not daring to pry further, Luo Yali returned to her room and continued pondering.

On the other hand, after hearing Xia Yu introduce her as a partner, Xu Youxiang sighed in relief but felt a little disappointed.

The reason she felt relieved was that she now had a more appropriate and equal position.

If she stayed here without such a position, the maids in the villa would surely gossip about her, even if they didn't say anything to her face. It's human nature.

She was disappointed because, on the way there, she had thought that Xia Yu would introduce her as his girlfriend, just like when he had used her body last time.

Xia Yu, of course, couldn't do that. What he said last time was just a joke, and he didn't expect that it would be taken seriously, especially since Xu Youxiang didn't mind.

After Luo Yali left, Xia Yu introduced the maid to Xu Youxiang and then returned to his room to log out of the game.

Returning to his own body, he stretched lazily and picked up the notebook on his desk to take a look.

The notebook contained records of important matters.

This was something Xia Yu asked the managing Yu to write, as their memories were not connected, and missing anything could be quite troublesome.

The handwriting of the managing Yu was slightly better than his own.

The notebook recorded two things: one was that Xia Dongyang had called him, but Tuoguan Yu didn't answer; the other was that Yan Wei had called him, and Tuoguan Yu didn't answer either.

Taking out his mobile phone, Xia Yu didn't bother with Xia Dongyang's phone call, as the other party probably just wanted to get money from him. As for Yan Wei's phone call, he didn't need to call her back either, since the girl had sent him a message saying that she had brought cookies to Yuxue and found that nobody was at his home.

Xia Yu replied:

You and I are both at my mom's place.

He thought about it; Yuxue must have already told Yan Li about what happened at Kong Han Moon's place, and sent many photos proudly boasting about it. Yan Li probably held a grudge from the previous incident and didn't tell Yan Wei.

Smiling, he had just put down his phone when Yan Wei sent a reply.