Yan Wei's Visit

Are you still in Ziluo? Yan Wei asked.

After thinking about it, Xia Yu told her his address.

Seeing that it was only a little farther away, still near Ziluo city center, Yan Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

She then asked Xia Yu if he could come to play.

If it was just Yan Wei alone, Xia Yu would feel the need to be cautious, but she also brought Yan Li.

Moreover, Yan Wei has also helped a few times, accompanying Yuxue to take pictures for Black Cat, and also taking care of the hamster.

Considering he had already mentioned having a girlfriend before, Xia Yu felt it should be safe to invite her.

He asked Yan Wei to wait, then went to ask for Kong Hanyue's opinion, using the name of Yuxue's classmate.

Kong Hanyue readily agreed.

The next morning at nine, Yan Wei excitedly brought her sister, carrying the cookies she made yesterday, and took the subway.

After getting off the subway, the two found the residential area Xia Yu had given them.

Looking at the villas in the residential area, Yan Wei looked down at the address Xia Yu had given her.

"This is it!" Yan Li excitedly pulled her sister along, "Yuxue's mom is a rich person, their family is huge!"

Could it be a wealthy family?

A sense of unease flashed through Yan Wei's heart, she thought that Xia Yu's mother was just an ordinary family.

Her own family in this city was just ordinary, if the family gap was too big, it would not be easy to get married.

A moment later, she noticed the key point and narrowed her eyes, looking at Yan Li, "Did you already know that Yuxue lived here?"

Yan Li's body stiffened.

"You knew and let me ring the doorbell for half a day yesterday!" Yan Wei was angry. If it weren't for the many people around, she would have taught her sister a lesson.

"It's because you didn't ask!" Yan Li said nervously.

The two registered with the security and entered the residential area, finding the door number Xia Yu had given them.

Pressing the doorbell, the person who opened the door for them was Kong Hanyue.

"Hello, auntie," both greeted politely.

"My name is Yan Li, I'm Yuxue's classmate," Yan Li said.

"My name is Yan Wei, I'm Xia Yu's classmate," Yan Wei said.

"Huh?" Kong Hanyue looked at the two. Yuxue's classmate was mentioned by Xia Yu yesterday, but he didn't mention there was another one who was his own classmate.

Narrowing her eyes, Kong Hanyue looked at Yan Wei, her eyes lingering on her chest for a moment.

Although Yan Wei was wearing a thick coat, she could still tell at a glance the girl's extraordinary figure.

It must be hard for this child to buy clothes.

She let the two of them come in and play with Yuxue in the game room, then she found Xia Yu.

"What's the situation with your classmate?" she asked directly.

As someone who still had a girl's heart, she could tell at first glance that Yan Wei's intentions were not pure.

Seeing that her son was still in the room and not in a hurry to come out, he probably wasn't too concerned about her.

"I already have someone I like," Xia Yu said directly, not wanting to be questioned by Kong Hanyue.

"Is she a backup?" Kong Hanyue asked.

"You are the backup!" Xia Yu retorted.

"What, you actually have that kind of thought about me?" Not missing the opportunity, Kong Hanyue wrapped her arms around Xia Yu's back with a gossipy expression.

"I'm not interested in her, so it's better to keep a distance." Xia Yu explained.

"I think it's very good, marriage can't be based on interest. I have no interest in Ze Ze's father." Kong Hanyue continued.

Hey, is it really okay to say that to your child?

"Speaking of, where is Zhong Yunze?" Xia Yu tried to change the subject, but Kong Hanyue noticed.

"Don't try to change the subject. Based on my experience watching cartoons, the male lead will definitely marry the unremarkable childhood sweetheart in the end!"

"What kind of cartoons are you still watching at your age!"

"I'm forever eighteen!" Kong Hanyue said angrily, knocking Xia Yu's head hard.

"Anyway, Zhong Yunze's situation is what you should really pay attention to." Xia Yu tried to change the subject again, but still failed.

"You said you have someone you like, who is it?" Kong Hanyue didn't believe it would be Zhong Yun Xin.

"You'll know after I go to college." Xia Yu said.

"Tell mom!"

"No use acting spoiled!"

"Tsk." Seeing there was no hope of getting an answer, Kong Hanyue let go of Xia Yu, lay down on the nearby bed, and continued, "Ze Ze is so good. I've known everyone he's liked since he was a kid. There's the neighbor, Aunt Wang, Aunt Zhao, the babysitter, Aunt Li the cleaning lady…"

Hearing Kong Hanyue list a bunch of aunts, Xia Yu was a bit surprised. He hadn't realized that Zhong Yunze actually liked older women, on the level of aunts.

At the same time, he decided not to tell Kong Hanyue his private matters, or else she might tell Zhong Yunze next time.

"Why didn't I see Zhong Yunze this morning?" Xia Yu attempted to change the subject for the third time, finally successful.

"Ze Ze went to the company. He said he already found his dad's friend to help, and it should be resolved soon." Kong Hanyue answered.

"What's the issue?" Xia Yu asked.

"They lost a relatively small contract. It's not a big deal, but they've lost a lot of contracts over the past year, so Ze Ze said he wants to get things back on track."

Losing a lot of contracts frequently? Could there be a rival continuously poaching from Zhong's company?

This was a common occurrence in the business world. All they could do was pray for the Zhong family.

"I'm leaving. You can continue doing your private things in the room." Kong Hanyue left the bedroom when there was nothing more to discuss.

After reading a novel for a while, Xia Yu's phone rang.

It was a stranger's number.

Pressing the answer button, Xia Yu heard the voice of Xia Dong Yang.

"Ahem, son, your dad's been caught in a small hotel and needs 5,000 yuan for bail to get out. Transfer it to account 6217…"

Xia Yu hung up the phone before he could finish, and added the number to the blacklist.

He even used the excuse of being caught during a night out. Who was he trying to fool?

If it were for getting drunk and causing trouble, it would have been more plausible. When did he dare go to a small hotel to play around?

He put down the phone for a moment, and the caller ID rang again.

This time, it was Liu Rong Lan.

"Grandma." Pressing the answer button, Xia Yu greeted proactively.

"Did you eat already?"

"I've eaten already."

After asking some common and insignificant questions that elders usually ask, Liu Ronglan got to the main topic:

"Your sister Manman might be coming over in a few days, so keep an eye on her when she does."

Liu Manman is coming? Xia Yu was surprised.

"What's the purpose of Sister Manman coming over?" he asked.

"Cough, it's not convenient for me to tell you now. She doesn't necessarily have to go to your place, but you'll find out soon enough." Liu Ronglan's words carried a hint of embarrassment.

Hanging up the phone, Xia Yu wondered what business Liu Manman could have with him.

Was it because of the last inter-district music competition, where he ranked second and she ranked third?

Did she come looking for revenge after her zither skills advanced greatly?

Putting down his phone, Xia Yu lost interest in reading any further. He was preparing to go to An Siyao's place, but before that, he had to pay a visit to Yan Wei. It would be impolite not to show up at all.

Opening the door and searching around the villa, Xia Yu found four girls in the kitchen.

All four of them were making desserts. Kong Hanyue and Yuxue had smiles on their faces and were having a lot of fun.

"Come and make a cake!" Kong Hanyue tried to pull Xia Yu over, but he refused.

Leaving two floury fingerprints on Xia Yu's face in disappointment, Kong Hanyue said, "You don't have to make a cake, but Wei and I have agreed to go to the amusement park together in a couple of days."

"Alright," Xia Yu agreed.

"Then you go do your mysterious thing!" Returning to the kitchen, Kong Hanyue continued to mess around.

Back to his room, Xia Yu admired Yan Wei's social skills.

In just a short while, Kong Hanyue began calling her Wei Wei, and the amusement park idea must have been raised by Yan Wei, with Kong Hanyue playing the role of a matchmaker.

However, if he knew how to make desserts, he could easily establish a good relationship with the girls.

Lying in bed, Xia Yu went over to An Siyao's place.