There's a Mole

After An Tianfeng left, Xia Yu and Zhong Yunze continued eating breakfast together.

At An Siyao's home, Xia Yu would have a simple breakfast, but now he was enjoying this Chinese-style breakfast, which was quite refreshing.

The taste of the breakfast was also excellent.

After finishing the meal and having another cup of tea, Xia Yu felt satisfied.

Zhong Yunze had also finished eating, and his spirit had recovered somewhat, but he still seemed a little weak.

"Let's go to the company," Zhong Yunze said, after paying the bill, he took Xia Yu to the Zhong family's company.

It was a design company, not too big nor too small, located in a high-rise office building in the city center.

Upon arriving at the company's floor, Xia Yu saw the Zhong family's employees.

The faces of the employees showed a bit of anxiety, and the atmosphere was somewhat solemn.

Considering the current situation of the Zhong family company, if they couldn't secure more projects, layoffs were inevitable, so the employees' reactions were not surprising.

At this point, all Zhong Yunze needed to do was to reveal An Tianfeng's promise, and the situation would stabilize.

However, Zhong Yunze was still reluctant, and it might take him two or three days to agree to An Tianfeng's proposal.

Xia Yu's gaze swept over everyone present.

Logically, the traitor should be in the management, but since Zhong Yunze and An Tianfeng hadn't found them for so long, it meant that the traitor had a very thorough disguise, and might even be an ordinary employee.

Who could it be?

At this moment, a middle-aged man came over and asked Zhong Yunze, "How's it going?"

Xia Yu used his psychic senses but couldn't detect any feelings from the middle-aged man – neither hostility nor kindness.

Zhong Yunze shook his head.

"Well, you can't blame your Uncle An for this; after all, he doesn't know anything about our company," the middle-aged man comforted Zhong Yunze.

He turned his head, noticing Xia Yu next to Zhong Yunze.

"Who is this...?" he asked Zhong Yunze.

"Oh, this is my..." Zhong Yunze was about to reveal Xia Yu's true identity, but Xia Yu secretly kicked him.

Realizing his mistake, Zhong Yunze changed his words, "This is a professional I've hired to investigate the mole."

"Now is not the time to be investigating a mole; finding a new project is the priority!" The middle-aged man looked anxious.

"Don't worry, I have a solution for the project situation," Zhong Yunze was already prepared to agree to An Tianfeng's proposal.

"As long as you have a solution," the middle-aged man sighed with relief, took Zhong Yunze to the office, and shared his grievances before leaving.

Sitting in the chair, Xia Yu asked Zhong Yunze, "Who was that?"

"That's my uncle, Zhong Shi," Zhong Yunze said, "After my father passed away, he's been in charge of the company. Over the years, he's never made a mistake, but now with the mole problem, he's under a lot of pressure."

"Yes, you can tell he's under a lot of pressure," Xia Yu nodded.

Zhong Yunze thought Xia Yu was just agreeing with him, but he was actually implying something else.

After meeting Zhong Shi, Xia Yu understood that the matter could be concluded now.

At first, Zhong Shi had not shown any emotion toward him, but after Zhong Yunze said that he was a professional, his expression turned hostile.

The uncle who is connected by blood and has been in charge of the company for so many years is actually an insider, which is indeed somewhat unexpected.

The problem now is how to prove that this Zhong Shi is the insider.

Solid evidence is needed, otherwise, Zhong Yunze would never believe it.

Let's try probing first.

"Is there any suspicion on this uncle?" Xia Yu asked.

"Uncle? Impossible." Zhong Yunze laughed, "Let me tell you, my uncle actually never even went to high school. Being in charge of the company is just a polite way of saying it. In fact, he was just left behind by my father to represent me in suppressing the company and preventing any chaos."

He continued, "When my father was seriously ill, he thought maybe my uncle could take on some responsibility, but the projects he took over always had various problems and were completely useless. Eventually, my father gave up and divided the company's affairs among three managers. My uncle's role was just to sign documents every day."

"Could someone who doesn't understand anything take away those documents?" Xia Yu asked, following Zhong Yunze's words.

"Well, those important documents are quite obscure, not something a middle schooler could understand. If they can't understand it, they can't distinguish it either, so it's impossible to steal it so accurately."

Feeling that he had spoken a bit too heavily, Zhong Yunze added, "You can't force someone's abilities, but as for attitude, my uncle really has no problems at all. He doesn't pretend to understand things he doesn't, and instead asks the professionals. Two years ago, he felt that something was wrong with a document's process and had someone take a look, and even caught a corrupt supervisor."

Xia Yu nodded, giving Zhong Shi a deep and scheming label.

Since he had already found his target, Xia Yu didn't want to continue looking for people. He said to Zhong Yunze, "This matter is indeed very complicated, I'd better not make it more chaotic for you. Just give me a workstation and I'll pretend to work there."

"Alright." Zhong Yunze highly praised Xia Yu's humble attitude.

"By the way, can I use the company's computer?" Xia Yu asked again.

"Of course, feel free to use it." Zhong Yunze agreed.

With that, Xia Yu was relieved.

Level 3 programming can be used to take a look.

After he found an empty workstation and sat down, the employees in the company secretly observed him.

The employees were all curious about Xia Yu, but they didn't dare get too close.

Similarly curious was Zhong Shi.

He observed Xia Yu's actions, and after seeing Xia Yu only sitting in front of the computer playing Spider Solitaire, he relaxed.

This silly nephew doesn't even know where to find such a fake professional who can't even play Spider Solitaire well.

Leaning back in his chair, recalling his experiences in this period, he revealed a proud smile.

The impression the people in this company had of him still remained five years ago, not knowing that a person can change.

He never thought he was worse than Zhong Yunze's father, it was just a failure in the middle school entrance exam that caused him to lag behind. Over the years, he had studied hard and worked diligently, and had already raised his professional level to that of the average employee in the company!

With capabilities, he began to seek money, and so he hooked up with the company's competitors.

Zhong Yunze was already in his second year of high school, so the time left for him was running out.

At first, he was somewhat nervous, afraid that he would be discovered, but things went smoother than he had imagined.

Two weeks ago, when Zhong Yunze said he had found An Tianfeng to help, he panicked for a moment, only to find out that An Tianfeng was no match for him at all.

He knew this company like the back of his hand, and nothing could escape his attention. An Tianfeng's schemes couldn't hide from his eyes, which really made him laugh.

Taking out his phone and opening the calculator, he calculated his own remuneration, and this money was already enough for him to have a small farm in the countryside.

It was the idyllic life that was more suitable for him.

During this time, he would find an excuse to retire and return to his hometown!