Trust Destroyed

Early in the morning, Zhong Shi was planning what kind of villa he should build when he returned to the countryside. At noon, he left Xia Company to eat.

Seeing him leave, Xia Yu stopped playing Spider Solitaire on his computer.

There were only built-in games on the company's computer, so he could only use this to pass the time.

Closing the game interface, Xia Yu tried to directly connect to Zhong Shi's office computer, but was unsuccessful.

The security of Zhong's company was not bad.

Lv3 programming isn't any advanced technology.

Giving up on the attempt, Xia Yu found Zhong Yunze and left the company under the pretext of going out for an investigation.

He found an internet cafe, showed his ID, and rented a private room, then connected to the Black Cat's body.

The black cat, basking in the sun on the balcony of the villa, was controlled by Xia Yu.

Standing up, Xia Yu adjusted to the black cat's body and ran outside through the window.

There was a considerable distance between the villa and Zhong's company, but it did not trouble Xia Yu.

The black cat Yu arrived at the bus terminal, targeted a bus, and jumped on it.

He didn't dare to do this before because his agility level was low. Now at lv4 agility, it was as easy as walking on flat ground.

Hitching a ride to the office building, Xia Yu followed a woman inside, swaggering in.

The security guard thought the black cat was the woman's pet and didn't ask any questions.

Escaping from the woman who wanted to hold him, Xia Yu found the office location of Zhong's company.

Using various obstacles on the way, he made it to the door of Zhong Shi's office.

Sticking out his head, he knocked on the office door and then hid to the side.

Zhong Shi opened the door and looked outside, but didn't see anyone.

Confused, he peeked left and right, still not seeing anyone. He didn't notice the cat slipping in under his feet.

Closing the door, Zhong Shi thought he must have misheard.

He sat in the chair for a while, but since his mind was on returning to the countryside to retire, he couldn't focus on work. He found an excuse and left the company.

This made things easier for Xia Yu. He thought he would have to wait until the evening, but he didn't expect Zhong Shi to provide assistance.

Coming out of his hiding place, he turned on the computer, jumped on the desk, and started the monitor.

Holding the keyboard and lying on the leather chair, Black Cat Yu raised his paw and pressed the keyboard.

He had already received permission from Zhong Yunze to use the company's computers freely, so his actions were legitimate.

There were no flaws in the computer, so Xia Yu began to restore the deleted files.

From there, he found a recording.

Picking up the headphones, he put them on his cat ears and pressed play.

"…I have the information now, how do I give it to you?"

"Use the traceless mailbox, the account has been sent to you..."

Putting down the headphones, Xia Yu didn't expect Zhong Shi to have recorded the transaction.

Looking at the traces on the computer, it seemed that the recording was transferred from the phone to a USB drive and went through the computer. Zhong Shi, with his junior high school education level, obviously did not think that deleted files can be restored, and even a beginner can do it by following a tutorial.

He didn't expect a cat to come into his office, did he?

The information in this recording is quite complete, even including a bank card number. As evidence, it's enough. After sending the recording to his own email and cleaning up the traces, Xia Yu lay on the ground, checking through the door gap for anyone outside before opening the door and heading back the way he came.

At eight o'clock in the evening, he controlled the black cat to return to the villa, logged out of the game, and returned to his own body. At this point, he was already sleeping in his own bed. This custodial AI is really convenient. Taking out his phone, he downloaded the audio material from his email.

According to the regulations, to use the audio as evidence, he needed to transcribe the content into a document and burn the audio onto a CD, but this was not his concern anymore. He could just hand it over to Zhong Yunze. He would give it to him tomorrow, wondering what kind of expression Zhong Yunze would have at that time.

Yawning, Xia Yu continued to lie down, thinking that he would hand over the audio early tomorrow and then go to An Siyao's place to check. He hadn't been there all day and didn't know if there were any problems. He had already urged An Siyao to refuse treatment for anyone when he was not around, citing physical discomfort as a reason.

After lying down for a while and unable to sleep, he gave himself a pacification. Pacifying himself was like counting sheep to sleep, a strange feeling. The moon set, the sun rose, and Xia Yu's alarm sounded accordingly.

Turning off the alarm, he got up and washed, just as Zhong Yunze came in. Zhong Yunze's mood was quite good, as he had decided to follow An Tianfeng's advice and become affiliated with the An family group. After making this decision, he relaxed. As long as he gave up struggling, his troubles would not catch up with him.

At this moment, he was thinking about Xia Yu, feeling that it would be too boring for him to stay in the company. Maybe he should let him play games on his office laptop. Being idle on his own would make him feel guilty, but having someone to be idle with would provide comfort. He knew that Xia Yu had played Solitaire all morning yesterday.

Seeing Xia Yu coming over, he raised his hand and was about to tell him about it when Xia Yu preempted him. "I have something to ask you," Xia Yu took out his phone, pulled up the music player, and pressed the play button.

"What's this?" Zhong Yunze listened enthusiastically while brushing his teeth.

A voice came from the phone: "… I've got the information, how do I give it to you?"

The voice sounded familiar; it seemed to be his uncle's voice.

"… Zhong Yunze has recently invited An Tianfeng over, I'll see the situation, you don't need to…"

Upon hearing this, his toothbrush fell to the floor. That content! The mole was his own uncle! And he had trusted him so much!

However, what shocked Zhong Yunze the most was not this. He looked up incredulously at Xia Yu. Weren't they just supposed to pretend? Weren't they just supposed to deceive his mother? Weren't they just not supposed to be able to solve the problem?

Yet, Xia Yu managed to find out the next day? In his mind, the words Xia Yu said yesterday flashed: "I used to be able to help her with some small problems, so she thought I could handle everything, even company matters. But I don't have that much ability, you know."

"This matter is indeed very complicated, so I won't add to your troubles. Just give me a workstation and I'll pretend to be working."

His gaze toward Xia Yu became sorrowful.

You actually deceived me!

"What's wrong?" Xia Yu felt a little creeped out by his stare.

"Nothing!" Picking up his toothbrush with a wronged expression, Zhong Yunze loudly said "thank you" before rushing out of the washroom.

Seeing what seemed like a bullied Zhong Yunze, Xia Yu couldn't make heads or tails of the situation.

Back in his room, Zhong Yunze grieved for a while before making a phone call to An Tianfeng.