Quite Interesting

After parting with Zhong Yunze, An Tianfeng went to an old friend's house.

In the morning, he went downstairs to have breakfast with his old friend. Just as they entered the dining room, the old friend said, "An Tianfeng, I heard you messed up in Ziling!"

An Tianfeng's heart skipped a beat, but his expression remained unchanged, and he retorted, "Nonsense!"

"What nonsense? I've heard that you were coming to help old Zhong's son, but you ended up making matters worse, and now the project has been taken away by a rival company!"

An Tianfeng's face flushed red, and he said, "Helping out doesn't guarantee success."

And added, "It's not that I, An Tianfeng, lack the ability, but that the other party is too cunning. Even a god descending to earth couldn't solve this!"

His old friend burst into laughter, and the dining room was filled with a joyful atmosphere.

"You keep bragging, but how can that company with just a few people be so difficult to investigate?" He didn't know the specifics, but that didn't stop him from mocking An Tianfeng.

"I'm telling you, it's impossible. If anyone can find it, I'll give them a million yuan," An Tianfeng vowed.

"Stop it, you know no one is going to investigate it later. And you're only offering a million, tsk tsk."

His old friend's words struck An Tianfeng's heart. He changed his statement, "If anyone can find it, I, An Tianfeng, will streak a lap!"

"Enough, acting like a child. Why don't you say you'll marry off your daughter to them too?" The old friend waved his hand, in a joyful mood.

"You wish!" An Tianfeng also laughed and sat down at the table to eat breakfast.

The two talked about their youth and eventually the conversation led to their housekeepers.

At that moment, An Tianfeng's cell phone rang.

Seeing that it was Zhong Yunze calling, An Tianfeng turned on the speakerphone, placed it beside him, and continued to spread jam on his bread.

"Uncle An, I found it!" Zhong Yunze's voice came through the phone.

"What did you find?" An Tianfeng was stunned.

"It's the in..."

Before Zhong Yunze could finish, An Tianfeng suddenly shouted, "Ouch!"

He dropped the bread on the floor.

"What's wrong?" Zhong Yunze temporarily put aside the mole matter and asked with concern.

"Nothing, nothing, I just dropped the bread." An Tianfeng pretended to be calm and turned off the speakerphone.

"Uncle An, I've already..." Zhong Yunze was about to continue talking about the mole, but was interrupted by An Tianfeng again.

"Wait, I'm busy right now, I'll call you back later." After that, An Tianfeng immediately hung up the phone.

He sighed at his own wit for interrupting Zhong Yunze in time.

However, his cleverness didn't work.

His old friend grabbed An Tianfeng's hand and said, "Streaking!"

"What are you talking about? What streaking?" An Tianfeng looked at his old friend with confusion.

"You can't fool me. You just said that if someone finds out, you'll streak!" The old friend had already guessed what Zhong Yunze was going to say.

"I said if someone finds out, but no one has found out yet!" An Tianfeng tried to deceive.

"You still want to lie to me, I'm going to call Xiaoze right now."

"No, no, no." An Tianfeng hurriedly stopped him, "Next time I'll take you out, okay?"

"I heard you have an island overseas?" The old friend put forward a condition.

"Alright, alright, how did you get such accurate information so quickly? I just bought that island not too long ago!" An Tianfeng complained.

Having successfully blackmailed An Tianfeng, the old friend became curious again: "Make a call to Xiao Ze and find out how the issue you couldn't solve in two weeks was resolved as soon as you stopped caring about it."

An Tianfeng was also curious, so he called Zhong Yunze again and asked about the details.

After hearing Zhong Yunze's explanation, both An Tianfeng and the old friend were astonished.

"You're saying it was that youngster who solved the problem yesterday morning?" An Tianfeng looked shocked, "Didn't you say he was only there to put on a show? You even fooled your Uncle An with your deception?"

"No, I didn't know either. I was more surprised than you, Uncle An, when I got the recording this morning!" Zhong Yunze hurriedly explained.

"Interesting," An Tianfeng nodded, "Invite your brother sometime and we'll have a meal together."

He wanted to ask Xia Yu personally how he managed to solve a problem that he himself couldn't in just one day.

"Alright," Zhong Yunze agreed, "and about the issue you mentioned last time, I still feel like I need Uncle An's guidance..."

"Hahaha, I've been telling Old Zhong to come back and work for me, and now it's finally happening. Alright, I'll let them know below, and someone will come to find you in a few days."

"Thank you, Uncle An." After hanging up the phone, Zhong Yunze sighed.

Although the mole was found and the recording could be used to bring down the rival company and get the project back, he was already tired.

His idol, An Tianfeng, was only so capable. Where could he lead the company relying on himself alone?

It was much better to be safe and sound in the life exchange game.

He thought of Xia Yu again. How exactly did he do it?

He didn't ask carefully just now because he was too aggrieved.

It would be too embarrassing to go back and ask now. Let's discuss it tomorrow and invite him to meet An Tianfeng together.

In reality, even if he went to ask now, he wouldn't get any answers because Xia Yu had already arrived at An Siyao's place.

"Did anything happen yesterday?" he asked An Siyao.

"No, I said I wasn't feeling well and left directly," An Siyao said.

"That's good," Xia Yu felt relieved.

"Um, can I ask why you did these things?" An Siyao asked cautiously.

She was very puzzled about what Xia Yu had been doing during this time.

Xia Yu pondered for a moment, should he deceive An Siyao, say it's forbidden, or reveal some truth?

From the beginning until now, he had deceived An Siyao many times.

Forget it, this time he would tell her it's a secret.

According to habit, Xia Yu reviewed the matter asked by An Siyao before opening his mouth, only then did he realize that he had neglected one point.

Did he really want to do what he did these days, using the girl's identity to win over students and suppress enemies?

The character he established for her and her own personality are so different. How did An Siyao face those who believed in the character he set up when he was not present?

Ignoring the feelings of others and putting An Siyao where he wanted her to be, wasn't it the same as what he did to the previous head maid?

But this mission was related to Xu Youxiang's legs.

Xia Yu wanted to ask An Siyao what she specifically thought, but he felt that he couldn't ask anything.

It was like when the head maid asked An Siyao to arrange flowers, draw, and play the piano, with a daily schedule as fixed as a robot. She must have asked for her feelings, and An Siyao must have answered what the head maid wanted to hear.

Next week when he goes to to Shaking Light with Liu Manman, he could observe and see for himself.

However, he could try asking before that.