Farewell and Journey

After Xia Yu fell silent, Yuxue also quieted down, lowering her head to look at her toes.

She wanted to look up and see Xia Yu's face, to see his attitude, but she didn't dare, afraid of seeing the result she didn't want.

She shifted her attention, staring at the slippers on her feet.

The slippers were white, with a rabbit ear on them. They were the slippers that Xia Yu bought for her when they went to buy a bicycle last time.

She thought of two months ago, when Xia Dongyang was still around.

At that time, life was a little harder, and every day was busy, but her brother always took her with him.

Now that her days were more leisurely, it was harder to see her brother's shadow.

"Let's go together," Xia Yu's voice came.

"Really?" Yuxue looked at Xia Yu with surprise, "But what about my school?"

"Do you even know you have to go to school?" Xia Yu said, tapping her on the head.

If it were the previous him, he really wouldn't have been able to solve this problem, but now he was no longer the poor man he used to be.

"It's okay, there will be a private tutor specifically to guide you. One teacher will focus on you alone!" Xia Yu told Yuxue.

"Ah?" Yuxue was a little scared; with one teacher, wouldn't her chances of skipping class be completely eliminated?

"Or should I go to a cram school or something?" The girl said.

"Where can you find a cram school that will let you join in just like that? Just accept your fate." Xia Yu pressed down on Yuxue's head, making the decision.

He added, "It's good that you can look after Xiao Hei."

"Xiao Hei is coming with us too?" Yuxue asked in surprise.

"Of course." Xia Yu couldn't take the chance of not bringing the black cat, as he was relying on it to observe An Siyao.

"I'll go back and get ready." Yuxue happily left the room.

After she left, Xia Yu lay back on the bed; he would have to start preparing tomorrow.

The next morning, Xia Yu made a rare appearance at school by himself.

"Good morning." Gui Zixiao greeted him.

After recalling for three seconds, Xia Yu remembered that this was his good friend.

"Good morning," he replied calmly.

"What was with that blank look just now?" Gui Zixiao had a keen sense of perception.

"Your illusion." Xia Yu naturally wouldn't admit it.

Gui Zixiao didn't believe it was his illusion, but he also thought that Xia Yu was deliberately teasing him, after all, they saw each other every day.

"You seem quite lively today," he commented.

Xia Yu was not surprised by this assessment; Yu's care was indeed a bit rigid.

"Good morning." Another girl joined the conversation; it was Yan Wei.

"Morning." Xia Yu responded normally, putting down his bag and suddenly remembering something.

He seemed to have forgotten a creature at Yan Wei's place.

"That hamster..." He looked at Yan Wei.

"The hamster is still there; do you want to take it back?" Yan Wei was happy to have Xia Yu talk to her.

"Um, sorry for the trouble. I totally forgot about it." Xia Yu was a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, both my sister and I like it." Yan Wei said with a smile.

After thanking her, Xia Yu left the classroom and went to the Chinese teacher's office.

"What's up?" The language teacher looked at Xia Yu in surprise as he approached.

"I'm going to attend the Global New Generation Music Conference, so I came to ask for a leave of absence. I don't expect to come back to school after that," Xia Yu said.

"Well, I don't know what that conference is, but you've got a recommendation anyway, so you don't need to continue attending classes." With Xia Yu, the Chinese teacher went to the principal's office.

After listening to the reason, the principal excitedly patted Xia Yu's shoulder, "Great! I will call on the whole school to watch your performance together!"

He quickly took care of the leave for Xia Yu.

By the time Xia Yu returned to class, the first lesson had already started for five minutes.

As for Xia Yu, the teacher didn't bother to ask and just let him go back to his seat.

During the break, Gui Zixiao came to Xia Yu's side: "What were you doing just now?"

"I got a leave slip. You won't see me again until graduation day," Xia Yu didn't hide it.

"Really?" The students nearby who were eavesdropping were all surprised.

This news spread quickly throughout the school, and many students came to see Xia Yu for the last time during the break.

After school in the afternoon, Xia Yu packed up the things in his desk and was about to leave when a classmate stopped him.

"Xia Yu, someone is looking for you outside."

Outside the door, Xia Yu saw a short, round-faced girl, like Xu Youxiang, a typical Lolita-style girl.

"Here, this is for you!" The girl handed an envelope to Xia Yu and quickly turned and ran away.

"A love letter!" Gui Zixiao, who came up from behind, hooked Xia Yu's shoulder, "How many have you gotten?"

This was the fourth love letter Xia Yu had received today, but this was the first one delivered in person. The previous three were handed over by others.

After keeping the love letter, Xia Yu planned to go back and burn it. It was not appropriate to throw it away, so he had to deal with it like this.

Putting on his backpack, he said to Yan Wei: "Let's go."

First, he needed to go to Yan Wei's house to pick up the hamster.

"Okay." Yan Wei seemed a bit distracted.

Although she had sensed something was wrong after seeing Liu Manman last time, she didn't expect Xia Yu to leave directly.

When they arrived at the bike shed near the school gate, Xia Yu let Yan Wei get on the bicycle.

Feeling awkward, Yan Wei got on the back seat, grabbed Xia Yu's clothes, and the two rode towards the subway station.

Halfway there, Xia Yu realized that the scene was a bit awkward.

But anyway, he basically wouldn't have any intersection with Yan Wei in the future, so it didn't matter.

He didn't know, Yan Wei, who was holding his clothes and leaning her face close to his back, had already made up her mind.

When they arrived at the station and parked the bike, the two took the subway to Yan Wei's house.

Xia Yu waited downstairs while Yan Wei ran upstairs to get the hamster cage.

"Thanks for your help," Xia Yu said gratefully to Yan Wei.

"No problem, see you in A Fang city."

Watching Yan Wei, who had already run towards her home, Xia Yu wondered what "A Fang city" meant?

A Fang was the city where their university was located.

Yan Wei made a decision - she was going to study in A Fang.

"Dad!" Arriving at the store in front, Yan Wei called her father.

"Hmm? What's up?" Her father looked at her puzzled.

"I want to go to Baiyue Academy!"


Father Yan threw the dough in his hand to one side, his face full of excitement: "You've finally decided! Your second uncle said that you could definitely become a national-level pastry chef!"

Mother Yan also showed a smile, but she was a little puzzled: "Weren't you unwilling before? How come you suddenly agreed?"

"Secret!" Yan Wei refused to say.

"Well, then you don't need to continue going to school. Just go to your second uncle's place," Father Yan said, picking up the dough again and sighed: "Study seriously, don't be like your father and me, who can only run a noodle shop."


On Sunday afternoon, Yan Wei boarded a plane to Apang, and Xia Yu took a high-speed rail to Yangguang.