Bring or Not?

However, the remaining requirement, the most difficult one, was still left.

The specific requirement was to create a connection between Xia Yu and his daughter An Siyao, allowing the two to meet naturally and then manipulate the situation from the middle.

How was that possible? His daughter had always kept her distance from others, not to mention with a boy. How could a boy possibly establish a relationship with his daughter?

"I heard from Zeze that Uncle An is returning to Yaoguang next week? What a coincidence," Xia Yu said.

"So, you're going to Yaoguang too?" An Tianfeng became curious, taking a sip of his juice, "What are you going to Yaoguang for?"

"To see your daughter."

"Cough, cough, cough!" An Tianfeng choked on his juice, "What did you say?"

"We've agreed to participate in the Global New Generation Music Conference together. An Siyao, Liu Manman, and I will form a team and practice our pieces together next week," Xia Yu said.

An Tianfeng's jaw dropped, unable to close for a moment.

Was this last condition also fulfilled?

After scrutinizing Xia Yu for a moment, An Tianfeng said, "What a coincidence. Call me when you get there."

An Tianfeng was already planning how to create opportunities for Xia Yu.

"So you're participating in the Music Conference too?" Zhong Yunze was also surprised, as he had just learned about this.

"I'm just preparing to participate," Xia Yu said.

The Music Conference wasn't a competition, but a stage. All participants had to send a video and audio recording of their performance to the organizer's mailbox, along with their personal information, and then wait for a response.

Entry standards for the conference required both skill and fame.

With An Siyao, Xia Yu, and Liu Manman ranking first, second, and third in the Regional High School Instrument Competition, they certainly had the fame. As long as the music pieces they chose wouldn't pose any problems, they basically had no issues with participation.

"With a team of three like you, as long as there are no problems with the music, there won't be any issues," Zhong Yunze knew this too, as he looked at Xia Yu enviously- this was a global stage.

"Alright, when I was young, I too had a dream of becoming a musician," An Tianfeng seized the conversation again, "Which university do you plan to attend after graduation? As long as you want to, you can choose any university in Yaoguang."

"I've already been admitted to Hua University," Xia Yu said.

"Hua University?" An Tianfeng nodded, "Not bad."

The four of them were very satisfied with the meal. An Tianfeng suggested other activities, but Xia Yu and Zhong Yunze declined.

Although An Tianfeng was being mysterious, Xia Yu had no interest.

This made An Tianfeng nod again. Not going out to engage in reckless entertainment was a sign of a well-behaved child.

At seven in the evening, Xia Yu and Zhong Yunze returned to the villa together.

"How is your uncle's situation now?" Xia Yu had waited to ask the question until now, as it wasn't appropriate to ask during dinner.

"He had to return the money he took and then he was allowed to go back to his hometown," Zhong Yunze sighed, "After all, he's your uncle." Xia Yu felt that Zhong Yunze's approach was reasonable.

"Fine, let's not talk about it. How about we have a race?" Looking at Xia Yu, Zhong Yunze was eager to try. He had lost to Xia Yu in everything else, and even his sister was closer to Xia Yu than him. Now, he wanted to regain his confidence in biking.

He added, "I have five bikes, you can choose any one of them."

"It's too late, forget it." Xia Yu had no interest in racing.

Looking at the dark sky, Zhong Yunze realized that it wasn't the right time.

"Alright, let's wait for another chance." Zhong Yunze was somewhat disappointed, "I'm going back to Yao Guang for school tomorrow. Be sure to give me a call when you come over."

Zhong Yunze had come to handle the company's affairs. Although the company's issues weren't completely resolved, it would suffice to leave it in the hands of the managers.

"Okay." Xia Yu agreed.

He went back to his room and received a message from Zhong Yunxin after a while:

Are you coming to Yao Guang next week?

No need to say, it must have been Zhong Yunze who told her.

Yes, Xia Yu replied.

Tell me when you arrive, and let's go out to have fun together! Zhong Yunxin revealed her purpose.

Weren't you grounded by the school? Xia Yu was surprised.

Kong Hanyue said I can take a leave if I go with you! After the text, Zhong Yunxin also sent a smug expression.

Okay, Xia Yu agreed.

After chatting with Zhong Yunxin, Xia Yu sent a message to Liu Manman, asking her about her specific itinerary.

Once confirmed, Liu Manman said:

My grandma is also in Yao Guang; she wants you to come over too.

Putting down the phone, Xia Yu counted the people he needed to meet in Yao Guang.

He had already made appointments with An Tianfeng, Zhong Yunze, Zhong Yunxin, and Liu Ronglan.

Will I really be able to observe An Siyao properly when I arrive there? Xia Yu fell deep into his thoughts.

"Brother!" A knock on the door and Yuxue's voice could be heard.

This was another person coming because of Yao Guang.

Opening the door, Xia Yu saw the girl.

Compared to the thin and timid little girl from before when Xia Dongyang was still there, Yuxue had now become a beautiful and lively girl.

"Brother, are you going to Yao Guang next week?" Yuxue asked eagerly.

"Yes." Xia Yu said, patting Yuxue's head.

"Then, I..." The girl seemed hesitant.

"You can go with mom." Xia Yu thought Yuxue might be afraid of going back to live alone.

"No." The girl grabbed Xia Yu's hand, "I want to go with you!"

Rather than Kong Hanyue, Yuxue preferred to be with Xia Yu. She had already found out that her brother's departure this time wouldn't be a short one.

"Don't you have mom?"

"I don't want mom, I want to be with my brother!" Compared to Kong Hanyue who wanted to improve their relationship, Xia Yu was the person Yuxue truly trusted.

She would only act wilful and spoiled around Xia Yu. With Kong Hanyue, she just played the role of a nanny-like figure.

From a young age, except for the two days when Xia Yu went to Yao Guang to compete, the two had always been together.

Xia Yu continued to persuade her, but Yuxue just kept shaking her head.

"I'm just going to Yao Guang, what do you have to follow for?" In Xia Yu's tone, there was an unavoidable hint of impatience.

Yuxue let go of his hand, and he thought the girl had finally been persuaded. However, the tears that fell from the girl's eyes told him that the matter was not over yet.

Looking at Yuxue wiping her tears, Xia Yu realized that she was only a thirteen-year-old girl.

Gently wiping her tears, Xia Yu kindly asked, "Don't you want to be with your mother?"

"What can I do if she doesn't want me anymore?" Yuxue choked up.

Rubbing his forehead, Xia Yu realized that he had misjudged the relationship between Yuxue and Kong Hanyue.

After all, having been treated coldly for so long, Yuxue didn't have any resentment, but she no longer trusted Kong Hanyue.

Leaving her with Kong Hanyue would only cause her to worry and be afraid.

So, what should he do?