Terrifying as Such

After the usual morning practice, Xia Yu was invited by An Tianfeng to stay for a meal. At the dining table, he saw Xu Youxiang again.

Xu Youxiang quietly waved to him.

Smiling in response, Xia Yu sighed at the fact that after being scolded in his absence, Xu Youxiang's attitude was actually quite good in person.

"This is Xu Youxiang, Yaoyao's friend." An Tianfeng thought Xia Yu didn't know Xu Youxiang and introduced her, "She is a genius in the field of the internet. I've always wanted to bring her to my company."

His words were meant for both Xia Yu and Xu Youxiang.

At this point, if Xu Youxiang agreed, she could enter An Tianfeng's company and have a bright future.

But Xu Youxiang managed to evade the topic.

An Tianfeng looked a little regretful. It was easy to find programmers, but an internet expert with top-level skills was hard to come by.

An Tianfeng had privately asked the female programmer sent by Yu Liang and received high praise. If it weren't for the fact that taking in adopted daughters was no longer popular, he would have wanted to use this relationship to tie Xu Youxiang down.

"Are you interested in continuing your studies? I can connect you with the best professors for you." An Tianfeng tried to win over Xu Youxiang in another way.

"I'll consider it, thank you, Uncle An." If her body was healthy, Xu Youxiang would definitely accept happily, but her leg disability instinctively made her not want to go out, let alone to a crowded campus.

"You can let me know anytime."

After finishing the topic with Xu Youxiang, An Tianfeng finished lunch and brought Xia Yu to his company.

Looking at the building in front of him, it was an eight-story building with a very ordinary height, but the sprawling length of hundreds of meters was awe-inspiring.

The entire building was An Tianfeng's property.

Entering the building, An Tianfeng didn't take Xia Yu to where the regular employees were, but rather to the conference room. Unlike small companies, in his corporation, ordinary employees couldn't cause much trouble even if they tried.

In the conference room, An Tianfeng's secretary was already waiting for him.

"Chairman, the managers are on their way." The secretary said, "Do you want me to urge them?"

"No need." An Tianfeng sat down in a curve of the oval conference table and let Xia Yu sit next to him.

Xia Yu looked at the time and as it approached two o'clock, a group of people filed into the conference room.

At 1:55, everyone had arrived. They observed Xia Yu sitting next to An Tianfeng, and although surprised, they all maintained composed expressions.

An Tianfeng knocked on the table and began the meeting: "I asked you all to come here today mainly to tell you that I will be conducting an investigation into the entire company. You don't need to worry, just carry on as usual."

An Tianfeng's words caused the managers' faces to change slightly, but they didn't get flustered.

"The investigation will be led by Mr. Xia." An Tianfeng looked at Xia Yu, who stood up to indicate he was the one mentioned.

"You all should get acquainted with each other." An Tianfeng said again.

Xia Yu then started from the first person on the left, shaking hands with each of them and accepting their business cards.

After completing the introductions, An Tianfeng said a few more pleasantries and then declared the meeting adjourned.

Bringing Xia Yu to his office, An Tianfeng poured a cup of tea for him and asked, "How is it?"

Xia Yu took out five cards from his thick stack and said, "There are problems with these."

"Five people!" An Tianfeng's face turned serious.

"It doesn't necessarily mean that they are enemies; they might have some small secrets they don't want to be investigated," Xia Yu said.

"Well, thank you for your hard work. Let's go and have some fun together. This building is not just for offices." Handing the five cards to his secretary, An Tianfeng took Xia Yu to the entertainment area.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, when Xia Yu was about to leave, An Tianfeng received a phone call from his secretary.

After hanging up the phone, he laughed and told Xia Yu, "Among the five, one of them is in love with his subordinate, another leaves work early regularly, two have accepted some kickbacks, and one is still being investigated, seemingly wanting to change jobs."

Except for the one who planned to change jobs, the others were not considered to be significant issues.

"The one who wants to jump ship is in charge of a rather important project," An Tianfeng narrowed his eyes.

In a capitalist society, everyone is like a screw. If one wants to change jobs, just find a replacement. However, the person who wanted to jump ship knew a lot, and it would take some time to find a suitable replacement.

"Thank you for your help this time. If you have any problems, just call me," An Tianfeng promised.

"I'm writing a software program, and I might need Uncle An's help when the time comes," Xia Yu didn't refuse, as their relationship was based on equal exchange.

"A software program? I have quite a few idle programmers under me. Do you need help?" An Tianfeng asked.

"No need, it's just a small project for fun. I can handle it myself, but I may need Uncle An's guidance for what comes later."

Xia Yu declined An Tianfeng's help, knowing that there was no such thing as idle programmers. Those who were "idle" most likely didn't want to work overtime.

"Alright." Calling his driver, An Tianfeng arranged for him to send Xia Yu home.

Afterward, An Tianfeng called Manager Cao, the one who intended to change jobs.

After returning home from work, Manager Cao lay on the sofa in his living room, thinking over things.

He didn't know why An Tianfeng suddenly had someone investigate him, but it made him want to settle the job-hopping matter quickly. The offer from the other company was currently low, but he decided to accept any offer after two days.

He was confident that the investigation wouldn't reach him in just two days. After all, there were so many companies and executives in the group, and he was just a minor figure who barely qualified to attend meetings.

He asked someone for more information and found out that Xia Yu had spent the afternoon playing with An Tianfeng, which reassured him.

It didn't seem like a serious investigation, and An Tianfeng didn't seem to care. In that case, they might not even find anything on him by the time the investigation ends.

Could he be playing and investigating at the same time?

Manager Cao laughed to himself.

At that moment, he received a call from An Tianfeng.

"What conditions did that company offer you?"

The words coming from the phone made Manager Cao shiver in fear.

Just an afternoon, and the investigation already reached me?

Swallowing his saliva, Manager Cao knew his situation was hopeless.

Capital seeks profit, so after he switched jobs, they wouldn't waste resources in taking revenge on him. However, before he jumped ship, even a small warning would make the rival company give up the idea of poaching. Digging at this point would mean declaring war.

"Please give me another chance, President An," Manager Cao said with a trembling heart.

If the rival company didn't want him and he was fired, he wouldn't be able to find a better job.

"Just do your job well." An Tianfeng didn't plan to fire him, but instead wanted to make him a warning sign for those with ideas in the company.

After expressing his gratitude repeatedly, Manager Cao put down the phone.

He collapsed on the sofa, recalling the young man who had shaken hands with him.

Mr. Xia, how terrifying.

The frightening Mr. Xia, who had been noted, was currently in the body of a black cat, thinking about how to sneak into An Siyao's villa.