I Am a Cat

Xia Yu had not forgotten the other purpose of his visit, which was to investigate whether An Siyao was troubled by the character he had set up for her.

So, he entered the body of a black cat to take a look.

A person's state when alone and when with others is completely different, so only at the other person's home could he observe the most genuine side of them.

Now the problem was how to get in.

The walls of the villa were quite high, and the main entrance was guarded by security.

Xia Yu hid in the bushes next to the main gate, observing the two security guards. He picked up a stone and threw it in the distance.

The stone made a noise, the two guards glanced over but didn't pay any attention.

Xia Yu threw out five more stones, still no reaction from the guards.

Movies were deceptive because although a person's curiosity is strong, so is their laziness.

Abandoning the idea of going in through the main entrance, Xia Yu went around the perimeter trying to find a tree to climb and then jump onto the wall, but there were no trees near the wall.

The security was too tight.

Fortunately, he was not an ordinary cat.

Now, he had three options.

Firstly, waiting by the roadside, the maids would go out shopping, and he could sneak in by hiding on one of them.

Secondly, waiting until it got dark as he was a black cat and would be harder to notice.

As for the third option.

Xia Yu stretched his body, suddenly leaped out of the bushes, bypassed the security guards, and slipped through the gap in the iron gate into the front yard.

The two guards were shocked but had no way to stop Xia Yu in time; they were meant to guard against people, not cats.

One of the guards immediately called Yu Ningmeng to report.

Yu Ningmeng then instructed the other maids, and everyone in the villa started searching for Xia Yu.

But it was futile to search for a cat with a higher IQ than them.

Through hiding, deceiving, and even an aerial in-your-face strategy, Xia Yu successfully reached the outside of An Siyao's room.

He knocked on the door with his head and slipped in when An Siyao opened the door.

Hiding under the cupboard, Xia Yu observed An Siyao.

An Siyao, who didn't see anyone, looked left and right at the door with confusion, touched her head, and returned to her room.

Her face was still puzzled, but she didn't care much.

Mishearing is not a common thing, but it's not impossible.

Returning to the balcony, she continued drawing.

Xia Yu quietly ran behind the girl and took a look; it was a scene of the front yard.

An Siyao continued painting until eight in the evening, and Xia Yu didn't see her show any sign of discomfort.

He would follow her to school tomorrow and see what An Siyao was like when he wasn't around.

Jumping up and opening the bedroom door, Xia Yu stepped out.

Hearing the sound, An Siyao turned around and saw her open door.

Her painting brush dropped to the floor.

Not knowing what kind of shock his behavior had caused An Siyao, Xia Yu leisurely walked down the hallway, where it was already late at night, with no maids walking around, so he didn't need to hide.

However, turning a corner, Xia Yu encountered a maid.

It was Xu Youxiang's maid.

"It's the cat that ran in this afternoon!" The maid walked towards Xia Yu.

"Come here!" She reached out her hand, trying to catch Xia Yu, but Xia Yu skillfully dodged her.

After two unsuccessful attempts, the maid stood up and fiercely charged towards Xia Yu.

If it were an ordinary cat, it would be forced to run away at this point, cornered and captured helplessly.

But the maid was dealing with Xia Yu.

Xia Yu remained indifferent to the maid's charge.

When she reached Xia Yu, the maid stopped awkwardly, realizing she had not planned for the scenario where the cat didn't run away.

She squatted down to try to catch Xia Yu again but only repeated her previous failure.

"Someone, come here! The cat is here!" The maid shouted after failing several times.

How despicable! It was supposed to be a one-on-one duel, and she was calling for reinforcements!

Facing the incoming maids, Xia Yu couldn't remain as calm as before. The narrow, crowded hallway was not conducive to his escape, so he had to run.

The maids weren't fools either; they divided into three groups to block Xia Yu's path.

Turning a corner, Xia Yu briefly escaped the maids' sight, but the sounds from both front and back told him they were closing in from all directions.

It seemed he would have to show his true abilities to escape.

The chasing maids found the black cat obediently standing still, and two of them carefully approached Xia Yu, trying to catch him.

With a leap upwards, Xia Yu dodged the two palms and jumped onto one of the maids' heads.

The maids behind him also sprang into action, with three more pairs of hands trying to catch Xia Yu.

Dodging the hands, Xia Yu attempted to pass through the maids' feet, but one of them discovered his plan and blocked his path.

The maids had formed a human wall, blocking Xia Yu's escape.

But for Xia Yu, this was still child's play.

Since he couldn't get through on the ground, he would pass through the ceiling instead.

In the maids' astonished eyes, Xia Yu soared into the air, stepped on one wall to rise above the maids' heads, used another wall for leverage to reach the ceiling, and with one final push, flew over the maids' heads.

Looking down, Xia Yu could see the maids' ghostly expressions.

After the maids had stopped blocking his way, Xia Yu saw one more person behind them - Xu Youxiang.

Seeing the cat flying in the air, Xu Youxiang nervously maneuvered her wheelchair to Xia Yu's landing spot.


Xia Yu landed in her arms, and Xu Youxiang fell to the ground.

The maids hurriedly helped Xu Youxiang up.

"I'm fine." Xu Youxiang raised Xia Yu in her hand, her face excited, "Caught it!"

No, if I weren't worried about you getting hurt, I would've escaped earlier.

Xia Yu silently argued.

"Let us take care of it. We'll release it outside the villa." The maids said.

Xu Youxiang hesitated.

"What's wrong?" The commotion had attracted An Tianfeng's attention, who now walked over.

He glanced at Xia Yu in Xu Youxiang's arms: "So it's just a cat."

"We'll throw the cat out right away." The maids nervously told An Tianfeng.

After some thought, An Tianfeng asked Xu Youxiang, "Do you want to keep it?"

After hearing his words, the maids in the villa all looked at Xu Youxiang with hopeful eyes.

Although the black cat was just an enemy, as long as it was cute, the enemy could become a friend.

"Thank you," Xu Youxiang agreed.

They did not ask for Xia Yu's opinion throughout the whole process.

Xia Yu thought for a moment and decided that staying in An Siyao's villa was good enough, as it would be convenient for him to observe.

So he relaxed his body and quietly lay in Xu Youxiang's arms.

When they brought Xia Yu to her room, the smile on Xu Youxiang's face disappeared:

"Can you still turn into a cat?"