The Enchanted District Three People

If he went directly, he could probably reach the small town where Yin Shulan was in a day. However, it would be too obvious. He planned to take a slight detour and stay in another place for a day before passing by the city near Yin family town in another identity. He would hide the money somewhere and let Yin Shulan retrieve it. This would take about three days, just after Yin Shulan finished the translation work. Anyway, he would also spend time on the game during this period, so it wouldn't be wasted. With this in mind, the experience card was indeed a great prop.

At noon on the high-speed rail, Xia Yu ate an ordinary lunch box that wasn't very tasty, and he started to regret it. He shouldn't have eaten it so early and should have saved it for Yu in custody. By one o'clock, he logged into Yin Shulan's account. By that time, Yin Shulan had already arrived in the town.

Upon arriving at the chemical factory, Xia Yu, the boss, and his three "executives" waited by the roadside. At 1:45, a black car stopped by the side of the road, and a Caucasian man and a Chinese man got out. The Caucasian was a middle-aged man named Victor, and the Chinese man was a young man with the surname Ye.

Victor got out of the car, smiled and spoke to Ye in Russian, "I'm still troubling you this time." Ye also smiled, "Rest assured, Mr. Victor, we have worked together so many times, and you know my level." "Hahaha," Victor patted Ye's shoulder warmly.

After closing the car door, Ye looked around and asked when he saw Xia Yu and his party, "Are you guys from the chemical factory?" The boss and his three executives could barely understand Mandarin, and they nodded enthusiastically, helping Victor with the suitcase.

Ye looked at Xia Yu, who was now using Yin Shulan's body, and Yin Shulan's appearance was that of an ordinary rural old lady. "May I ask who this is?" He looked at the boss. Xia Yu answered himself, "I am the translator." "Translator?" Ye showed a smile and looked at the boss, "There might be a little problem in communication. I am Mr. Victor's translator and part-time driver. You don't need another translator. A regular translator would only hinder our communication."

Ye felt that he needed to prove himself and continued, "You can now chat with Mr. Victor, like where will we stay and what is the itinerary?" The boss and his executives nodded cautiously, and the boss spoke, "gga (."

Ye frowned, "Sorry, I think it's because the road is steep, and I have some tinnitus. Can you repeat it?" The boss and his executives could understand Mandarin since they also watched TV shows and surfed the Internet, but when they were asked to speak Mandarin, they looked blank. What the boss said was the local dialect.

Ye took a step back. Who am I, where am I, and why can't I understand what they're saying? He turned to Victor, "Sir, are we really in district one? Did we go the wrong way?" "You didn't go the wrong way. People here just speak their hometown dialect," Xia Yu interrupted in Russian.

His Russian pronunciation was even more accurate than Ye's.

Victor couldn't help but glance at him.

"I see," Ye the translator sighed with relief, as long as it wasn't his problem, he looked at the four bosses and asked, "Can you speak Mandarin?"

This time, he half-guessed and half-understood the boss's words: "No."

Clenching his fists, Ye the translator couldn't accept it.

He looked at Xia Yu, thinking of the scene where he just boasted that he alone would be enough, and his face was burning.

"It's fine, Mr. Ye hasn't been to such a remote small town before, right?" Xia Yu seemed to respond generously. But in fact, there was an edge in his words.

He was only generous to the little girl, Ye the translator had just offended him, so of course, he would take revenge.

The three words "Driver Ye" hurt Ye the translator's self-esteem. He wanted to explain to Xia Yu that he was a professional translator and a part-time driver, but thinking that he had only understood the boss's phrase, "No," he flushed and reluctantly accepted the title.

He was somewhat relieved that, fortunately, besides translation, he also had the identity of a driver, otherwise would he not be useless?

At this point, Victor and the four bosses also basically understood that Ye the translator was completely unreliable, and only Xia Yu could act as a translator.

The two parties began to communicate.

"My boss says he has arranged for you to stay in his home," Xia Yu translated, "The town's guesthouses are cramped and dirty, not suitable for living. He has already cleaned up his small courtyard for you."

"Oh, a Chinese courtyard, I'm curious!" Victor was not unhappy.

The group first arrived at the boss's small courtyard, a standard rural courtyard with two rooms on the east and west side. The main hall was still dedicated to the Buddha, which amazed Victor repeatedly.

People are not just happy when they see advanced things; in backward places, they can also find happiness.

Just like Xia Yu's past life on Earth, many people enjoyed going to Cambodia to play.

After letting Victor put his things down and take a bath, the boss took Victor around the area. In the evening, they arrived at the best restaurant in town.

Seven people sat at a table, eating the dishes that were served.

"Mr. Victor, this is our region's famous pastry—Baiyu Dumplings, have a taste." The boss personally brought two plates of dumplings.

One plate was placed in front of Victor, and the other plate in the center of the table.

The intention was for Victor to eat one plate, and the others to share the other plate.

After Xia Yu's translation, Victor was amazed as he picked up the dumplings, "I've eaten them in Afang, but these are different from the ones in Afang."

Of course, they were different; when this plate of dumplings was brought up, Xia Yu couldn't even recognize it!

Baiyu dumplings were famous for their appearance, aroma, and taste. They were named Baiyu because they looked like white jade, and the creator was named Yan Baiyu.

But the Baiyu dumplings in front of Xia Yu right now, they didn't deserve to be called Baiyu.

Although complaining in his heart, Xia Yu still picked a dumpling. Just because it dared to be called Baiyu dumplings, Xia Yu wanted to have a taste.

After taking just one bite, he frowned.

There was no doubt that these were counterfeit, the boss must have been deceived.

After eating the rice dumpling, Victor frowned as well, "This dumpling, it doesn't have that feeling when you bite into it. It should be, should be..."

Victor couldn't think of how to explain it at the moment.

"It's the outer dough, it's too loosely kneaded, and the flour probably isn't right either," Xia Yu added.

"Exactly, exactly!" Victor's eyes lit up, and he continued, "And the filling..."

"This isn't the special octopus, just an ordinary one," Xia Yu added.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Victor looked at Xia Yu as if he had found a kindred spirit.

He was a foodie as well, and at this moment, he couldn't help but want to have a conversation with a fellow food lover.

"At Ah Fang, I also had green jade and red jade dumplings..."

The four restaurant owners who were eating with them, with the translation of Ye Driver, watched in amazement as a sixty or seventy-year-old village elder and a suit-wearing Russian gentleman talked about everything from white jade dumplings to the dumpling family, and from dumplings to precious pastries, and even steak and red wine.

Ye Driver swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked the boss, "Who is this old lady?"

Everything they were talking about was food that Ye Driver had only heard of. It was normal for Victor to have eaten all these things, but how had this rural old woman eaten more than Mr. Victor?

The four bosses looked at each other, equally bewildered.

They didn't know either. She was just an old lady they randomly found in the newspaper.

After finishing the meal, although the food wasn't great, Victor was still very happy. It's rare to find a kindred spirit in life. If it wasn't for the old lady's age, he would have even wanted to start pursuing her.

The next day, Xia Yu and Victor went to the chemical plant together and started the real work. Victor came for the use of a new machine, which had shown abnormal performance in the mountainous area, so the engineer Victor came to investigate.

The problem was successfully resolved in one day.

On the third day, the group climbed the nearby mountain together.