The Old Lady Who Was Stopped on the Road

On the mountain, the five drivers had gotten used to seeing Yin Shuyu chatting about classical music with Victor.

They didn't understand any of the conversations about Reed Castle, Turkey Farm, or the Miyazaki thief.

By the time they came down from the mountain, it was already noon. After lunch, Victor left a phone number for Xia Yu.

"It's an honor to know you. It's a pity I wasn't born twenty years earlier," Victor expressed his regret. "If you ever come to the third district, you must give me a call."

Xia Yu politely responded on the surface, "Definitely, definitely."

After Victor and the drivers left, the boss held Xia Yu's hand, "Thank you so much this time. Here's a thousand. I'm sorry it's a bit less, but please don't be offended."

"Thank you, boss." Xia Yu took the money and turned to leave.

On the last day, the boss was supposed to pay 700, but gave 300 extra.

These three days, he had made a total of 2300.

It seemed a bit low in his view, but in Yin Shulan's eyes, it was already a very considerable amount.

Yin Shulan could only make just over a thousand in a month.

"Why are you in such a hurry to leave so early? Let's go find a few more translation jobs to do," Yin Shulan said excitedly.

"How could there be translation jobs available at any time? Besides, you don't need to worry about finding work. I'll have money for you the day after tomorrow," Xia Yu's true form was already in the nearby town, just waiting for someone's help to give the money to Yin Shulan.

"I don't want money from a bank card," Yin Shulan said firmly.

"It's not from a bank card; it's cash."

"Cash is good, cash is good," Yin Shulan said happily.

As they reached the edge of the town, Xia Yu went into a nearby supermarket and bought some snacks.

"Why are you buying snacks?" Seeing Xia Yu spend fifty yuan, Yin Shulan became anxious.

"You'll have five hundred thousand in your hands the day after tomorrow."

Yin Shulan immediately shut her mouth.

Xia Yu, carrying the bag of snacks, didn't choose to walk back but hailed a GT motorcycle.

Taking a GT motorcycle only cost ten yuan.

It was only today that he found out that there was a GT motorcycle service in the area.

"Granny, hold on tight!" The young man driving the GT motorcycle said.

"Alright!" Xia Yu sat on the back seat.

It had been a long time since he last rode a GT motorcycle, and he felt a bit nostalgic.

Speaking of which, Yin Shulan had a driving bonus, maybe she could buy a GT motorcycle to ride herself.

He wasn't sure if Yin Shulan, at her age, could still get a driving license.

Although no one would check for a driver's license for a GT motorcycle in the countryside, it wouldn't be good if someone strange reported her.

The young driver was quite skilled, driving at a moderate speed.

At this pace, it would take twenty minutes to get home, as long as there were no obstacles on the road.

Now, Xia Yu encountered an obstacle.

A bicycle was parked across the road, completely blocking the narrow path.

The motorcycle driver stopped and shouted, "Whose bike is this? How inconsiderate to park it in the middle of the road!"

No one responded for a long time. The surrounding area was all fields, far away from the nearby villages, and no one was in sight.

Looking around, he only saw an abandoned, dilapidated mud house.

The young motorcyclist turned off the engine and said to Xia Yu, "Granny, please get off the bike first, I'll go move the bicycle out of the way."

Xia Yu sighed and nodded her head.

The young motorcyclist thought that Xia Yu was sighing at the poor quality of the bicycle owner.

However, Xia Yu was actually expressing her dismay at the declining morals of society.

Her intuition told her that there was danger involved.

Combining the situation with the bicycle blocking the road, it must be an attempted robbery.

Xia Yu scanned the surroundings, thinking that if it were her, she would suddenly strike from the side as the young motorcyclist lifted the bicycle.

With the bicycle occupying the motorcyclist's hands, he would not be able to react in time.

As Xia Yu expected, just as the young motorcyclist picked up the bicycle and took two steps, three figures emerged from behind a mud house nearby.

A sickle was held against the young motorcyclist's neck, and he immediately dropped the bicycle and raised his hands.

The other two men surrounded Xia Yu and said, "We know the chemical factory boss gave you money. Hand over the cash, and we'll pretend we never saw you."

So, they knew about the chemical factory incident.

After confirming the trio's intention, Xia Yu relaxed.

None of the three men wore masks, which meant they were local hooligans and knew that they couldn't legally be prosecuted in the wilderness.

"And leave the bag of food, too!" added one of the robbers.

Xia Yu put down the bag of snacks, and the faces of the three robbers lit up with joy.

"Right, and the money, today's thousand, hand it over!"

Xia Yu took out the remaining nine hundred and fifty yuan from her pocket and smiled, "Is this what you wanted?"

"Exactly, put the money down," the robber's excitement reached its peak.

"Put it down? I'll throw it to you instead!" With that, Xia Yu threw the money into the air.

The two robbers in front of her immediately became anxious and looked up at the sky.

At this moment, Xia Yu acted. She took a step forward, approached one of the robbers, and punched him square in the face.

The robber fell to the ground with a thud.

She then charged at the other robber, who was more professional than the previous one, and quickly retreated, trying to increase the distance between him and Xia Yu.

He escaped the range of Xia Yu's punch, but Xia Yu with her Level 2 martial arts wasn't limited to fists.

She executed a flying kick, sending the robber to the ground.

The whole exchange only took a mere three seconds, leaving the last robber and the young motorcyclist, who had witnessed the entire scene, utterly bewildered.

What just happened? How come two strong men were taken down by an old lady?

The last robber believed that his two accomplices must have made a mistake; an old lady couldn't possibly beat young, strong men, right?

He knocked the young motorcyclist's abdomen with the handle of the sickle, immobilizing him. Then, he discarded the sickle and charged at Xia Yu.

In his eyes, an old lady should be easily dealt with by fists alone.

He paid the price for his mistake.

With a sidestep, Xia Yu dodged his punch, grabbed his arm, and tripped him, sending the robber tumbling to the ground.

The dizzy robber blinked.

Who am I, where am I, and why did I fall?

Standing up, he shouted "Aaah!" and charged at Xia Yu again.

His movements were very fast in the eyes of ordinary people, but to Xia Yu, who had lv4 agility, they were as slow as slow-motion.

This time, Xia Yu didn't dodge. Instead, he raised his leg when the robber got closer.

"Ah!" With a mixed groan, the last robber fell to the ground.

He felt that he might fail his parents' expectations for carrying on the family line.

Looking at the three robbers writhing on the ground and groaning in pain, then at the unharmed old lady, the young motorcyclist pinched his thigh to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

He took a deep, cold breath.

The old lady was so terrifying.