Eastern Village Event

When her wrist was caught by Xia Yu, Feng Yumo was shocked. When Xia Yu pushed her to the wall, her emotions turned into confusion. As Xia Yu approached her face and said such words, her whole face turned red.

Avoiding Xia Yu's scorching gaze, Feng Yumo's mind went blank for three seconds before reacting and saying in a hesitant and guilty voice, "We, we are both girls, it's not allowed."

"You wish," Feng Yujia said, slapping her on the head, "Today is April Fool's Day, I fooled you."

Feng Yumo's eyes widened.

"You're really a little fool," Feng Yujia mocked her sister's slowness, but in fact, she had just realized it herself. When she saw Xia Yu push her sister against the wall, the first thing she felt was jealousy.

Although she knew it was fake, her jealousy lingered, so she continued to mock, "Told you yesterday it's April Fool's Day. Are you a fish?"

Before she could finish her sentence, Xia Yu grabbed her hand.

"You're right, I fooled you," Xia Yu said to Feng Yumo, then his gaze shifted to Feng Yujia's face, "Actually, it's you I like, Yujia."

Even though she knew it was a lie, Feng Yujia's face turned red, and her breathing became chaotic for a moment.

Satisfied with the reactions of the two sisters, Xia Yu let go of them and said, "Happy April Fool's Day."

"You bad guy!" The two chased after Xia Yu.

After escaping them, Xia Yu went to his class.

He took out his phone, glanced at the school forum, and found that his flirting with the two Feng sisters had already become a hot topic.

At first, the replies were all envious until one girl said she would also give it a try.

During the break, Xia Yu witnessed scenes of girls boldly confessing their love to their friends after pushing them against the wall.

Successful students even took pictures and posted them in the thread as proof.

The heat of the post surged up.

Xia Yu even saw a picture of a shocked and flustered Zhong Yunxin being cornered.

The account that posted the photo shared their experience, concluding with a sentence: "Corner them and run, so thrilling!"

Zhong Yunxin's reply was underneath: "Don't leave after school!"

As he continued browsing, Xia Yu discovered that not only were students from Dongzhi Township participating, but also girls from other schools.

Among them, some even cornered their boyfriends, but those were quickly deleted by the admin and their IPs were banned.

By the end of the afternoon classes, the thread's floor and heat had surpassed the other posts.

Originally, Dongzhi Township, being a well-known girls' school, had many followers. Now that such an interesting activity had appeared, it quickly became popular throughout the region.

The surge in traffic almost caused the school's server to crash, but fortunately, the school was rich, and the server they built had plenty of space.

After checking in on the post, the influx of users began browsing other posts, such as the president's quotes, and the heat for posts related to Xia Yu surged again.

The outsiders began to be curious about An Siyu.

An Siyu's reputation in the East Village was highly respected, and many students voluntarily sorted out An Siyu's life events to share with the outsiders.

Subduing the student council president, suppressing the campus bully, secretly taking control of East Village with her iron-fisted means, rectifying the school's atmosphere while providing endless warmth and caring for the hearts of her classmates, and offering deep philosophical quotations to guide her peers' spirit.

Despite just living the life of a female student in a 300-person school, her experiences were not inferior to those of the ambitious individuals seeking to seize power.

Through the explanation to the outsiders, the students' admiration for An Siyu deepened further.

Xia Yu did not pay attention to these. He came to the psychological therapy room where ten people were troubled and stressed, needing mental healing.

After treating these people, he returned home and left An Siya's body.

He would catch a train back to Ziling, so he didn't stay long.

After he left, An Siya touched the bracelet on her hand and started doing her homework.

At dinner time, An Siya met An Tianfeng at the dining table.

Since letting Lu Yaoli move in, An Tianfeng had been coming to the villa more frequently.

It was natural for him to visit more often since his wife was here.

Even though wildflowers are more fragrant than those at home, the home flowers still needed more care and attention.

An Tianfeng noticed the bracelet on his daughter's wrist.

"Why are you wearing a bracelet?" He asked.

In his memory, An Siya had never worn a bracelet before.

"A friend gave it to me," An Siya answered nervously, in a low voice.

"This kind of bracelet looks nice, but it's a bit uncomfortable to wear daily," Lu Yaoli also joined the conversation, "I have several comfortable bracelets at my place, I'll give you one!"

"No!" An Siya tightly gripped her bracelet-wearing wrist and stared at Lu Yaoli with hostile eyes.

"Don't be angry with me," Lu Yaoli said, feeling wronged.

"She wore it because it was given by a friend, so she doesn't want to take it off," Xu Youxiang tried to maintain peace, while narrowing her eyes.

On the second day when the bracelet appeared on An Siya's hand, Xu Youxiang discovered it, but she thought it was just an ordinary bracelet. Now looking at An Siya's reaction, this bracelet was extra special.

What other unusual thing could a girl, who was so devoted to Xia Yu, have?

Xu Youxiang squeezed her chopsticks.

That guy, he actually lied to me by saying he didn't give An Siya any gifts!

"Having something with a commemorative meaning is nice! It can serve as a memory. Whenever I visit a place, I collect a few souvenirs to reminisce," An Tianfeng shifted the topic to his own collections and deliberately involved Lu Yaoli to diffuse her sense of grievance.

He looked at Xu Youxiang and then at An Siya, feeling puzzled about their relationship.

If their relationship was good, it wasn't like other girls who stuck to each other like conjoined twins; if it was bad, his daughter would run errands for Xu Youxiang, who often spoke on behalf of his timid daughter.

Suppose their relationship seemed abnormal, Xu Youxiang and Xia Yu got along well, and his daughter didn't show any particular emotion.

He could only attribute it to his lack of understanding of young girls' friendships.

After dinner, everyone returned to their bedrooms.

Xu Youxiang hit the teddy bear on the bed and sent a message to Xia Yu.

But, busy boarding the car, Xia Yu didn't look at his phone.

By the time she couldn't help herself and called Xia Yu, it was already the next morning, and the one who answered the phone was Tuoguan Yu.

"You've prepared things for An Siyao, and you lied to me saying you didn't! Don't message me anymore, we're done!"

"Mhm, mhm, mhm."

Tuoguan Yu obediently hung up the phone and no longer sent messages to Xu Youxiang.

Xu Youxiang: "???"

Unaware that Tuoguan Yu had left himself a big trouble, Xia Yu was now with Yin Shulan.

Now that Yin Shulan's problem was solved, it was time to practice her skills.

Starting with practicing medicine preparation.

Golden wound medicine, pregnancy-stabilizing medicine, Mongolian sweat medicine...

Hold on, this skill is quite something.

Today, another author suddenly passed away due to a heart attack. May he rest in peace in heaven.

From now on, updates will be before midnight. If there is no update at midnight, there will be none. Everyone, no need to stay up late anymore, life's more important.