Hemostatic Medicine? Crossed Out

"What are you doing with these herbs? No matter how good they are, they can't compare to the medicine in the pharmacy," Yin Shulan was puzzled by Xia Yu's insistence on preparing the medicine.

"I've already told you, I want you to master a real skill, starting with preparing medicine," Xia Yu opened the medicine bag.

Fortunately, there was a traditional Chinese medicine store in the small town, which had a complete range of medicinal materials. Otherwise, Xia Yu would have to figure out how to get the herbs.

He had converted all the game points he had saved up these days into experience cards, a total of eighteen cards.

Before the performance conference, he had used his experience cards to feed An Siyao's proficiency in playing the flute. After the performance conference until now, thirteen days had passed, and he had saved up thirteen cards.

The additional five cards were obtained through Xia Yu's translation work using Yin Shulan's body, as well as the extra points he got when returning the money.

When earning money with her own body, Yin Shulan would feel great joy, prompting the generation of extra points. The same principle applied when returning money.

With these eighteen cards, he could now obtain nineteen times the experience.

Under Yin Shulan's guidance, he began to prepare medicine.

The first one he tried was an unknown hemostatic drug.

Taking out two types of herbs, Xia Yu picked off the leaves and put them into a small clay bowl, grinding and crushing them with a small pestle.

It was a boring process.

"Add a little bit of the root," Yin Shulan said again.

"How much is a little bit?" Xia Yu asked while holding the herb.

"A little bit is just a little bit."

Yin Shulan realized that this measurement was not reliable, so she thought carefully and said, "About the length of a thumbnail, the thumb's nail."

"Don't you have a standard for how many grams?" Xia Yu wondered.

"That's for traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions. I've never learned that. My family used to be herbal doctors," Yin Shulan said confidently.

Xia Yu felt more and more doubtful, but now Yin Shulan was the only one who knew how to do it, so he had to make do and give it a try.

He paused the time on the experience cards and decided to see if he could raise his medicine-making skill to level 1 within eight hours. If not, it would prove that Yin Shulan was not only unreliable but also useless.

Once the medicine was prepared, Xia Yu put down the bowl and went to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, there were five rabbits he had bought.

Yin Ling was feeding the rabbits.

Xia Yu randomly picked up the two fattest ones, and went to the courtyard.

"Get me a knife," Xia Yu called for his granddaughter.

Yin Ling fetched scissors, a kitchen knife, and a bucket.

"Grandma, are you going to kill the rabbits? I can do it, let me help you," the girl licked her lips, looking eager.

"These are not for eating," Xia Yu placed the rabbits on a table in the courtyard and tied them up with ropes.

"Not for eating?" Yin Ling's mood immediately dropped.

"…Well, you can kill one of them for lunch," Xia Yu couldn't bear to see the girl sad.

At the same time, he also marveled at the difference between rural children and urban ones. If his own daughter, Xia Xue, was here, she would not only refuse to kill the rabbits herself but would also murmur, "Why would you eat such a cute rabbit?" when eating the cooked rabbit.

Yin Ling immediately returned to the kitchen and fetched a rabbit.

She skillfully tied the rabbit up, took a wooden stick from a small room for miscellaneous items, knocked the rabbit unconscious with a couple of blows, and then began to skin it with scissors.

Xia Yu felt a bit cold.

After calming his emotions, he picked up a kitchen knife and was about to make a cut on the rabbit tied to the table.

Making medicine is not as simple as just creating it; clinical trials are also included.

Otherwise, who knows if the medicine would be a success or a failure.

The rabbit seemed to recognize the knife, and as Xia Yu approached it with the knife, it struggled violently.

Xia Yu tried to hold it down but couldn't.

When the rabbit got desperate, it could also fight for its life.

Yin Ling, who was skinning the rabbit, stood up: "Let me help you, Grandma."

"No need." Xia Yu couldn't possibly let a little girl help. He slammed the kitchen knife on the table and used intimidation.

Level 2 Intimidation made the rabbit dare not move, and Xia Yu successfully made a cut on the rabbit's body.

Since the rabbit had fur and the cut couldn't be seen clearly, Xia Yu shaved its fur too.

After cutting one, Xia Yu went to cut another and then used a hemostatic medicine on one of the rabbit's wounds.

This was a rudimentary clinical trial.

Grabbing a handful of grass to feed the two rabbits, Xia Yu began to make the next batch of medicine.

This one was for promoting bone healing – in simpler terms, treating fractures.

After another hour of work, the remaining two rabbits were lying on the table eating grass.

Although their cries were pitiful.

"Is there any other medicine? Not for treating diseases, those are not good for experiments." Xia Yu asked Yin Shulan again.

"There's also deworming medicine."

"I'll go catch some bugs first." Xia Yu walked out of the yard, spent a coin, and asked the children playing by the river to catch three beetles for him.

After preparing the medicine, Xia Yu threw it into the earthenware pot where the beetles were kept.

He thought he still needed to go to the town to get some glass bottles, as the earthenware pots were not good for observation.

The rabbits weren't enough either.

Maybe chickens could be used as a substitute?

Forget it, why use chickens when there were cute rabbits available.

After completing another experiment, Xia Yu turned to Yin Ling, who had already neatly prepared the rabbit meat.

"Should I go cook it?" The girl sought Xia Yu's opinion.

"Go ahead, add some spice," Xia Yu told her.

Xia Yu was grateful that Yin Ling could cook since he only wanted to eat and didn't feel like cooking himself.

Lowering his head, he observed the two rabbits used for the hemostatic medicine experiment. The rabbit that didn't have the medicine applied had already stopped bleeding, while the one with the medicine applied bled more severely.

Xia Yu was sure that he had made the same cuts on both rabbits. Although he couldn't say that they were identical down to the smallest detail with his Lv4 dexterity, the difference would only be minuscule.

The first attempt at making medicine had failed? He had followed Yin Shulan's instructions throughout the whole process!

It wasn't unreasonable for the government to ban those rural herbal doctors.

Taking the notebook from one side, Xia Yu crossed out the word "stop" for the hemostatic medicine and changed it to "flow."

Blood flow medicine development, successful!

After putting down the notebook, Xia Yu felt a little tired.

He stopped asking Yin Shulan and began to search for the effects of these herbs on his own.

This leaf can cause blood to clot? This leaf just speeds up wound healing.

Is the problem with the root put in at the end?

Xia Yu felt that he might need to start learning from the basics.

Start with the herbal guide?

When will he finish reading that huge stack of guides?

Wait, there's no need for this.

Xia Yu suddenly found a solution.

Since there were no more rabbits to experiment on, Xia Yu went into the kitchen and helped cook for his granddaughter.

At noon, the two ate braised rabbit together.

After he finished eating, Yin Ling took the meat and rice to her mother's room to feed her.

Taking the opportunity, Xia Yu asked Yin Shulan, "How old is Ling Ling, and why hasn't she gone to school?"

He didn't have to go to school himself, so he hadn't noticed Yin Ling's situation before.

"She's fifteen. She needs to take care of her mother, so we didn't send her to school," said Yin Shulan. "Going to school is useless. Those who go out don't come back. Just like Xiao Hai, he only asks for money from home, and we don't even see him once a year!"

Xia Yu could understand Yin Shulan's mentality, but he couldn't agree with her approach.

"She still needs to go to school. When she goes to school, you can go with her."

After Yin Ling finished feeding her mother and came out, Xia Yu was already waiting for her on his GT scooter.

"Let's go. I'll take you to school."