I Had No Choice Before

What Xia Yu wanted was Yuxue's body in exchange for the right to land at night.

He was prepared to offer his own body if the girl was unwilling, but he didn't expect Yuxue to agree quite decisively.

It was a good thing not to have to pay a price, so Xia Yu swallowed the benefits he could originally give to Yuxue.

At this moment, he finally experienced the feeling of the game swallowing his rewards.

Yuxue yawned, her spirits briefly lifted by the Snow Sprite, and then slowly settled down.

"Put things down, let's go to eat first," Xia Yu looked at the time, it was only six o'clock, still early.

Dragging her feet, Yuxue came to the sofa, threw the bag on her back forcefully onto it, then turned around and went back to Xia Yu.

Xia Yu had just opened the door and hadn't stepped out yet when he felt a weight on his back. He turned his head and saw the girl hugging his back with her eyes closed.

Was it really that tiring to have her body go around the mountain two or three times?

"Wake up, go back to the room after taking a shower," Xia Yu pinched Yuxue's face, wanting her to regain consciousness.

Half-closing her eyes, the girl entered the bathroom.

She bumped into the door on her way past it.

Fortunately, no accidents occurred during the bathing process, and Xia Yu watched her coming out in her pajamas and collapsing on the bed.

Taking the hairdryer, Xia Yu dried her wet hair and then tucked her in before leaving her room.

After some thought, he went to the kitchen, took a piece of bread, and placed it on the girl's bedside table.

With another piece of bread in his room, Xia Yu ate while searching for information.

The Level 4 examination education allowed Xia Yu to determine the exam scope, accurately answer questions, and possess some problem-solving skills, but he still had to memorize the knowledge to be tested.

It was the same as Xia Yu having music skills and still needing to learn the tunes himself.

Xia Yu opened a book on Chinese and read it for ten minutes, feeling a bit sleepy. He closed the cover, feeling that it was not suitable to study Chinese at night.

He switched to math.

However, he persisted even less with math than with Chinese.

Five minutes later, Xia Yu closed the book.

He had already been working hard today, so he would start again tomorrow.

Putting the book aside, Xia Yu took out his phone.

The Qingming holiday ended today, and tomorrow would be the first day of school.

Xia Yu, who had already taken a long leave, did not have to go to class, but when studying alone at home, there was no atmosphere.

Human beings are social animals, and if the people around them are learning, their motivation will be greater. However, if there is no one around and they are alone, they tend to slack off.

Thus, writers are the group of people most likely to slack off. Their slacking off has reached the level of procrastination. Although there are many other psychological reasons, it has a lot to do with being alone at home.

Having made up his mind, Xia Yu browsed a forum on his phone for a while, and then chatted with Xu Youxiang before going to sleep.

The next morning, he woke up at seven o'clock, startling Yuxue.

She thought Xia Yu was going to the bathroom, but he started washing up instead.

"Brother, what's wrong?" the girl worriedly asked.

"School has started. I'm going to class," Xia Yu replied.

"But don't you already have a recommendation from Hua University and don't need to attend classes anymore?"

"I love studying."

"You've never studied seriously before!"

Putting down his toothbrush, Xia Yu looked at Yuxue and sighed, "I didn't have a choice before, but now, I just want to become a top student."

Feeling doubtful, Yuxue went back to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for both of them.

After breakfast, carrying his backpack, Xia Yu arrived at school.

"Oh my god," Gui Zixiao was shocked, "Xia Yu, why did you come back? And you came so early!"

Sitting in his seat, Xia Yu answered, "I thought about it carefully, and the high school life without college entrance exam is incomplete. So although I have already got a recommendation from Hua University, I still want to come back and prepare for the entrance exam, and take a try."

Xia Yu's reasons were perfect, and Gui Zixiao couldn't help but be convinced by him.

Sitting down, Xia Yu took out a book, thought for a while, then put it down and switched to a workbook.

Compared to reading books that don't provide clear feedback, doing workbook questions provided a greater sense of accomplishment, which would encourage him to persevere.

Because he decided early on to get a recommendation, Xia Yu didn't buy many workbooks, and the few he had were provided by the school.

He needed to find time to buy a workbook, starting with a few "Five and Three."

Opening the pristine workbook, Xia Yu started to answer the questions.

Although it had been three months since he last touched this knowledge, there were still remnants in Xia Yu's mind, and after glancing through, he began to recall everything.

While solving the problems, Xia Yu found that he could instantly understand the question setters' intentions, and during the solution, he could also quickly identify the key points being tested.

He felt that even if he were asked to set the questions, it wouldn't be a problem.

Was this the power of his exam skills?

Holding his pen, Xia Yu quickly worked through the problems.

By class time, all the teachers were surprised by Xia Yu's arrival. At that time, Gui Zixiao played his part, explaining Xia Yu's thoughts to the teachers.

All the teachers appreciated serious students who excelled through their own merits, so they accepted Xia Yu's fabricated logic and didn't mind him focusing on the questions, even if he wasn't solving problems from their subjects.

After working on the problems until noon, Xia Yu put down his pen, went to the cafeteria for lunch, and then logged into Yin Shulan's body.

Last time, he hadn't used all of the experience cards he had exchanged, so it was a perfect opportunity to use the cards he had accumulated over the past few days.

Experience cards couldn't be used too many at once, as the influx of knowledge would cause dizziness.

Also, using too many at once would be wasteful. After all, the time needed for the experiment would not be shortened by the use of experience cards.

Opening his eyes, he found himself in a remote mountain town.

At the moment, Yin Shulan was taking Yin Ling, who had just finished lunch, back to school.

The sudden change of control of the body caused a problem with the control of the GT motorcycle, wobbling to the side. Fortunately, Xia Yu possessed Lv4 agility.

Yin Ling only thought that there was a sudden bump, and Xia Yu quickly regained control of the GT motorcycle.

After sending Yin Ling to school, Xia Yu pondered on something.

Yin Shulan took Yin Ling to school daily and commuted between the town and the village, which was quite troublesome. Could he buy a house in town?

If he lived in town, it would be much more convenient to purchase experimental supplies.

He communicated with Yin Shulan, and Yin Shulan had no objections.

So, Xia Yu found an intermediary.

There were no new houses in the town lately, and Xia Yu wanted a house with a yard.

At the intermediary's place, Xia Yu quickly found a suitable target, a small villa located on the edge of the town. The town was just a little bit big, and it only took a minute or two for the scooter to go from the edge to the center.

The other party asked for three hundred thousand.

Using his mental sense, Xia Yu sensed the benevolence value of the other party, comparing it to the benevolence value of a hundred on Yin Xue's body, the other party had seventy now.

This value was a bit high, and they must have made a lot of money.

So he cut down fifty thousand at once and the price became two hundred and fifty thousand.

The other party's benevolence value was still at fifty.

He cut another stroke, and it became two hundred thousand. Xia Yu felt that the other party's benevolence value was only ten left, so he stopped pressuring.

He had to let the other party make some profit.

Although willing in his heart, the other party did not immediately agree, but frowned and complained for a long time, trying to increase the price, but Xia Yu did not pay any attention to him.

The other party tried to threaten Xia Yu, revealing the intention of not selling if the price didn't go up, but Xia Yu still remained unmoved.

After speaking with exhaustion, the other party gave up and the two signed an agreement.

The bystander, the intermediary, looked at Xia Yu with astonishment. This old lady was too powerful at bargaining, striking a steady, accurate, and relentless deal.

In the end, listening to the other party's threats, he was worried about whether the transaction could continue, but the old lady sat calmly and ultimately won.

Xia Yu didn't expect that using mental sense could also work for bargaining like this. However, it could only be used with strangers. For people he knew, the benevolence value was fixed, without the strong fluctuations of strangers.

After taking the money out of the bank, the three of them went to the government to register.

When everything was done, Xia Yu exchanged pleasantries with the intermediary and the former owner of the villa, and was about to leave when a voice stopped him:


The one who stopped him was Yin Shulan's eldest son, Yin Zhanggui.

Yin Zhanggui worked here, and when Yin Shulan came in, he noticed her, but didn't approach immediately because he wanted to see what his mother was up to.

Just now, he asked his colleague who had handled the matter, and was shockingly informed that his mother, who had been financially drained by her daughter's illness, had spent two hundred thousand to buy a house!

This was unbelievable, Yin Wan's illness only cost him five thousand! She had money to buy a house, but no money to pay back her son?