Zhanggui: Eldest Son

The next day, Yin Shulan's third son, Yin Dingjie, received a phone call from his mother.

"I'll come over at noon, and you should call your eldest and second brothers as well," Yin Shulan's voice came from the other end.

Yin Dingjie was taken aback for a moment because the tone of Yin Shulan's words made him feel somewhat unfamiliar.

Yin Dingjie knew that although Yin Shulan seemed fierce on the surface, she actually liked their four siblings very much, especially the eldest, Yin Zhanggui.

The name Zhanggui was personally chosen by Yin Shulan, while the names of the other brothers were chosen by a teacher in the town.

Today, their mother's words were not fierce, but her tone was indifferent, completely lacking the intimacy of the past.

"Did you hear me?" Not getting Yin Dingjie's answer for a long time, Yin Shulan's tone became somewhat harsh.

"Oh, oh, oh, I heard you," Yin Dingjie hurriedly agreed.

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Yin Dingjie's face was blank.

His mother didn't even ask the usual "have you eaten" before hanging up the phone?

Did she call just to inform him to gather at noon?

Yin Dingjie felt uneasy, and he couldn't understand what was going on with his mother.

Because of his uneasiness, he took the noon gathering very seriously, immediately informing his two elder brothers and asking his wife to go shopping for groceries early in the morning.

Close to noon, Yin Dingjie pulled his son, Yin Shanshun, out of his room.

"Your grandma is coming soon, so you need to be well-behaved!" Yin Dingjie warned his son.

"What, why should I be nervous when grandma comes?" When Yin Dingjie went in, Yin Shanshun was secretly reading comics, and he was quite frightened.

"You little rascal, that's your grandma!" Yin Dingjie took the opportunity to slap his son, easing his inner tension a bit.

Frequently beaten, Yin Shanshun didn't realize that he was used as a way for his father to vent, and continued, "We're all family, why be so polite?"

Yin Dingjie was amused by Yin Shanshun's logic, and patted his son's head again, handing him the phone to play games in the living room.

At eleven thirty, there was a knock on the door.

Yin Dingjie immediately took the phone from Yin Shanshun's hand: "Go pour some tea for grandma."

"Why should I pour tea in my own house!" While grumbling, Yin Shanshun went into the kitchen to pour the tea.

Yin Dingjie opened the door, and outside was Yin Shulan.

Before she could enter the house, Yin Dingjie grabbed her hand and led her to a seat next to the table.

Yin Shanshun, who walked out of the kitchen, approached Yin Shulan nonchalantly.

Holding the teacup in one hand, Yin Shanshun said impolitely, "Here."

Yin Dingjie, who was thinking about how to tactfully suggest his mother go for a mental health check-up, was furious and wanted to hit him.

Yin Shanshun cleverly hid behind Yin Shulan to avoid Yin Dingjie.

"Sit down. What do you look like?" Yin Shulan asked Yin Dingjie to sit down and looked at Yin Shanshun.

Her intuition told her that although this grandson seemed prickly on the surface, he was actually very close to Yin Shulan – just a little less so than Yin Dingjie, and much closer than Yin Dingjie's two elder brothers, who were Yin Shulan's other two sons.

However, being outwardly prickly was still an issue that needed to be smoothed out.

She placed her handbag on the table, and her hand rested on top, tapping her fingers.

"What is this?" Yin Shan Shun's curiosity was piqued by Xia Yu.

"A notebook," Xia Yu replied.

"You're carrying so many notebooks in your bag..." Halfway through speaking, Yin Shan Shun realized something and lowered his voice as if he had seen a prohibited item, "Is this a computer?"

Xia Yu nodded.

"Grandma, it's inconvenient for you to carry a computer. Just leave it with me for now." Yin Shan Shun drooled over the notebook.

In their class, only three students had computers at home, two of which were old-fashioned, big-bottomed ones, and only one was suitable for playing games. That one computer was already the subject of envy, and to go to that student's house on weekends, one had to make a reservation. No one dared to offend him in normal times, and they tried to please him in various ways.

Now, an even more advanced notebook was right in front of him.

Looking at Yin Shan Shun's eager eyes, Xia Yu smiled, "Actually, I can give it to you."

Yin Shan Shun widened his eyes and couldn't believe it for a moment.

"Really?" He asked.

"Grandma, I'm a little thirsty," Xia Yu said.

Yin Shan Shun immediately tried to give the water cup in his hand, but stopped halfway. He put the water down and rushed into Yin Dingjie's room.

"Hey, what are you doing!" Yin Dingjie shouted at him.

"Dad, where did you hide the tea leaves? Ah, I found them!" Yin Shan Shun slipped out of the room and poured Xia Yu a cup of tea. He then moved a stool to Xia Yu's side and sat behind her, massaging her back.

Xia Yu enjoyed the comfortable gesture, while Yin Dingjie looked on enviously.

After a minute, the door was knocked on again, and Yin Shulan's eldest and second sons arrived.

"Mom, what did you want to see us for?" The two entered the room.

Seeing everyone together, Xia Yu handed the bag to Yin Shan Shun, "Go to the room and have fun."

Yin Shan Shun sweetly thanked his grandmother and opened the package. He saw the real notebook inside and then ran to pour Xia Yu another cup of tea.

"What's going on?" Yin Changgui took the notebook and looked, "This is the most expensive one, that's a small ten thousand!"

Yin Changgui's son had wanted this notebook, so Yin Changgui remembered it clearly.

"Mom, this is such an expensive thing..." Yin Dingjie looked at Xia Yu.

"Where is it expensive? It's only considered the most expensive in this lousy place, there are more expensive ones out there ranging from 20,000 to 50,000." Xia Yu calmly took a sip of her tea.

She waved her hand, letting Yin Shan Shun take it away.

"Mom, you can't be biased, your eldest grandson is also eager for it," Yin Changgui said enviously, watching Yin Shan Shun and talking to Xia Yu.

"What does an unemployed vagrant like him need a notebook for? Get to the side, we're talking about serious matters now," Xia Yu ignored Yin Changgui.

"Mom, you really can't be like this, you've got to be fair when it comes to your grandsons," Yin Changgui was still grumbling about this matter.

"If I had to be fair with you all, I would be. But you've all moved out and started families, so it's not up to me whether I'm fair or not, it's up to my mood," Xia Yu retorted.

"Grandma, even though we moved out, we are still family," the grandson argued.

Xia Yu didn't want to talk to him anymore: "Today, I came to talk about my 1 million plus in savings. If you don't want to listen, you can go home."

Yin Changgui immediately quieted down.

After they sat down, Xia Yu began to speak, "I have already consulted a lawyer and set my will. After my death, my money will be split with 60% going to the third child, 30% to the second child, and 10% to the eldest child. When Zheng Zheng dies, you will be able to receive the money."

"Who is Zheng Zheng?" the three of them asked in surprise.

"Alright, it seems that you have no objections to the distribution ratio, so let's set it as is. Now let us discuss Zheng Zheng's matter. Since you do not agree, let's remove the part about Zheng Zheng." Xia Yu revealed a smile.

"Wait, I have an issue with this ratio!" Yin Changgui knelt in front of Xia Yu, grabbing her hand, "Why do I only get 10%? I am your eldest son!"

"Before, the third child lent me fifty thousand, the second child lent me twenty thousand, and you lent me five thousand. I determined this ratio as a way of taking care of you already." In the morning, when Xia Yu was making her will, she originally didn't plan to give Yin Changgui anything, but Yin Shulan softened her heart and left 10% for him.

"Mom, you can't calculate it like this!" Yin Changgui counted on his fingers, "Let me explain it to you."