Yin Wan: The Future

"You see, our situations are different for the three of us," Yin Changgui defended himself.

He raised one finger first, "First of all, there's me. I'm just an ordinary office worker with a fixed salary every month, nowhere near as profitable as the third brother's shop. Now your great-grandson is grown up, I have to save money to buy him a house and pay for his wedding. Isn't it a bit difficult for me?"

He raised a second finger, "Then there's the second brother. He originally had the worst job among us, and just married a widow two years ago. Is a widow easy to get along with? She wouldn't let him contribute any money."

"But the third brother is different. He earns more money and his child just started high school, so he doesn't need any money." He raised three fingers.

"So, I contribute the least, the second brother contributes a bit more, and the third brother contributes the most. Is that fair?" He looked to the second brother, hoping to get his support.

The second brother was slightly tempted but didn't say anything yet.

His wife wouldn't let him give money, but it wasn't mandatory. He just felt that the money wouldn't be returned once given, so after weighing the sentiments, he took out twenty thousand from his sixty thousand savings.

He wasn't as thick-skinned as Yin Changgui and didn't have the audacity to gloss over his actions.

Without a response from the second brother, Yin Changgui could only look at Xia Yu.

In Xia Yu's mind, Yin Shulan mumbled, "That seems to be the case."

"You're trying to fool me with just five thousand when you have no money?" Xia Yu said this mainly for Yin Shulan's benefit, as she was indeed a soft-hearted person.

But this kind of soft-heartedness hurt the loved ones and pleased the enemies. If they followed Yin Changgui's suggestion, he would get a bigger share, and the other two sons would get less. It was like using their own flesh and blood to feed outsiders.

Yin Shulan stopped talking.

Yin Changgui attempted to persuade, "Am I really not in difficulty? There are only ten thousand savings left at home, and I can't possibly give all the money without leaving some for myself, right?"

At this point, Yin Shanshun poked his head out from the bedroom, "Last time, Yi Ge told me that you have a hundred thousand savings, and you've paid the down payment for a house in the city, but you refuse to buy him a laptop!"

Yin Changgui immediately became agitated, "What does he know? It's all nonsense!"

"Good-for-nothing!" Yin Shulan cursed in Xia Yu's mind.

Her second and third sons also looked at Yin Changgui with unkind eyes.

"Alright, let's settle on this." Xia Yu didn't want to waste any more words, and the matter was settled.

Knowing there was no more hope, Yin Changgui didn't stay there any longer. He angrily went home to scold his son.

As for Xia Yu, he was invited to stay for dinner by the two sons.

The third daughter-in-law brought the dishes, with all the meat placed in front of Xia Yu, forming a circle.

She had just calculated that 60% of a million was six hundred thousand, which was equivalent to her family's twenty-year savings, and that didn't even include the villa next to the town.

After eating for two minutes, the second daughter-in-law also came.

When Xia Yu announced the ratio, the second brother informed her, and she immediately came over from home.

"Mom, eat slowly. I'll go make you some beef, which is the best meat I bought from the city!" The second daughter-in-law entered the kitchen.

She was also very satisfied. Thirty percent of a million was three hundred thousand. For her family to earn that, it would also take twenty years to save up.

Although her family had half the wealth compared to Lao San's family, she had no objections to this distribution ratio. She felt that if it were her, it would be impossible to give 30% to the second son and 10% to the eldest son. It would definitely all go to the third son, and then casually give some to the second son, and it would be a good thing for the eldest son not to sever their mother-son relationship! At the same time, she also marveled at Yin Shulan's tactics. Using her daughter's illness to test the character of her three sons and then divide the property, it was truly a breathtaking operation. The results were excellent, and it was immediately clear who was good, who was bad, and who was average.

Even more astonishing was that with so much money in the family, Yin Shulan was able to keep it all a secret. After dinner, everyone at the table was delighted. Returning to her own villa, Xia Yu heard Yin Shulan sigh. "They didn't mention Wan'er." Yin Shulan said. Apart from the three sons, Yin Shulan also had a daughter, but none of them mentioned Yin Wan in the property division meeting. "You are dividing your inheritance, just set some aside for your daughter while you are still alive." Xia Yu answered. "Then I'll give her a dowry of fifty thousand." Yin Shulan said. Xia Yu thought that Yin Shulan would give Yin Wan more, but in the end, it was not even half of what Yin Changgui received.

From this point of view, it was not surprising that Yin Dingjie and the others didn't mention Yin Wan. In the rural areas, there was still the perception that daughters were a liability, and since they would eventually belong to another family, it was natural that they didn't have a share of their own family's wealth. "Back then, there were so many people who wanted to marry Wan'er that they lined up from the village to the town, but how did I end up choosing such an unreliable guy!" Yin Shulan was talking about Yin Wan's runaway husband. "Fortunately, that guy is dead too." Yin Shulan continued. "Dead?" Xia Yu was surprised, wasn't it said that he ran away?

"I didn't tell Wan'er and Ling Ling about it, that guy took advantage of the night to flee, and ended up falling into the river. His body was discovered two days later." Yin Shulan said. This was different from what you told me before! Xia Yu felt a little stomachache. This old lady was not easy to deal with, who knew how much else she had hidden from him. He had to be more careful with this old lady. "Who do you think would be a good match for Wan'er?" Yin Shulan asked Xia Yu the question again. Xia Yu thought about Yin Wan's appearance, and although the other party's body was a bit weak, with her face, it wouldn't be a problem to marry anyone, plus a Yin Ling as a bonus.

Furthermore, with his medicine-making abilities, he could completely restore the other party's health. As the images of Yin Wan and Yin Ling flashed through his mind, Xia Yu fell silent for a while before saying, "In some time, I hope you can go to the big city, not for too long, no more than half a year, and I'll give you a generous sum of money." His purpose in saying this was to buy some time. "I'll arrange her marriage sooner then." Yin Shulan said. Xia Yu's plan failed and even produced side effects. "You should see what she thinks." Xia Yu could only say that. "I'll ask her myself." Yin Shulan said. When it reached the eight-hour mark, Xia Yu returned to his own body. If Yin Wan and Yin Ling were merely ordinary beauties, it wouldn't be so bad, but both of them resembled An Siyao in some way, though not a lot.

People are originally similar, so a fifty percent similarity and a thirty percent similarity aren't actually that high, especially for Yin Wan. Without looking carefully, it's impossible to tell.

However, Xia Yu still feels a little awkward in his heart.

He decides to go to Yin Shulan tomorrow again and take her directly to a big city. That way, she won't have time to manage these things.

Standing in front of the window, he looks at the scenery outside. The community's greening is very well done, with lush trees and flower bushes on the roadside.

The flower bushes are not as neat as those in An Siyao's villa, and they don't bloom as brightly as in her villa.

Thinking of the flower bushes in An Siyao's villa, he thinks of An Siyao.

September is the time for college to start, and by then, he'll be able to see An Siyao.

He wonders what kind of expression the girl will have after knowing the truth.

And Xu Youxiang, they'll be able to see each other every day by then.

During this period of time, he needs to work harder to solve the issue of Xu Youxiang's leg first.

The mission of being the number one in the college entrance examination must be completed.

In tomorrow's monthly exam, let's test the results.