April 19th, Wednesday morning, Xia Yu arrived at school.

During the morning reading session, the math teacher walked into the classroom excitedly with the test papers in his arms.

Standing at the podium, he called two students from the front to distribute the papers.

Originally, the math teacher would read out every student's score according to their ranking to motivate them and let them understand their positions.

But now, with only two months left until the college entrance examination, the math teacher gave up this practice fearing it would put too much pressure on the students.

Taking his own test paper, Xia Yu glanced at his score.


This score had already reached the limit of the LV4 exam system. With this score, it was almost enough to compete for the first place in Ziling City, but the premise was that language arts and history weren't deficient.

In the previous exams, there were even geniuses who scored a perfect 160 in math, but such talents usually had some weaknesses, so they couldn't win the city-wide first place.

"May the Bodhisattva bless, may the Bodhisattva bless the pizza...," a mutter reached Xia Yu's ears, turning his head to see Gui Zixiao praying to the test paper in his hand.

His expression was serious, his attitude earnest.

After the prayer, he unfolded the test paper.

"115 points, perfect!" Gui Zixiao was overjoyed, unlike the scores he had obtained using his rewriting ability, this was the result of his own efforts!

He looked at Xia Yu again: "Xia Yu, how much did you get? 140 something?"

Although he asked about 140 something, Gui Zixiao didn't really believe it, 140 wasn't that easy to achieve.

Seeing Xia Yu's 148 points, he muttered a low exclamation, his excitement fading away.

"Your score is too high, if you do well in language arts and history, you might get the first place in the whole school, right?" Gui Zixiao tried to comfort himself, "It's a pity that you didn't do well in language arts."

"Yeah, yeah, that reading comprehension was too difficult," Xia Yu cooperated.

Gui Zixiao became happy again, he compared scores with other students, and his mood quickly recovered to its peak.

On the stage, the math teacher gave a brief comment: "This month's test paper is jointly produced by five schools, and the difficulty is about the same as last year's college entrance examination, so you can basically take this as your college entrance examination score. Make early psychological preparations, have an estimate of your college entrance examination results, to avoid emotional ups and downs later."

Pausing for a moment, the math teacher continued: "This time, the first place in our class is Xia Yu, with 148 points, which is also the first place in liberal arts class. However, there is an even more powerful person in the science class, with 155 points."

As expected, there was someone even stronger. A sense of crisis flashed through Xia Yu's heart.

To get from LV4 to LV5, about eighty experience cards, or 640 hours of hard work were needed. Even if he studied for only ten hours a day, two months would be enough to accumulate 600 hours. He had already spent more than forty hours on this, which was completely enough.

Xia Yu took out the five-three workbook from his school bag and continued solving problems. He had already completed the latest version, and now he was working on the old one.

The students who heard the math teacher's words and looked at him were amazed at his serious attitude.

The math teacher didn't let go of the opportunity and said, "Others have been recommended by Hua University, with handsome faces and talent, and they still work so hard. What do you, who have nothing, have the audacity to continue to be unrestrained?"

The students below whispered curses as they had already forgotten about the matter. Now, brought up again by the math teacher, their moods instantly dropped to rock bottom.

"Although two months is not a long time, as long as you work hard, maybe you can add ten or more points to your total score. That is a world of difference!"

The math teacher made up an example: "Two years ago, there was a senior student called Li Xiashuo. In the final monthly exam, his grade was almost last, and he could probably only enter a third-tier university. But through two months of hard work, he successfully got into a good second-tier university, barely missing the line for a first-tier university!"

The math teacher knew that making the story too perfect would arouse suspicion, so he added a bit of regret.

Sure enough, many students were deceived by his story, their eyes shining with hope.

This excited the math teacher even more, and he used the skills he learned in his youth when he was lured into a pyramid scheme to encourage the students with motivational speeches.

Xia Yu didn't listen to any more of his speech and continued answering questions ordinarily.

In the last class of the morning, the Chinese teacher entered the classroom. Having heard the math teacher's promotion, he knew about Xia Yu's situation.

"While lecturing on the test paper, the Chinese teacher wandered around the classroom. When he passed by Xia Yu, who was still rapidly solving math problems, the Chinese teacher coughed, "Xia Yu, you need to put effort into Chinese as well. You are still a member of my literature club, and it would be unreasonable if you were bad at Chinese."

"Teacher, don't talk nonsense. There's no connection between the literature club and one's Chinese grade. I know that Wen Ziyin often fails even to score three digits in Chinese!" Gui Zixiao pointed out the Chinese teacher's inconsistency.

The Chinese teacher blushed, "Shut up. It's not your place to talk!"

Laughter filled the classroom, creating a joyful atmosphere.

"Teacher, don't worry. I'm also studying Chinese." Xia Yu replied to the Chinese teacher.

The Chinese teacher had a good relationship with his students and often used his connection with the principal to engage in shady operations, such as securing first prize for their class in school bulletin board competitions regardless of their actual quality.

Before Xia Yu participated in the music contest, the Chinese teacher had also helped a lot.

Glancing at Xia Yu, who was still solving math problems, the Chinese teacher shook his head, feeling that Xia Yu was fooling him.

Everyone knew that Xia Yu only did math problems when he had the time, and never touched other subjects. When did he have time to review Chinese?

The Chinese teacher estimated that Xia Yu wanted to have fun during the college entrance examination, focusing only on one subject to gain experience rather than pursuing a high total score.

Although understanding, the Chinese teacher couldn't help but complain to himself:

Our relationship isn't that bad. I even helped you take care of your younger sister when we went to Kaiyang. Why did you choose that enchanting math vixen instead of coming to my Chinese boudoir?

Feeling as if he was being cuckolded, the Chinese teacher lost his mood, and after finishing the lecture on the test paper, he returned to the office.

Upon entering the office, he saw his colleagues gathered around his desk.

"What are you all doing?" The Chinese teacher's heart skipped a beat, could it be that the Chun Hong tea he had hidden was discovered?

"Old Wen, congratulations!" A group of teachers congratulated him.

"Congratulate me for what?" The Chinese teacher looked puzzled.

"Your student Xia Yu in your class, he did really well in the exam." The teachers said.

The Chinese teacher thought they were talking about Xia Yu's math scores, and since he was Xia Yu's homeroom teacher, it seemed normal to congratulate him.

Sitting in his seat, the Chinese teacher said, "That's to be expected. He practices math problems every day, as if he wants to devote himself entirely to math. It would be strange if he didn't do well."

After that, he started complaining, "What's so great about that math subject? He doesn't even touch our Chinese subject at home."

His colleagues didn't respond, and the Chinese teacher didn't care. He saw a stack of exam papers on the table, knowing that the marking had been completed. He picked up the test papers, looking for Xia Yu's score while saying:

"Let me see how many points he got in Chinese this time!"

The surrounding teachers remained silent, the Chinese teacher looked up, feeling as if they were holding back laughter?

"Don't bother looking, the test paper is here." One of the teachers had already laughed, slapping the test paper on the table.