Bringing An Siyao to Meet Sister

Hearing the knock on the door, Yuxue opened it to see Xia Yu with a figure in a skirt.

Her heart skipped a beat:

Her brother brought a girl home again!

Fortunately, it was only one this time.

Let me see which enchanting girl managed to deceive my brother in just two days of school.

Staring at the face of the figure in the skirt for three seconds, Yuxue stepped back, leaning against the door frame.

She exclaimed in disbelief, "Sister Yao Yao?"

"Um," An Suyao was somewhat uneasy, originally thinking it was just an ordinary girl, but suddenly she turned out to be her sister-in-law, what should she do?

She didn't seem too enthusiastic before, would she be mad?

An Suyao began to feel a little scared.

At this point, Yuxue had regained her composure, and her shock was only because the person who came with her brother was An Suyao.

She thought to herself:

It seems I misunderstood my brother; he didn't bring a girl home. Sister Yao Yao must have come to see me and just happened to meet him.

Taking out a pair of spare slippers, Yuxue let An Suyao enter the house: "Sister Yao Yao, please sit on the sofa for a while."

Afterwards, Yuxue went into the kitchen and poured two glasses of drinks.

On second thought, she poured an extra glass.

Brother, I can only help you this far.

Sighing, Yuxue put the three glasses of drinks on a tray and carried them to the living room.

However, there was no one in the living room.

Having circled the living room and confirmed that An Suyao was not there, Yuxue was full of question marks.

She went to the entrance to make sure An Suyao's shoes were still there.

Putting the drinks on the table, Yuxue went to the bathroom to check, and then sat on the sofa, deep in thought.

Yao Yao was not in the living room, didn't go back, and wasn't in the bathroom, so where could she be?

Speaking of which, her brother had also disappeared.

Could it be...

This is a crime, Brother!

Rushing upstairs, Yuxue came to Xia Yu's bedroom door and pushed it open.

She saw An Suyao sitting on the sofa next to Xia Yu's bed.

An Suyao seemed perfectly willing, watching Xia Yu tidy up his bed. Because Yuxue had started school today, she hadn't had time to tidy up Xia Yu's room.

A girl sitting on one side and a boy tidying the bed; if it wasn't for the short amount of time, Yuxue would have thought this was a scene after the fact.

"Yao Yao sister, let's go to the living room and hang out," Yuxue said.

Although at this point, it seemed her brother hadn't had time to do anything, she still needed to prevent it in advance.

Fei Fei said that when boys are alone, they will become beasts, extremely fierce, and cannot be pushed away.

An Suyao shook her head: "I'll stay here."

Burying her body in the sofa, An Suyao felt like she smelled Xia Yu's scent, although he had only reclined on the sofa once, what she smelled was just an illusion.

After hearing An Suyao's answer, Yuxue first admired Xia Yu, who was still making his bed, admiring how he somehow tricked An Suyao into his bedroom, and then began to worry.

On one side was her admired Sister Yao Yao, and on the other side was her brother, what should she do?

Anyway, keep an eye on them first.

"I'll go downstairs and get drinks," walking down the stairs, Yuxue fetched the drinks and went back upstairs.

She thought that since Sister Yaoyao had always attended a girls' school and there were only female servants in the villa, she wouldn't be aware of how terrifying boys could be. That's why she was deceived by her brother and entered his room.

She wondered what she should do.

As she worried, she pushed open the door to the room.

With a click, she opened the door and then clicked it shut again.

What did she just see? Her brother holding Sister Yaoyao's hand?

Had her brother finally lost his patience and made a move?

No, that couldn't be!

Summoning her courage, Snow opened the door again.

What she saw was her brother letting go of Yaoyao's hand and An Siyao actively reaching out to hold her brother's hand.

The situation seemed a bit different from what she had imagined.

Snow noticed a problem.

Even if An Siyao was naive, she couldn't possibly not know that holding hands with a boy was inappropriate.

Also, Yujia and Yumo had mentioned that Yaoyao would actively avoid boys when she met them.

Before at Yingguang, Sister Yaoyao didn't talk to her brother at all.

Snow calmly analyzed and carefully thought, concluding.

Damn, was her brother really that great?

Although she had fantasized that Xia Yu and An Siyao would develop smoothly, in her imagination, the two would have to endure hardships like "taking money and leaving my daughter," car accidents, amnesia, terminal illness, bankruptcy…

As a result, it was all settled in just two days?

In order to confirm her guess, Snow asked An Siyao, "What's your relationship with my brother?"

An Siyao thought for a while, but couldn't come to a conclusion, so she looked at Xia Yu.

Xia Yu didn't know how to define their relationship either, so he chose to deal with the person who raised the question.

Taking the drink from Snow's hand and putting it aside, Xia Yu pushed the girl out the door and casually stuffed her with a dozen bills, "Go have fun by yourself."

Looking at the closed door, Snow stomped her foot angrily, threw the money on the floor, and went downstairs.

Five seconds later, she returned to pick up the money.

Tomorrow was Saturday, and she would go to have afternoon tea with Lingling.

Stepping forward, Snow kicked Xia Yu's door and then briskly ran downstairs.

Opening the door, Xia Yu saw an empty hallway.

Knowing this was Snow's prank, Xia Yu closed the door.

When he turned his head, he saw An Siyao following him.

The girl held his hand.

At the moment Snow came in, Xia Yu felt a little embarrassed and let go of An Siyao's hand, but she immediately held it herself.

Now, she was unwilling to let go.

Reaching out, Xia Yu wanted to touch the familiar face, but hesitated midway. At this moment, An Siyao took the initiative to step forward, placing her face on Xia Yu's hand.

She gave Xia Yu a sweet smile.

Xia Yu also smiled and caressed the girl's face.

Touching with his own hand and touching with someone else's hand didn't feel different, but it had a significant psychological impact.

Xia Yu's heart became a little restless.

He quickly let go of his hand.

"Aren't you going to pinch my face?" An Siyao asked, puzzled. Xia Yu used to like pinching her face with Xu Youxiang's hand, even directly sticking his face over to rub against hers.

"Let's stop here for today." The current situation was too good, and Xia Yu was afraid he might do something irreversible.

It had been less than an hour since they met each other in a real sense.

Pulling An Siyao to sit on the sofa, Xia Yu asked the question he had brought up earlier: "What made you decide to wear this dress?"

"Don't you like it?" An Siyao held Xia Yu's hand tightly, showing her nervousness.

This dress was the one Xia Yu had tried on An Siyao at Luoya Li's birthday party earlier. At that time, he had only chosen it because it wasn't too revealing.

"I like seeing you in different clothes," Xia Yu replied.

"Mmm." An Siyao became happy.

"You can ask Xu Youxiang for advice on clothes," Xia Yu said.

Xu Youxiang had a talent for dressing up.

Speaking of Xu Youxiang, Xia Yu remembered something. The girl had been attending school for three days now, so why hadn't she come to confront him yet?

He and An Siyao were in one school district, while Xu Youxiang was in another. Xia Yu had thought Xu Youxiang would be sulky for a long time, and more voice messages would be sent his way.

He would go and check on her tomorrow, and also see if there were any issues with Xu Youxiang's classes.

"Which class are you in?" An Siyao's question interrupted Xia Yu's thoughts.

"Class 4 of Year 1 Literature," Xia Yu replied.

"Mmm." An Siyao noted down the address.