An Siyao: The Beginning

Early in the morning, the soft sunlight shone on the vibrant sea of flowers. It was a real sea of flowers, with colorful, dazzling blooms covering the entire hillside.

A girl was walking through the sea of flowers, carefully stepping along a narrow path within the blossoms. She held up her skirt, keeping her gaze on the path ahead. As she turned a corner, her skirt brushed against a flower. She immediately stopped, lifted her skirt higher, and continued even more carefully.

A singing voice came from the side. She looked towards it and saw a raised hillside, which was bare and topped with a huge rock. On the rock lay a woman who looked to be around thirty, surrounded by flowers that she had picked. The flowers close to her were bright and fresh, but many others on the hillside had wilted.

Her song was filled with a melodious tune, but without any lyrics. It sounded cheerful; however, amidst the barren hillside and the many wilted flowers, it seemed somewhat eerie. The girl quickly left the hillside and soon saw another figure wearing a skirt like hers.

The figure did not walk carefully on the path like her but instead strode confidently among the flowers. Whenever seeing a new and beautiful flower, the figure would stop to pick it up, touch it, and then smell it, only to discard it carelessly moments later and continue forward without any attachment.

The girl wanted to follow, but the winding path made it difficult. The figure soon reached the downhill and slowly disappeared from the girl's sight. In the end, the figure turned to glance at the girl, and she saw their face—it was that of a young man.

The sunlight suddenly became harsh, causing the girl to close her eyes. When she opened them again, she saw a somewhat unfamiliar bed. Sitting up from the couch, An Siyao turned to look at her empty-handed side.

Panicking, she turned and saw Xia Yu sitting beside her, which made her let out a sigh of relief. "What did you dream about? You look flustered," said Xia Yu, flipping through the pages of a book and looking at An Siyao.

They had been chatting in the room, and An Siyao had fallen asleep, perhaps because she hadn't slept well the night before due to their meeting. Recalling her dream and the figure wearing the same skirt as her, An Siyao replied, "I dreamt of you wearing my skirt."

Unbelievable! Not only did he wear a skirt, but it was hers, too? What a shameful thought! Xia Yu was about to ask more when An Siyao placed her head on his shoulder, clutching his hand. Xia Yu closed his mouth. How could she be so natural and clingy, breaking all the rules?

Rubbing her face against Xia Yu's shoulder, An Siyao thought about the dream. The final figure was Xia Yu, but who was the woman on the hillside rock earlier? She quickly remembered the answer - it was Yin Wan.

Without pondering why she had such a dream, An Siyao just remembered its feeling and felt sad. Quietly lifting her head, she looked at Xia Yu, who was reading. The sun was about to set, and the last rays of light spilled into the room, casting a patch of brilliance on Xia Yu's head.

The light spot reminded An Siyao of the end of the dream, suddenly glaring, driving away all the sunlight.

Could the light drive Xia Yu away too?

Reaching out, An Siyao covered the part of Xia Yu's head, not allowing the light spot to touch him.

Xia Yu was reading a book when he suddenly felt a heaviness on his head and turned to find An Siyao's hand resting on it.

Were you pretending to sleep and secretly touching my head?

Feeling his dignity being challenged, Xia Yu tossed the book aside and placed a hand on An Siyao's head.

Blinking, An Siyao removed her hand as she saw the light spot fall elsewhere because of Xia Yu's action, and held Xia Yu's other arm.

Xia Yu could not understand the logic behind An Siyao's actions.

A normal girl with a little playful heart wouldn't exchange for placing both of her hands and then adding her feet, comparing who could put more on, right?

Or, more shy ones would either slap away their own hands forcefully, or lower their heads and pretend to be ostriches.

What kind of reaction is this?

Unaware of Xia Yu's confusion in his heart, An Siyao was feeling the touch of his arm in the palm of her hand, and her heart became somewhat blurred.

She thought of a year ago, the day when she had a slight fever and was unexpectedly given a day off by the head maid, staying in her room to sleep.

Then, she saw her own body move on its own.

That was the day she and Xia Yu looked at each other.

Her body suddenly had another person in it, and this person's control priority was higher than her own, which bothered An Siyao for a while.

But afterwards, she felt overjoyed.

Responding to the expectations of the maids was too exhausting, and she had been tired for a while, so this was the best time for someone else to step in.

But Xia Yu didn't walk along the narrow path as she had imagined, but instead strode into the flower bushes, even stepping on and killing some of the flowers in his way, flattening the soil and making a new path.

After Xia Yu left, she felt relaxed and comfortable, and the space left for her in the flower sea had increased.

As she watched Xia Yu transform the flower sea step by step, finally encircling the flowers, she couldn't help but admire Xia Yu's ability to do such things.

Pressing Xia Yu's palm against her cheek, An Siyao thought, "As long as I follow him, I can find happiness, right?"

But the figure of Yin Wan, lying on the boulder on the hillside, still loomed in An Siyao's mind.

"What are you thinking about?" Xia Yu couldn't understand An Siyao's actions, so he chose to ask directly.

"Thinking about you," An Siyao told the truth.

The next moment, Xia Yu's fist knocked on her head.

Xia Yu wanted to ask how An Siyao could say such words so naturally, but if he asked, he would feel like he had lost.

"Why are you hitting me?" Holding her head, An Siyao felt wronged.

"Actually, I have a kind of disease that randomly knocks on other people's heads," Xia Yu chose to lie.

"You're teasing me again." Although she said this, An Siyao didn't feel any discomfort.

Xia Yu changed the subject.

"When you were sure it was me, what did you feel?" He asked curiously.

"I was just suddenly scared, not expecting you to be secretly by my side," An Siyao's words were full of sweetness.

It was like a little boy discovering that the creepy doll that had been following him to school was actually played by his older sister next door, instantly turning the discomfort into sweetness, and even worrying if his previous attitude had been somewhat bad.

The two of them resumed discussing other matters until Yuxue knocked on the door to call them to dinner.

After dinner, to avoid being caught and interrogated by An Tianfeng and Yu Liang, Xia Yu and Yuxue sent An Siyao back to the villa together.

On the way back, Yuxue poked Xia Yu's waist, urging him to quickly deceive An Siyao into coming to their house.

Xia Yu did not respond.

The next morning, Xia Yu arrived at Xu Youxiang's body.