Xu Youxiang: No School

After a bout of darkness, Xia Yu regained his senses and found himself on Xu Youxiang's body.

Opening his eyes and glancing at the unfamiliar ceiling, Xia Yu sat up and called for the maid with his cellphone. It was only six o'clock, still early.

Two minutes later, the maid opened the door. With her help, he got up, washed up, and sat in the dining room eating breakfast. Xia Yu told the maid to leave.

He started talking to Xu Youxiang, "What's the matter, have you become mute?"

In such a long time, Xu Youxiang hadn't spoken a single word.

"If I become mute, will you get a new Y?" Xu Youxiang replied.

Pretending not to have heard her, Xia Yu asked, "Do you have class in the morning?"

"…No," Xu Youxiang answered hesitantly.

"Why are you so tired? Didn't you rest well?" Xia Yu rubbed his forehead.

"I studied until three o'clock last night."

"Are there classes at night?" Xia Yu couldn't understand what studying until three in the morning meant.

"Do you think I'm like you? The teacher is only free to teach me at night!" Xu Youxiang's words carried a hint of guilt.

This guilt was noticed by Xia Yu, but he couldn't figure out where it came from for a moment.

He asked more details and understood what Xu Youxiang meant by studying until three in the morning.

The teacher An Tianfeng found for Xu Youxiang could only teach her at eleven o'clock at night through online remote teaching.

But where did that guilt come from? Logically, shouldn't he feel guilty for not choosing Xu Youxiang's campus instead of An Siyao's?

The teacher was also a girl.

Wait, it seems that girls are also not impossible?

Nevermind, he would definitely be able to find out the reason after some time.

After finishing breakfast and returning to the bedroom, Xia Yu continued to sleep.

At noon, he got up and ate lunch.

"Do you have class in the afternoon?" He asked Xu Youxiang again.

"…No," Xu Youxiang answered.

"No classes all day?" Xia Yu was surprised.

"Stop nagging, I just need to study with the teacher at night! What classes do I need to attend!" Xu Youxiang became somewhat annoyed.

By now, Xia Yu already understood the situation.

Xu Youxiang probably hadn't been to school at all, so she didn't know that her campus was different from his.

As for the reason for not going to school, there was no need to say, it must be because of her legs.

"Didn't you say your legs could be cured?" Xia Yu said.

Hearing this, Xu Youxiang knew that Xia Yu guessed her thoughts, and she fell silent.

"Let's go, I'll go with you." Xia Yu knew Xu Youxiang was afraid of being ridiculed. This girl's pride was a bit strong.

She could endure everything else, but not ridicule and pity.

As for her legs, she didn't really care. The reason she attempted suicide in the past was only due to her parents' financial situation and the sadness they showed when looking at her.

Xu Youxiang didn't answer Xia Yu, which meant she agreed.

Xia Yu called the maid and thought for a moment before calling two bodyguards as well to accompany them to school.

In an Information Science and Technology Institute classroom, a group of computer science students from Class 3 was having a lesson when there suddenly came a knock on the door.

The teacher, displeased, put down the book and looked toward the door.

He had just finished calling names, and the one who came at this time must be a student skipping class.

The knocking sound rang out again.

Taking a step forward, the teacher came to the door, gripped the doorknob, and prepared to teach the student outside a lesson once he saw them.

However, as soon as he opened the door, he had no idea what to do.

Looking at the two stout men standing outside, each about 1.8 meters tall with broad shoulders and thick waists, the teacher swallowed hard.

"Wh-who are you looking for?" The teacher tried to close the door, but his hand wouldn't obey.

These two guys definitely didn't look like good people, they must have come to cause trouble!

He didn't know which student in the class had stirred up trouble, but they were really asking for it!

And the security guards, how did they let these two guys in?!

As the teacher trembled in fear, a childish voice came from behind the two strong men:

"I'm here for class."

The two suited strong men neatly stepped aside, revealing the two people behind them.

There was a tall figure and a small figure, the tall one appeared to be in their twenties, and the small one looked like... a middle school student?

The taller figure was standing behind the smaller one, dressed as a maid, making it seem like the smaller figure was in charge.

"Ah?" The teacher couldn't quite believe what he had just heard, staring blankly at Xu Youxiang, who was in a wheelchair.

Xu Youxiang had missed classes for a year, so she was held back – now, she had new teachers and new classmates.

"I'm here for class, Xu Youxiang. My name is on the roster, right?" Xu Youxiang finished speaking and gestured to the maid.

The maid pushed her into the room, and the teacher quickly made way, watching Xu Youxiang come into the classroom with two bodyguards and sit at the back.

She took out her textbook, and it seemed that she really came to attend class. Indeed, the roster seemed to have Xu Youxiang's name on it.

Silently returning to the podium, the teacher's thoughts of scolding vanished, and he crossed out Xu Youxiang's absence for this class on the roster, as well as the previous records.

What do you mean, Xu Youxiang didn't attend class? She was clearly here!

Putting down the roster, the teacher continued with the lesson.

In the classroom, the students couldn't help but glance curiously at the back from time to time, but they were careful not to let their gazes linger.

Although the wheelchair-bound student attracted some attention, the two bodyguards were truly intimidating.

This was precisely the effect Xia Yu wanted.

He had specifically chosen these two burly bodyguards, made them shave their heads and put on suits, just to intimidate anyone who saw Xu Youxiang.

As long as she appeared strong, she wouldn't be ridiculed or pitied.

Although this was just a show of strength, the treatment was very promising, and it was estimated that within a year, Xu Youxiang would be able to stand up. This method was just a temporary solution.

His plan was very successful, and seeing the reactions from the teachers, classmates, and passers-by along the way, Xu Youxiang felt at ease.

Although it was a bit embarrassing.

There was only one lesson in the afternoon, and after class, Xia Yu returned to the villa.

"How was it, can you go to school by yourself from now on?" he asked Xu Youxiang.

"Yep." Xu Youxiang replied.

"Don't you have any rewards for me?" Xia Yu casually inquired.

"Scold you?"

Xia Yu felt the need to correct his image in Xu Youxiang's mind. He was not someone who liked to be scolded. It was just because Xu Youxiang's scolding without malice, with a soft and timid voice, sounded pleasant.

Moreover, scolding that did not come from the heart and was only for the sake of scolding could not bring happiness.

"Give me a not angry card," Xia Yu said.

After Xu Youxiang untied her knots about going out, she would soon discover the matter of the school district, and there would definitely be some trouble then.

"Are you a child?" Xu Youxiang did not realize Xia Yu's goal, and she easily agreed.

At four thirty in the afternoon, estimating that Yu had finished his military training, Xia Yu returned to his own body.

He came back just in time, as the instructor announced a dismissal in the next second.

However, after the dismissal, the students did not leave immediately but looked at Xia Yu together. Not only the students in our class, but also some students from several neighboring classes were watching Xia Yu.

Xia Yu was baffled until he saw An Siyao standing at the edge of the playground.