Duan Yi: Follow Me

Zhong Yunxin offered no resistance and easily handed over her suitcase of clothes to Xia Yu, who was in the body of An Siyao.

Taking the clothes, An Siyao returned to her villa.

In the bedroom, Xia Yu took out Zhong Yunxin's clothes and looked at them.

The clothes were all fashionable, but Zhong Yunxin's ability to match them was not very impressive.

Xia Yu picked out a set of clothes and tried them on.

Zhong Yunxin's figure was similar to An Siyao's, fitting perfectly.

Looking in the mirror, Xia Yu admired the trendy and handsome An Siyao, thinking that a girl could indeed handle any style.

It's a pity that the Eastern Village didn't have uniforms.

"Is that Zhong Yunxin also your sister?" An Siyao's voice echoed in Xia Yu's mind.

"Sort of, we don't have a blood relation." Xia Yu replied.

If it were any other girl, there might be some sensitivity, but An Siyao was a simple girl.

Her heart was full of panic at the moment.

She remembered how she had treated Zhong Yunxin before; taking her clothes and even scolding her.

What should she do when the girl she bullied at school turned out to be her boyfriend's sister?

Threatening her sister to act as if nothing happened?

No, it was Xia Yu who was controlling her body back then.

So, the problem became that her boyfriend bullied his sister using her body at school.

It was even more complicated.

An Siyao couldn't come up with an answer, so she directly asked Xia Yu, "Is it okay that I bullied her before?"

"It's fine," Xia Yu put on a duckbill cap, "Her mother asked me to look after her."

"Alright." An Siyao felt relieved.

Xia Yu tried on another black duckbill cap and felt pretty good about it.

The satisfaction on his face didn't escape An Siyao's eyes, who took note of this style.

After admiring the new outfit, Xia Yu changed back into his own clothes.

He felt as if he was playing a VR version of a nurturing game while at An Siyao's, and once it reached a certain level, he could even have the character as a real-life girlfriend.

After a while, a maid knocked on the door and entered. It was Yin Wan who came to call An Siyao for dinner.

Upon seeing Yin Wan, Xia Yu felt the joy in An Siyao's heart. However, after Yin Wan said her piece and left, An Siyao's mood turned to disappointment.

The emotional fluctuations were very obvious.

After dinner, Xia Yu called Yin Wan over.

"Miss?" Yin Wan was puzzled, not knowing what An Si Yao wanted.

"I need a model, and you'll do." Xia Yu randomly came up with an excuse.

Taking Yin Wan to the painting studio, although Xia Yu said he wanted to paint, his strokes were perfunctory, only adding one now and then.

An Siyao continuously sent feelings of comfort.

It wasn't until 9 p.m. that Xia Yu let Yin Wan leave and told her to come again tomorrow.

"You can use this excuse if you want to see her in the future." Xia Yu said.

"Okay." An Siyao was in a very good mood.

After spending another night at An Siyao's place, Xia Yu returned to his own body.

He looked at his game points, which were three times the usual amount. An Siyao's mood was truly joyful.

After eating the breakfast prepared by Xue, Xia Yu arrived at the school for classes. Although there weren't many courses in college, it usually took at least half a day.

During class, Xia Yu observed a few influential figures in the class. Duan Yi hadn't arrived yet, while Wang Lili was chatting with her five friends.

Although Wang Lili's face looked cheerful, Xia Yu knew from her frequent glances at another group of girls that she wasn't actually at ease. He also understood what Wang Lili used to gain the favor of these girls.

Coming from a wealthy family, Wang Lili was generous, and the girls around her were from average families at best. More importantly, Wang Lili didn't act arrogant; she gave others the impression of grace rather than charity, and she wouldn't ask the girls to do anything for her. It was only natural to help a friend who often gave you things without any feeling of arrogance or showing off.

A reliable class leader could bring benefits to the students, but these intangible benefits couldn't be compared to those that could be actually experienced. Xia Yu then looked at Qin Youliang, who was still the same as before, chatting with his best buddies about games and female celebrities.

However, his group of friends had expanded to nine people, and only Xia Yu and Yi Shiyu hadn't joined them. Yi Shiyu was sitting in the front row's corner, his expression stable, as if he had completely let go of the class leader issue.

"He went to the student council," Duan Yi said, sitting next to Xia Yu.

"How did you know?" Xia Yu asked.

"I have acquaintances in the student council," Duan Yi replied, taking out the book needed for the class, preparing to have class with Xia Yu.

Xia Yu didn't continue talking. As an honest person, he felt the need to distance himself from these unfamiliar girls. Seeing Xia Yu not talking anymore, Duan Yi took the initiative to bring up a topic: "Do you know how Yi Shiyu got Wang Lili to run for class leader?"

The topic intrigued Xia Yu, as he was indeed curious about how Wang Lili was tricked by Qin Youliang. If Wang Lili had wanted to compete for class leader from the beginning, she could have just said so, and Duan Yi wouldn't have fought with her, let alone win.

"Yi Shiyu and Wang Lili are dating now," Duan Yi replied. "They're being discreet, but I can tell."

Yi Shiyu had actually hooked up with Wang Lili? Xia Yu was surprised, as he hadn't expected Yi Shiyu to be so capable.

Duan Yi continued, "He asked Wang Lili to run for the class leader, and then you saw the result."

"What a drama," Xia Yu exclaimed.

He just didn't know whether Yi Shiyu was genuinely interested in Wang Lili or just felt that Wang Lili was useful.

"A small class leader position has revealed so much drama; it's quite an eye-opener," Duan Yi added.

"So, what do you want me to do?" Xia Yu asked Duan Yi.

"I'm just curious about what you do every day," Duan Yi said.

"What can I do? Wife and kids, warm kang (heated bed)," Xia Yu replied casually.

Duan Yi didn't expect a serious answer from Xia Yu; she asked, "Do you want to start a business with me?"

"Start a business?" Xia Yu was taken aback.

"If you're planning to fully devote yourself to music, then forget what I said. But if you don't intend to make music your entire focus and want to try something else, then why don't we start a business together?" Duan Yi suggested.

"What are you planning to do?" Words like star-rated hotels, internet giants, and new players in the investment circle flashed through Xia Yu's mind.

It wasn't until Duan Yi revealed the truth to him: "A milk tea shop!"

Me, a master of traditional musical instruments, worth millions, and a well-rounded young man with a girlfriend, opening a milk tea shop with you?

"What do you think, are you in or not?" Duan Yi asked.

Xia Yu originally planned to refuse, but thinking about his own business level 3 skill having no place to test it out, why not take this opportunity to see for himself?

So he answered: "Alright."