I Am a Bear

After getting Xia Yu's approval, Duan Yi excitedly told Xia Yu that with his face and her preparations, the milk tea shop would definitely be popular from the start. The way she described it made Xia Yu feel that the milk tea shop offered not only milk tea but also special services. Duan Yi did not immediately start her milk tea shop business as her funds were not in place yet.

In the following days, Xia Yu spent his mornings attending classes, afternoons with An Siyao, occasionally accompanying Zhong Yunxin, and evenings in his own room writing music and playing games. When it was almost time to go to bed, he would start his real gaming. He didn't go to An Siyao's place as often as before, since they would meet during the day. He mostly went to Xu Youxiang's place and the Black Cat's, as both parties were night owls, and they could freely engage in activities late into the night.

This continued until September 25th. Kong Hanyue had already completed the transfer procedures for Zhong Yunxin, and with the help of An Tianfeng's connections, she managed to get into an elite school. Tomorrow, Zhong Yunxin would start her new school.

In the morning, Zhong Yunxin knocked on Xia Yu's door, "Brother, accompany me to buy clothes!" Xia Yu got up from the bed, thinking that Zhong Yunxin couldn't wait to buy clothes anymore.

Following the young girl to the shopping mall, Xia Yu looked around the clothing stores, and when he saw something suitable for An Siyao, he persuaded Zhong Yunxin to buy it. In the end, he tricked Zhong Yunxin into buying a denim miniskirt, which marked the end of their shopping trip.

Zhong Yunxin was delighted. She had gone shopping for clothes with others before, but everyone else had a difficult-to-explain expression on their faces. Only Xia Yu not only had no objections but also tried hard to recommend clothes for her. She happily held the bag of clothes, unaware that her clothes will soon no longer belong to her.

When she got home, Xia Yu saw her hide her clothes at the bottom of her closet and nodded. Now, he could use An Siyao's body to come and collect the clothes. He really liked the denim miniskirt and was eager to see what An Siyao would look like wearing it. The punk-style clothing looked a little unrestrained, so Xia Yu was too embarrassed to buy it with An Siyao. Getting it from Zhong Yunxin was a perfect channel.

Leaving the door of Zhong Yunxin's room and returning to his own, Xia Yu clicked on the column, first thinking about how to use An Siyao's body to pretend to accidentally find Zhong Yunxin's clothes. If he could discover them every time, it would arouse Zhong Yunxin's suspicion.

After a minute of thinking, Xia Yu had an idea. He wouldn't find the clothes in front of Zhong Yunxin this time. He just needed to make sure she didn't have the clothes in her hands before she left for school. He would pretend to search her room afterward and find the clothes.

With the plan in place, he clicked on An Siyao's column. Matching in progress. Matching completed. Before the game, please confirm the following terms: After confirming, Xia Yu's vision went black for a moment. A moment later, his vision returned to normal. What appeared before him was a small stream. The first thought that came to Xia Yu's mind was how realistic the artificial river in An Siyao's house had become. Two seconds later, seeing the endless trees behind the stream, Xia Yu understood the situation.

The bug appeared again, and it should now be in the body of another creature.

Lowering his head, Xia Yu wanted to see what he had become this time.

What he saw was a brown belly and brown claws.

Staring at the strong claws for a while, Xia Yu had to accept the fact that he had become a bear.

Bending down by the stream, Xia Yu confirmed it.

The bear looked quite handsome, but what was the deal with the bandages wrapped around its head and legs?

He moved the leg with the bandage and felt a little pain.

However, the pain was not intense, either it was a minor injury, or it had almost healed.

He touched the bandage on his head again, and the wound there did not hurt much anymore.

What puzzled Xia Yu more than the injuries was the situation with the bandages.

He stood up with his intact hind leg, hugging the tree trunk next to him, and looked around.

Surrounded by trees, it seemed that he was in a forest, with no traces of human activity.

But the bandages on his body clearly told him that there were people here.

How did this bear get injured?

Using his pharmaceutical abilities to assess the injury, Xia Yu came to the conclusion that it was a gunshot wound.

Were there poachers here?

Or did this bear attack a village and was fought off?

Xia Yu couldn't find the answer, as a bear couldn't communicate.

Anyway, the first step was to find a way to get this bear out of here.

As long as he knew where he was, Xia Yu could ask An Siyao to pick up the bear.

Although bears were protected animals, he believed that with the capabilities of the An and Yu families, they could find a way to obtain adoption certificates.

Even if they couldn't keep it privately, they could send it to a zoo.

He touched the bandage on his head again, thinking that the person who had bandaged the bear must be a good person. He should be able to find out where he was from them.

By the way, the bonus for this bear was not yet determined. If it was an unimportant bonus, it didn't matter.

He sat by the creek for a while, and Xia Yu saw the prompt text:

Body exchange completed.

Generating bonus based on the other's body...

Bonus generated.

Bonuses received: Endurance Bonus lv1, Strength Bonus lv1, Upright Walking Bonus lv1

Enjoy your game!

Endurance, like agility, is one of the basic attributes and is very important. All physical activities require endurance, the most famous example is the marathon.

Strength, like endurance and agility, is also a basic attribute. Although modern society doesn't require much strength, it is still an attractive bonus.

As for the remaining upright walking, it really had no use at all.

The animals brought by the bug always had good bonuses.

Xia Yu couldn't wait to practice his skills, but the bear was still injured, so he needed to figure out how to get the bear out of there first.

First, find the person who treated this bear.

There were no signs of people nearby, so the bear must have run out by itself. The bear had a wound on its leg and couldn't go far, so it must be nearby.

With this in mind, Xia Yu closed his eyes and sniffed around with the bear's nose.

The sensitivity of a bear's nose was also renowned.

Following the smell, Xia Yu walked in the direction he came from.

Soon, he saw a small cave, and outside the cave, a figure was pacing anxiously.

Upon seeing Xia Yu, the figure was overjoyed and immediately walked towards him.

As the distance shortened, Xia Yu could clearly see the figure's appearance.

It was a young girl wearing a black coat.