Xia Yu: Still With Me

The day after taking the clothes from Zhong Yunxin, Xia Yu found himself back in the brown bear's body early in the morning. At this time, the sky was just starting to brighten in Area 232, and the brown bear was lying down in the cave, sleeping. Xia Yu sat up and checked his hind leg, which had had the bandage removed. Although the leg wasn't fully recovered, it no longer posed a problem.

Xia Yu first walked to the village and then followed the village path. As the sky was just beginning to brighten, there were no people on the road, so he could walk freely without worrying. On his journey, Xia Yu frightened many animals such as foxes and rabbits. He marveled at the abundance of wildlife in the forest while taking in the surrounding scenery.

The rising sun cast golden rays of light through the leaves, creating patches of light along the road, making the dirt road appear as if it was a cobblestone path. If Yunxue were here taking photos, even with poor skill, she could still capture beautiful images. Along the way, Xia Yu came across a small stream where he paused to rest and catch a fish before continuing on.

However, after crossing the stream, the path the villagers had trodden became less obvious. After another hour of walking, the path disappeared completely. Standing at the end of the path, Xia Yu looked around, unable to find any other path. Instead, he spotted fruits on the surrounding trees. Climbing a tree, he picked and ate some fruits, considering that this path might not lead out of the area but was used by villagers to collect fruit and access the stream.

He ran back to the village in an hour and a half. By this time, the village had come to life. Xia Yu observed the village from above and found another path with many villagers walking along it. Following them carefully and quietly, he came upon a field, but there was no path beyond this point.

Sitting on the ground, Xia Yu was perplexed as to why he couldn't find a way out of the forest following the paths. Were these villagers never leaving the forest? Or was the path he sought simply untraceable because few people walked it? In any case, the path-following method wouldn't work, so he had to find another way.

After walking another round and returning to the initial cave, Xia Yu saw the masked girl again. She was wearing ordinary clothes, made in an assembly line factory, and her mask wasn't something a village could produce on its own.

He figured he could deal with that later since the area was relatively safe. There was only one village near the forest, and he had already explored the area without finding any poachers. The brown bear had most likely been attacked by a villager's hunter, resulting in the gunshot wound.

Generally speaking, even a skilled, experienced hunter with a gun would avoid bears. The brown bear had probably attacked a hunter in the village, only to be counterattacked. It was already quite lucky for the hunter to escape from the bear once. If they were to run into each other again due to bad luck, it would be the hunter who should be worried, not the bear.

Of course, this was just his estimation based on the available information; he wasn't certain about the exact situation. To be safe, it was better to stay farther away from the village.

If it was him inside the body of the brown bear, he wouldn't panic if he encountered a hunter. With his agile V4 spirit and the body of the bear, he would definitely win. He was just afraid that the bear itself might be careless and lose to the hunter.

As he was thinking about this, Xiong Yu suddenly felt an itch in his ear. He looked up to see a young girl touching his ear.

What was wrong with this girl, daring to touch a bear's ear? Didn't she want to live?

Touching a tiger's butt, the tiger still needed to turn around to bite you, but when touching a bear's ear, the bear could just open its mouth and bite off your hand.

Thinking of this, Xiong Yu opened his mouth.

The girl was frightened by his sharp teeth and immediately retracted her hand.

Having successfully teased the other party, Xia Yu returned to his own body with a joyful mood.

At this time, Tu Guan Yu had just arrived at school.

Sitting in the back row of the classroom, Xia Yu was thinking about the bear's situation while daydreaming.

The bear's leg was almost healed, and he could use the experience card to start gaining experience tomorrow.

First, get the endurance and then strength.

However, the issue of how to accommodate the brown bear still needed a solution.

Kidnap a villager and use the bear's body to write words to question the villager.

After pondering for a while, Xia Yu still couldn't come up with any other method.

There must be a channel for communication with the outside world in the village, but while in the bear's body, he had only eight hours, not enough time to keep an eye on the people leaving the village.

Perhaps he should steal the old hunter's gun and threaten the villagers, asking them for help.

This method had some feasibility, and Xia Yu wrote it down.

After thinking about it again and making sure there were no other issues to pay attention to, Xia Yu turned on his phone and started thinking about what kind of pay-to-win mobile game he wanted to create.

Speaking of pay-to-win games, the first one Xia Yu thought of was Warships Girls, the first pay-to-win game he encountered in his past life.

However, the gameplay of Warships Girls was not remarkable. The more extraordinary gameplay and more deceptive pay-to-win game was Honkai Impact 3rd, an action game dressed up as a pay-to-win game.

However, the 3D graphics of Honkai Impact 3rd were expensive, and his money was undoubtedly insufficient.

The game content could be considered later, as it could make money anyway. It didn't matter how much he made, as long as it was enough to create a King of Glory, gather funds and build a medical company.

The main problem now was the talent issue.

As Xia Yu was struggling, Duan Yi came to his side and said, "The funding for our milk tea shop is in place. We will start the business in the next few days."

Had she not mentioned it, Xia Yu would have almost forgotten about it.

Originally, Xia Yu wanted to try his skills in business and agreed to Duan Yi's plan. But now, he was anxious about the mobile game and the bear issue, and he didn't have time for the milk tea shop.

As he turned his head, preparing to reject Duan Yi, Xia Yu suddenly had a thought.

He needed someone to help him recruit talent, and Duan Yi seemed to be a good choice. She was a student at Hua University, and it would be very convenient for her to gather alumni.

Although she was betrayed by Wang Lili, it was because of the huge material gap. Among the remaining girls who were not moved by Wang Lili's money, Duan Yi's influence was still strong.

Although Duan Yi's character was a bit too domineering, there was no problem with her character. It's impossible for a person to be liked by everyone.

"Why don't you give up the milk tea shop and start a business with me?" Xia Yu said to Duan Yi.

Duan Yi was stunned at first, then firmly replied, "No, I won't."