Endurance Enhancement

"I just asked you to start a business with me, and before we even begin, you're poaching me?" Duan Yi looked at Xia Yu with a puzzled expression.

"Are you coming or not?" Xia Yu asked again.

"No," Duan Yi shook her head firmly, "I want to start my own business."

"What kind of business do you want to start on your own? What's so good about opening a milk tea shop?" Xia Yu continued to tempt Duan Yi.

Duan Yi thought for three seconds and still shook her head: "Forget it, I still want to do it on my own."

After refusing Xia Yu, Duan Yi began to pull him: "Didn't you say before that you would open a shop with me? Why do you want to do it alone now? If you didn't agree back then, I wouldn't have started planning so quickly."

"Don't worry, I'll still go to your shop, after all, my task is just to show up." Xia Yu didn't directly refuse Duan Yi, just saying that he wouldn't interfere with the shop's affairs.

"That's enough," Duan Yi nodded, she just wanted to use Xia Yu's popularity to boost the popularity of the milk tea shop.

"I wish you success," Xia Yu wished Duan Yi success on the surface, but in private, he thought of waiting until her milk tea shop closed down before bringing her back.

He had seen Duan Yi's plan. She wanted to open a milk tea shop near the school. However, Xia Yu felt that the location was not that great.

If there were no special changes in Duan Yi's plan, this milk tea shop would most likely be a bit cold.

After a day of learning, Xia Yu returned home. In the early hours of the next morning, he entered the body of the brown bear.

At that time, it was already morning on the brown bear's side.

The brown bear was in front of the cave, next to the bear. The masked girl was also there, touching the scar on the brown bear's head.

Her movement was very careful, and Xia Yu felt a little itchy. He raised the bear's paw, wanting to scare the girl, but this time she wasn't frightened.

She looked at the raised paw of Bear Yu.

Hanging the paw in mid-air for a while, Bear Yu could only retract the paw.

He failed to scare her, which was a failure.

With a snort, Bear Yu stood up and walked towards the distance.

This time, he came here to practice his skills and transfer the brown bear's activity area to a place further away from the village to avoid being attacked by hunters.

Now that he couldn't recover the brown bear, Xia Yu could only reduce the risk of the brown bear by this method.

After walking for a while, Xia Yu found that the girl was still following behind. He quickened his pace, but so did the girl.

Xia Yu felt that he could lead her to an uninhabited cave, and then...

And then tie her up, write words with his claws, and force her to tell him what this place was, so he could come and take the brown bear away.

But doing this would be shocking, and if he didn't want to be discovered, it would be best to kill her.

Kidnapping and killing were two things he couldn't do. After all, bears were at the top of the food chain in the forest, so nothing would happen.

When they arrived at a stream, Xia Yu waded across, and the girl finally couldn't follow him anymore. She stood by the stream with a sad expression on her face.

Holding back his soft heart, Xia Yu continued to move forward.

This time, he started running directly.

He used game points to buy twenty experience cards, applied them to himself, and began practicing endurance.

After running intermittently for six hours, Xia Yu stopped and found a huge hollow tree.

Approaching the tree, Xia Yu estimated the space inside the tree could accommodate two bears.

He decided to settle down there.

He continued to run around the nearby area, and Xia Yu observed the surrounding environment. After eight hours, he returned to his body.

He opened the skill panel and looked at his skills.

The endurance skill had been acquired and had already reached level 2. According to the previous calculation formula, it was not far from level 3.

Changing into sportswear, Xia Yu arrived at the gym in the community.

He found a treadmill and started running.

Unfamiliar with operating the treadmill as it was his first encounter in this world, Xia Yu asked a man nearby for help to start the treadmill.

After teaching Xia Yu, the man took a sip of water and started running on his treadmill.

While running, he kept looking at Xia Yu.

He thought to himself, since Xia Yu couldn't operate the treadmill and hadn't been seen in the gym before, he must be an ordinary person.

For an ordinary person, running at this speed for about ten minutes would be considered strong.

He smirked disdainfully, silently increasing his speed to be one level faster than Xia Yu.

He glanced back at Xia Yu, feeling the need to show him the gap between fitness enthusiasts and ordinary people.

He had only been running for less than a minute when Xia Yu felt his strength was draining too slowly and increased his speed.

The man frowned, increased his speed again, and Xia Yu also kept up with the increase.

When the speed finally became fast, the man let out a sigh of relief and smirked disdainfully when Xia Yu no longer kept up.

At this pace, an ordinary person would give up after five minutes, so he thought he'd show the difference between ordinary people and fitness experts!

Thinking so, the man continued running with determination.

After three minutes, hearing Xia Yu's steady breathing, the man started to feel uneasy.

Five minutes later, seeing Xia Yu still enduring and his breathing only slightly disrupted, the man became a little flustered.

However, at this point, he still had some confidence.

Another five minutes passed, and the man's breathing became extremely rapid, while Xia Yu's remained only slightly heavier.

The man finally panicked, his confidence shattered, but he still persisted.

After twenty minutes, the man's legs gave out, and he was dragged off the treadmill, falling onto the floor.

If an ordinary person had fallen like this, no one would have laughed; but the man was popular in the gym, and those familiar with him burst into laughter.

Several people who knew his name came over to tease him.

With a red face and burning ears, the man responded to the mockery, sitting on the side, using a machine to pull his arm muscles, and continuing to watch Xia Yu.

The more he watched, the more shocked he was. His legs were completely weak, but Xia Yu could still maintain his speed.

Finally, when Xia Yu got off the treadmill, the man immediately approached him and asked, "Brother, are you a long-distance runner?"

Xia Yu paused, not understanding why the other party asked this question, and answered honestly: "No."

"Then are you an athlete in another sport?" The man continued to ask, not giving up.

"I am a Chinese language student at Hua University." Leaving this sentence behind, Xia Yu left the gym.

In the gym, the man remained standing in place, thinking about what Xia Yu said about being a Hua University student.

Since he was a Chinese language student, he wouldn't naturally be an athlete. It was remarkable that someone who wasn't an athlete had such great physical strength. There were indeed hidden talents among the common people!

It's a pity he didn't ask for contact information.

The man sighed.

On the other hand, Xia Yu returned home and received a phone call. The call was from Yu Ningmeng.