Yan Wei Comes to the Door

Xia Yu didn't know that his wish to eat white jade dumplings made by Yan Baiyu herself was about to come true, as he was still drinking fruit juice at the moment.

Although he didn't know anyone at the banquet, he wasn't lonely. As the second-place winner in the regional student music competition, he had participated in global performances, and had performed a duet with the guzheng star Liu Manman on the song "White Horse in the Rain." He could already be considered a celebrity.

Moreover, he possessed talent and good looks.

Soon, the young ladies who came with their parents recognized him and gathered around him to chat.

Bored, Xia Yu turned on his elegance and used mental healing skills to intentionally engage and guide the conversation, getting along well with the girls.

Elegance increased his charm, while mental healing helped him analyze others' psychology, say comforting words, and guide the conversation without leaving a trace. Xia Yu suddenly felt that he could perhaps take these young ladies home and form a secret organization.

He hadn't expected that the combination of elegance and mental healing would have such an effect; he had merely tried it on a whim.

At this point, he had attracted the attention of all the young ladies and even some of the married women, making some men unhappy.

But as cultured individuals, they couldn't do anything; mocking was disrespectful and would only cause them to lose face.

Until a young girl suddenly grabbed Xia Yu's hand.

"Who are you?" the other girls glared angrily at the unwelcome guest.

"I'm his fiancée, carrying his child in my belly." The girl's words left the other girls stunned. By the time they came to their senses, the girl had already dragged Xia Yu out of the hall and into the backyard.

Xia Yu frowned at the girl pretending to be An Siyao.

The girl looked quite ordinary, just about the level of a regular goddess, a little worse than Liu Manman and about the same as Duan Yi.

"Who are you?" Xia Yu asked.

"My name is Le Miaomiao, and I'm Yan Wei's best friend," the girl said with a brilliant smile. "It must be annoying to be surrounded by those girls, right? You don't have to thank me."

No, I didn't feel the least bit annoyed; I was just testing my skills.

Xia Yu didn't say this out loud; instead, he said, "If there's nothing else, I'll leave."

With that, he turned and walked in the direction he'd come.

Le Miaomiao hurriedly stood in front of him, her face still beaming with a bright smile.

Long ago, she had become curious about Xia Yu though Yan Wei's descriptions and wanted to see what kind of person could captivate her so deeply.

Once Yan Wei had managed to meet him, Le Miaomiao immediately came to investigate.

His appearance and temperament were excellent, but seeing him flirting with a group of girls left a bad impression on her heart.

If he could hook up with so many women at someone else's party, what could he do on his own turf?

Upon hearing Xia Yu's sweet-talking, Le Miaomiao became even more convinced that he was a scumbag.

Yan Wei must have been deceived!

She thought to herself that she must expose Xia Yu's true face and make Yan Wei let go of her obsession.

However, to expose something, she needed to understand it first, so she planned to get to know Xia Yu.

As there were so many girls around Xia Yu, she couldn't find an opportunity, so she dragged Xia Yu here.

She didn't expect that Xia Yu, who flirted with a group of girls in the hall, would be somewhat cold to her.

This guy, could it be that he's not interested in women alone?

Or maybe he's just superficially flirtatious, but actually a serious person in private?

Le Miao Miao couldn't come up with an answer, but she felt she could test it.

"Can I add your QQ number?" Le Miao Miao asked Xia Yu.

As long as she added his QQ number, they could keep in touch later.

Xia Yu thought for a second, and from Le Miao Miao's body, his spiritual sense did not feel goodwill, nor did it feel malice. However, because of what Le Miao Miao did just now, Xia Yu's impression of her was not good.

He liked women who were honest and didn't cause trouble for others, with the only exception being Kong Hanyue because she was a mother.

Even Xu Youxiang, who has a bad temper, had never caused trouble when others were around. But Le Miao Miao impersonated An Siyao and spread rumors about the baby in her belly. Although most people could tell it was a lie, there were still some "naïve" people who believed it to be true.

So he took out his phone and gave Yan Li's QQ number to Le Miao Miao.

Le Miao Miao excitedly sent a friend request.

Xia Yu then sent a message to Yan Li, telling her that her sister's best friend wanted to add her.

Yan Li, puzzled, accepted Le Miao Miao's request.

After successfully getting rid of Le Miao Miao, Xia Yu left and returned to the hall.

Because of Le Miao Miao's words just now, only half of the girls who came to talk to him remained. This half knew Le Miao Miao and knew she was lying.

On the other side, Le Miao Miao held her phone, looking at the avatar of the newly-added account.

It was a pink magic wand picture.

This guy looks like a straight man, but deep inside is he really that flirtatious?

She looked at the account's profile.

It showed thirteen years old, female.

He's pretending to be a woman?

And even a Lolita?

Le Miao Miao felt something was wrong, she suspected that she might have added the wrong friend, so she decided to send a message to test the waters: Hey, do you still remember my name?

Yan Li, who received the message, scratched her head and wondered what her sister's best friend's name was. She couldn't think of it, so she went through her chat history with Yan Wei and found the nickname she used for her best friend.

"Le Miao Miao," she answered.

Yan Wei always called her by her nickname, so Yan Li didn't know what Le Miao Miao's surname was. Yan Li didn't care since it was normal for girls to call each other by their nicknames.

However, Le Miao Miao thought this account belonged to Xia Yu.

She hummed.

Calling her Miao Miao after just meeting? He's really not a good person! He must be in a hurry to leave so as not to be found out!

She decided to test "Xia Yu" again.

She sent a photo of herself wearing an off-the-shoulder dress to "Xia Yu" from her phone.

Aren't my shoulders a bit sunburnt? Ah, it's not so good to wear a dress like this.

In reality, she was trying to tempt "Xia Yu" with her shoulders.

Seeing the message sent by Le Miao Miao on her phone, Yan Li was confused. She chose to reply normally:

You should put some sunscreen on.

On the other end, Le Miao Miao hummed again and replied: Are you thinking of applying it for me?

Yan Li blinked innocently, not understanding the meaning of Le Miaomiao's words, and could only reply normally: Alright.

Le Miaomiao was extremely surprised, not expecting that "Xia Yu" would actually be so direct.

A moment later, she became overjoyed. Since "Xia Yu" took the bait, she would take this opportunity to capture "Xia Yu"'s true face and let Yan Wei give up completely!

She sent a message: I'm in the room at the end of the second-floor corridor after turning right. Come over with sunscreen in ten minutes, and I'll help you apply it all over your body, okay?

Looking at the message, Yan Li became even more bewildered.

She responded with an okay, and then went to find her sister Yan Wei. Although she didn't understand the meaning, she instinctively felt that something was wrong.

On the other side, upon seeing "Xia Yu"'s reply, Le Miaomiao sighed at "Xia Yu"'s boldness, while going to her second-floor room. She took out her camera, set it up, and prepared to capture Xia Yu's embarrassing moment for Yan Wei to see.

Five minutes later, there was a knock on her door. Upon opening it, she saw Yan Wei, who had brought her sister along.