I Already Have a Girlfriend

Le Miaomiao was puzzled, wondering how Yan Wei and Yan Li came here when Yan Wei suddenly made a move.

With an angry expression, Yan Wei grabbed Le Miaomiao's collar.

Le Miaomiao thought it was because her attempt to seduce Xia Yu was discovered, so she hurriedly explained, "It's a misunderstanding, I was just testing him!"

"Testing her? What does my sister have to do with your test!" Yan Wei looked at Le Miaomiao with a disdainful and sorrowful expression, "I treated you as a friend, but you actually tried to seduce my sister!"

"Eh?" Le Miaomiao was stunned.

She turned to look at Yan Li, who had shrunk behind Yan Wei and was looking at her with frightened eyes.

"I could accept you liking women, and I could understand you liking young girls, but we have such a relationship and you went after my sister!" Yan Wei pushed Le Miaomiao hard against the wall.

"Wait wait wait, what does this have to do with your sister?" Le Miaomiao was confused, and Yan Wei's expression made her a little scared.

"You still want to deny it, I've seen your chat records with Li Li!" Tears were already welling up in Yan Wei's eyes, "You invited my sister to your room to help you apply sunscreen, and you said you would apply it to her whole body!"

"Ah?" Le Miaomiao's mind was even more chaotic.

It seemed that she had indeed said that, but she didn't say it to Yan Li!

"No," Unable to sort out the logic, Le Miaomiao decided to avoid the sister topic, "I was planning to take a photo…"

Her words were interrupted by Yan Wei again, "You were actually going to take photos?"

Taking two steps back, Yan Wei saw her best friend's true face for the first time, she never thought that the person would turn out to be such a pervert.

Yan Wei's gaze swept around the room, and behind a pile of books, she spotted the camera lens.

"You were really going to take photos!" She fiercely grabbed Le Miaomiao's collar again and swung a punch.

Le Miaomiao, not wanting to get hit, quickly escaped.

The two chased each other until they were discovered by Granny Yan.

"Stop, both of you stop, what happened?" Granny Yan stopped Le Miaomiao and pushed away Yan Wei, who was about to hit her again.

"Granny, she was going to bully Li Li!" Yan Wei was still furious as she looked around and grabbed the decorative sword hanging on the wall.

"Between each other, bullying and being bullied are quite common. As long as it's not intentional, there's no problem," Granny Yan thought that what Yan Wei was talking about was just an ordinary case of bullying.

"What did she do to bully Li Li?" Granny Yan asked.

"She asked Li Li to go to her room to help her apply sunscreen," Yan Wei replied.

Granny Yan, puzzled, looked outside the window; it was nighttime, so why would they need sunscreen?

"She even said she would also help Li Li apply it, applying it to her entire body," Yan Wei emphasized the last three words.

Granny Yan turned her head and looked at Le Miaomiao with a strange gaze.

"I didn't, I didn't do that, don't make things up!" Le Miaomiao quickly defended herself.

Starting from the moment she met Xia Yu, she explained everything she had done.

Yan Wei's anger slowly faded and her face became expressionless, all because she didn't know what expression she should reveal.

Taking out Yan Li's phone and flipping through it, Yan Wei told Le Miaomiao, "You didn't add Xia Yu, but Yan Li. Xia Yu told Yan Li that you wanted to add her, and then gave you Yan Li's number."

"Ah?" Le Miaomiao's expression became interesting.

So it turns out that the person she just flirted with was actually Yan Li?

That's a bit exciting.

After clearing up the misunderstanding, the two shook hands and made peace. Yan Wei put the sword back on the wall.

Le Miaomiao clenched her teeth, chanting Xia Yu's name in her heart.

"Okay, okay, the banquet is about to end. You two go down and play some more. Weiwei, remember to keep that kid Xia Yu." Madam Yan's face was full of smiles, and she was amused by the incident.

She was not the one involved, so she was not affected by any complicated emotions, only feeling it was interesting.

Le Miaomiao ran back to her room with her clothes disheveled, changed her clothes, and apologized to Yan Li, while Yan Wei went downstairs and invited Xia Yu.

Xia Yu frowned slightly. What did he mean by seeing Yan Wei's family in private?

Yan Wei tempted him with the White Jade Balls, he originally wanted to say sternly that the White Jade Balls could not corrode his character, but those White Jade Balls were made by Yan Baiyu.

"Okay." He nodded in agreement.

He thought that as long as he mentioned having a girlfriend in front of Yan Wei's parents, the matter could be resolved satisfactorily.

Would any parents let their own daughter pry into someone else's affairs?

After the banquet ended, when all the guests left, Madam Yan walked up to Xia Yu.

She grabbed Xia Yu's hand, "You are Xia Yu, right? Truly a gifted person."

"Hello, grandma." Xia Yu smiled in response. He didn't know how to deal with the girl's parents, so he maintained his elegance and spiritual healing skills.

Madam Yan led Xia Yu upstairs to a small meeting room on the second floor.

"I've heard Weiwei always talk about you. Compared to you, she really doesn't amount to much. She was able to attend Baiyue Academy because her grandfather used some connections." Madam Yan changed the subject to Yan Wei.

From the spiritual therapy, Xia Yu analyzed that Madam Yan was not unhappy with Yan Wei, but rather very satisfied with her. After saying polite words, Xia Yu immediately began to praise Yan Wei.

Madam Yan was delighted.

Madam Yan originally planned to exchange pleasantries with Xia Yu for a moment before probing his thoughts and temperament. However, Xia Yu's words always hit the right spot, making her forget about the probing and happily chat with Xia Yu.

After chatting for half an hour, Madam Yan was still not satisfied.

She glanced at the time, stood up and said, "I'm going to check if her grandfather has prepared the snacks, and call them over as well."

With that, Madam Yan left the meeting room.

After a minute, Le Miaomiao came to the meeting room first. She didn't say a word, sitting in front of Xia Yu, staring at him fiercely.

Xia Yu guessed that the Penguin number incident had been discovered.

He thought to himself: Is it such a big deal to have given you a fake number? Is it necessary to be so bloodthirsty?

He didn't know that if it weren't for Madam Yan's intervention and Le Miaomiao's quick escape, they would really have a deep-seated hatred.

Following that, Yan Li and Yuxue walked in.

Upon seeing Le Miaomiao, Yan Li's face showed fear. She pulled Yuxue with her and sat at the farthest place from Le Miaomiao.

Knowing what had happened, Yuxue covered her mouth and secretly giggled.

Le Miaomiao's glare at Xia Yu became even fiercer.

After being stared at by Le Miaomiao for a while, Xia Yu frowned. He also wasn't someone with a good temper.

He tried to scare her and bared his teeth at Le Miaomiao.

For a moment, Le Miaomiao seemed to see a mouth full of sharp teeth.

Her body tensed up, wanting to retreat, but she bumped into the sofa and regained her composure.

When she looked at Xia Yu's mouth again, his lips were enticingly red and moist, as if she had just experienced an illusion. But the sharp teeth still flashed in her mind, so she dared not look at Xia Yu anymore.

Xia Yu stood up and walked over to Yan Li and Yuxue. The two girls were playing shadow games with the light, casting shadows of rabbits, crocodiles, and the likes on the wall.

He joined them.

A minute later, Granny Yan and Yan Baiyu arrived at the guest hall.

After scanning the room, Granny Yan's body stiffened and she inwardly cursed.

Her gaze was toward the direction where Xia Yu was playing with Yan Li and Yuxue.

There, Xia Yu was using both hands to create animal shadows on the wall. In one second, it was a rabbit, and the next moment, it changed into an antelope, and then a crocodile in a blink of an eye.

Xia Yu's movements were fast, with little time spent transitioning between positions, making it seem as if the rabbit had transformed directly into an antelope and then into an alligator.

During the transformations, Xia Yu's fingers almost left after-images.

Such a level of finger dexterity…

Granny Yan glanced at Yan Wei, who also had her eyes fixed on Xia Yu, her face flushed.

Granny Yan sat down near the tea table and distributed the refreshments to everyone present.

Originally, there were some more people at home, but in order not to stress Xia Yu, Granny Yan only allowed Yan Baiyu to follow her inside.

Yan Baiyu had a serious face, and he had no good feelings for Xia Yu, who wanted to take his granddaughter away.

Xia Yu didn't mind this, as his attention was entirely on the white jade dumplings made by Yan Baiyu.

At first glance, he could see the difference. The surface of Yan Baiyu's dumplings was even more crystal clear and elastic.

Using chopsticks to poke a dumpling, Xia Yu was surprised to find that it actually trembled, as if he had poked a jelly-like substance.

Seeing Xia Yu's astonished expression, Yan Baiyu stroked his beard in satisfaction.

He then took out a small seasoning box and handed it to Xia Yu: "Sprinkle a little of this on top, and the taste will be even better."

Taking the box, Xia Yu looked and smelled it, but he couldn't identify what seasoning it was.

Without sprinkling the seasoning right away, he first bit into the dumpling and tried the original taste.

The slightly hot filling flowed in his mouth, filling his stomach with a rich squid aroma.

Upon finishing it in one bite, he sighed in satisfaction.

After sprinkling the seasoning, Xia Yu took another bite. This time, amidst the squid aroma, there was a hint of a refreshing scent. It was the fragrance of some herbal seasoning, but Xia Yu couldn't quite pinpoint the exact taste.

In any case, it was just delicious.

Once Xia Yu finished the white jade dumplings, Yan Baiyu's originally hostile attitude towards him became friendly.

No chef dislikes a diner who appreciates their cooking, just like no author dislikes a reader who appreciates their novel. Yan Baiyu introduced the unique aspects of his Baiyu dumplings and explained the seasonings he had just used to Xia Yu. Though Xia Yu didn't understand much of it, he was still using his spirit therapy, just blowing appropriately when needed.

They chatted like this for ten minutes, and Yan Baiyu, just like the old lady before, was all smiles. He went out to make other snacks for Xia Yu. During his absence, the old lady chatted with Xia Yu, feeling that he was indeed a rare confidant who spoke exactly what she thought.

Yan Baiyu came back quickly, as his apprentice was watching the cooking of the snacks. He continued his conversation with Xia Yu. Seeing Xia Yu getting along so well with the two elders of her family, Yan Wei initially had a smile on her face, but it slowly disappeared. She looked at Yan Baiyu and the old lady with a puzzled look, wondering:

Why are you all talking about yourselves? Shouldn't I be the protagonist here? Why don't you speak up for me?

After waiting for a while, Yan Wei could no longer tolerate being ignored. She found an opportunity and interjected. Her words were ordinary, but they seemed inferior compared to what Xia Yu had been saying. After only two sentences, she was driven away by Yan Baiyu and the old lady together, "Go, go, go, what do you know? Go play by yourself."

Yan Wei felt wronged, not understanding why things had turned out this way. Her own grandparents seemed to dislike her. She sat in a corner, watching the three of them talk with her eyes wide open.

At 11:30, the maid knocked on the door, reminding the two elders to rest. It was then that Yan Baiyu and the old lady remembered the main issue at hand. The old lady restrained herself from continuing the conversation, and started subtly probing Xia Yu's values and character.

Xia Yu, who was still using his spirit therapy, easily discovered the old lady's intentions. While answering her questions, he steered the topic in different directions. Finally, when she asked about his hobbies and interests, he found his opportunity.

"I like discussing and composing music, as well as playing games, and accompanying..." Xia Yu hadn't finished saying the words "girlfriend" when Yan Baiyu interrupted him. Yan Baiyu laughed and said, "I've heard the songs you've written, those old guys can't stop praising them. The 'Isolated Hometown' is a bit melancholy, 'White Horse in the Rain' is too desperate, but 'White Horse' is the best one, sunny and unrestrained."

'Isolated Hometown' was a piece Xia Yu played in a global performance, 'White Horse in the Rain' was a joint piece he played with Liu Manman at a previous party, and 'White Horse' had never been publicly played, only having a score sheet and a privately recorded audio of him playing it at Liu Manman's place.

Yan Baiyu's ability to listen to 'White Horse' suggests that he might have some connection with the circle around Liu's family. Xia Yu instinctively analyzed the situation, which was his old habit, pondering how he could utilize this person.

Now, with An Siyao by his side, he no longer needed to use others, as most of the problems could be solved by the An family and the Yu family. Xia Yu chatted with Yan Baiyu about music for a while before pulling the topic back.

He said, "I actually spend little time on music, mainly because I need to accompany my girlfriend."

He thought that the reason why Madam Yan and Yan Baiyu were so enthusiastic about him must be that Yan Wei hadn't told the two elders about her having a girlfriend. As long as he mentioned his girlfriend, Madam Yan and Yan Baiyu would help him stop Yan Wei.

Madam Yan and Yan Baiyu should be showing a surprised expression at first, and then look at Yan Wei. At this time, he would propose to say goodbye and leave, allowing the two elders to properly talk to Yan Wei.

However, his expectation was off, and Madam Yan and Yan Baiyu's expressions remained the same.

"It's good to spend more time with your girlfriend," the two elders nodded in satisfaction.