Oh My God, the President Really Smiled

From the woman's words, Xia Yu could gather one piece of information:

The woman had approached Wen Ziying because she was a girl, and she liked to bring members of the same sex home with her.

So, what would she do if she thought Wen Ziying was not a girl?

This was a bit difficult, because Wen Ziying had already been exposed, and it would take strong evidence to change the woman's impression now.

The most convenient and obvious evidence would be the Adam's apple, but unfortunately, Wen Ziying's body could not produce an Adam's apple.

The second would be a flat chest, but unfortunately, even though Wen Ziying had wrapped her chest, it could be detected with a simple touch.

All that was left was that one thing.

Xia Yu used his left hand to hold the woman's waist and brought his face close to hers.

This was to block her line of sight.

"Do you like playing with boys who pretend to be girls? If it's your idea, I might give it a try!" Xia Yu said in a soft voice.

At the same time, he took out his cell phone from his pocket with his right hand and stuffed it into his pants.

"Still not admitting it?" The woman's smile became even brighter, "Then come back with me and..."

Her words suddenly stopped because she felt something hard rubbing against her thigh.

She saw Wen Ziying's twisting waist.

After a two-second pause, as if a repulsive bug was sticking to her thigh, she rushed to stand up and hurriedly retreated.

"Pervert!" She yelled at Wen Ziying, picked up her bag, and left the bar in a hurry.

After pulling the phone out of his pants, Xia Yu sighed.

Fortunately, she had been untouched by a man, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to deceive her.

"Pervert!" Wen Ziying said in his mind.

It was my phone rubbing against her, not you, so it's none of your business?

After a second, Xia Yu realized that the girl was probably talking about the act of putting his phone in his pants.

What a prude.

Without arguing, Xia Yu stood up and left the bar.

On the way back, Wen Ziying apologized to Xia Yu: "Sorry, I was a bit impulsive just now."

"It's nothing, you were lighter on me than a friend of mine." Xia Yu didn't care.

"This new feeling is quite interesting, should we try it with other women?"

Upon hearing Wen Ziying's words, Xia Yu stopped in his tracks.

Aren't you the real pervert?

"I refuse," Xia Yu replied.

Wen Ziying sighed in regret.

"By the way, why haven't you come over lately?" Wen Ziying asked again.

"I've had some things going on lately," Xia Yu didn't want to go into detail, but he did explain.

"Oh, I don't mind being left alone," Wen Ziying didn't seem to care.

You really are a pervert!

In Xia Yu's heart, a sudden thought arose - if he were to become Wen Ziying's boyfriend, could they try all sorts of new experiences under the pretext of these newfound feelings?

But, if they do this as a "couple", their home would easily become a place of depravity if she became his wife.

Xia Yu regained his focus.

In the course of life, people face many sudden temptations, and at such times, one must stay true to their heart.

"What are we doing today?" Wen Ziying asked with anticipation.

She wanted to gain new experiences from Xia Yu.

Xia Yu didn't respond, but he curiously asked another question, "How do you use the experience gained in your writing?"

He knew that in reality, most of the things people wrote about were made up from scratch, and all it took was some research and interviews with professionals to write them, they may not even need materials to imagine.

If it was professional knowledge, like medical or sports, it could be used to write professional works, but Wen Ziyin obtained experiences, which were not useful.

"Some are used in writing, and some are used in writing essays, trying things out, and so on," Wen Ziyin replied.

Essays and poems are genres that focus on the author's experiences.

"You also write essays and poems?" Xia Yu was surprised, as he was sure he hadn't seen any essays or poems published by the girl.

"I haven't published any," Wen Ziyin said, her mood somewhat low.

Xia Yu felt something unusual because with Wen Ziyin's fame, it wouldn't be difficult for her to publish even if her writing wasn't good, and considering Wen Ziyin's writing skills, they shouldn't be too bad either.

He was about to ask, but Wen Ziyin changed the subject and encouraged Xia Yu to go to other bars to have some fun.

Xia Yu refused sternly and returned to the girl's house to watch.

He didn't continue to use Wen Ziyin's body to gain inspiration, as the current level of inspiration was basically enough but the Level 5 music seemed a little insufficient.

With Level 5 music, he could create a song like White Horse that would spread widely, but the wild atmosphere he wanted to create was something he could not achieve.

However, he couldn't use his experience card on music at the moment, as the more pressing issue was his business skills.

He was saving his experience cards, planning to make a big leap when the time came.

After staying in Wen Ziyin's body for eight hours, Xia Yu returned to his own body.

It was in the early hours of the morning, Xia Yu checked his phone and the diary of his entrusted care, but An Siyao hadn't contacted him.

What was the girl up to? Xia Yu was even more puzzled.

After another nap, Xia Yu learned the reason when he got up the next morning.

An Siyao called him, "I've got a lot of money," she said happily.

"How did you get it?" Xia Yu wondered why An Siyao had been raising money yesterday.

"It's from my grandfather," An Siyao replied.

Xia Yu didn't care much, and congratulated the girl before heading to school.

At noon, the counselor came to him and told him that things hadn't worked out.

"It's the Student Union who's responsible for this, and the procedure is already over, I can't intervene. But if you ask Professor Shen for help, there will be no problem," the counselor said.

If it were Xia Yu's own problem, the counselor would have directly asked Shen Shengsheng for help, but since this was about an ordinary classmate, whether it was worth asking Shen Shengsheng was up to Xia Yu to decide.

The counselor felt it was not worth it. For this matter, it was barely acceptable to ask the counselor for help based on the teacher-student relationship, but asking Shen Shengsheng would seem meddlesome.

Xia Yu also considered this and hesitated.

Asking Shen Shengsheng for help with Kang Kang's problem was probably like having your daughter bring a boy she just met and asking you to let him stay.

Bringing up something that seems extremely boring to the other person might just annoy them.

It was still because his own strength was insufficient. If his position had been higher, this kind of thing wouldn't have been called asking for help, but rather assigning a task. He suddenly felt sorry for the Sahara Desert, thinking that if he were asked to plant a tree there, he wouldn't have any objections.

"No need." Xia Yu made the decision.

Helping Kangkang was completely because of Duan Yi's sake, but Duan Yi's face value wasn't that great. It was easy to find someone with two legs, and choosing her was based on trust in her character and laziness to look further, not because she was irreplaceable.

"It's unavoidable because the procedures are not complete," the instructor comforted Xia Yu. "Probably because of a student who cheated on a scholarship loan last year, the student council has tightened up requirements."

"Weren't they strict before?" Xia Yu asked casually.

"Heh, there was always someone with connections who would skim money off the top," the instructor's tone was disdainful, but his eyes were full of envy.

"Can you really make money off of this?" Xia Yu was surprised.

What could he skim from the loan, the interest? How much could the interest be?

"There's also another policy that says the loan can be waived later." At this point, the instructor suddenly exclaimed, "I saw him posting vacation photos just yesterday. If it's really strict now, how can he still be in the mood to post?"

This topic wasn't something Xia Yu could discuss. The instructor changed the subject, said goodbye to Xia Yu, and left.

After the instructor left, Duan Yi, who had been waiting on the side, immediately went to Xia Yu's face to ask about the situation.

Seeing Xia Yu shake his head, she was very disappointed.

"I'll go to the school's student council this afternoon to see if there's anything I can do. If not, then there's no other way." Xia Yu spread his hands.

He was going to the student council mainly not for Kangkang's matter, but because the instructor's words had raised some doubts in his mind.

"There's no need to look. We won't be able to see the person in charge." Duan Yi had already tried this before.

Xia Yu didn't say anything, and after having lunch, he went to the first campus.

The campus he was currently at was the second campus.

Upon arriving at the student council office, Xia Yu was stopped.

"What do you need?" A male student stopped him.

Xia Yu explained his purpose.

"There's no way, it's useless." The male student shook his head.

Xia Yu didn't mind, as he wasn't here for this matter.

He scanned the room and locked onto a girl wearing glasses.

"Is there another matter? Can I find that person over there?" Xia Yu pointed at the girl with glasses.

The male student looked at Xia Yu suspiciously, then turned to the girl with glasses who was reading a book, "President, someone is looking for you."

So he had pointed directly at the president? Xia Yu was surprised.

The girl with glasses raised her head and looked at the unfamiliar young man in front of her with curiosity.

Xia Yu invited the girl with glasses to talk outside.

"You must be Xia Yu." Once outside, the girl with glasses extended her hand. She recognized Xia Yu.

Holding the girl's hand, Xia Yu marveled at the convenience of being well known.

Just randomly meeting someone who knew him made things a lot easier. However, this only changed the relationship between the two from strangers to acquaintances. From the formulaic smile on the girl's face, it was clear that she was not one of those crazy fans.

In reality, there aren't that many brainless fans. The internet has gathered brainless fans from all over the world, making them seem more numerous.

Ordinary friendliness was not enough. If Xia Yu wanted to solve the doubts in his heart, he needed to take their relationship a step further.

He began using tact and psychological counseling, striking up a conversation with the spectacled girl.

In the student union, the remaining three members huddled together, gossiping.

"What's going on? Someone actually came to ask the robot girl out?" said the first boy.

"It's fake. Didn't you see her looking lost when he approached her?" the second boy retorted.

"The boy came over because of the previous student loan issue," the third boy, who had just attended to Xia Yu, explained.

"Isn't that the vice president's responsibility?" the first boy interjected.

"I guess he wanted to go directly to the president. It's fake, it's not a love story. That girl is always fake smiling, she's a good colleague, but who would want a girlfriend like that?" the second boy summarized.

However, they did not disperse but continued talking about the spectacled girl.

"She would look pretty good if she were more genuine," one of them remarked.

"Have you forgotten how the vice president openly pursued her and tried for a week without getting a real smile?" another replied.

They remembered how the spectacled girl handled the vice president's various displays of affection with a gentle smile, as if she were not the one being pursued, leaving them feeling a bit disturbed.

"She's just a smiling robot, I couldn't handle that either."

As they were discussing, they suddenly heard a burst of laughter.

The three closed their mouths, looking astonished.

"Doesn't this laughter sound familiar?"

They went to the door together, opening it a crack and peeked outside.

They saw the president, who was called the smiling robot, genuinely and happily laughing. She leaned against the unknown boy, her shoulders shaking. Even a child could tell she was very happy.

"Holy cow, the president can actually laugh this sincerely!"

"Quick, pinch me!"

"Who is that magical boy?!"

Seeing the spectacled girl glance in their direction, they hurriedly closed the door.

Withdrawing her gaze, the spectacled girl realized that her classmates had seen her expression just now. She felt regretful, as if her persona had collapsed.

She looked at Xia Yu again. She had always been emotionally indifferent to boys and had never been interested in them. But for some reason, she felt happy when she saw him, and even happier as they talked.

She couldn't help but take out her phone and exchanged contact information with Xia Yu.

Once done, she put away her smile and asked, "So, what do you need? If I can help, I'll help you."

She knew that he must not have come to chat with her for free.

Seeing that the spectacled girl was straightforward, Xia Yu smiled and told her about Kangkang's situation.

After asking about the procedures, Xia Yu showed her the information Duan Yi had given him.

After looking it over for a while, the spectacled girl agreed, "It shouldn't be a problem, just wait for the news."

Many things have operating space but the problem is whether the other party is willing to give you the opportunity to operate. After all, no one wants to look for trouble.

Moreover, the operating space is the operating space, and the rules and regulations are the rules and regulations. Many operating spaces are actually playing with the rules and regulations, which involve risks.

Xia Yu didn't expect that this matter could actually be operated. He mainly wanted to ask about another issue.

"Has the application for this loan been tightened? I applied once before but didn't get approved due to the lack of a poor family title," he asked.

Upon hearing Xia Yu's words, the spectacled girl furrowed her brows: "It hasn't been tightened, it's still the same as before. It's not a problem if you're not poor. She must have been blocked by someone."

When it came to the hidden issues, the spectacled girl was not as straightforward in answering. She asked Xia Yu to wait for a moment while she went into the office to check the list on the computer.

Seeing that Kang Kang's name was not on the original list, the spectacled girl was relieved. This meant that it was the person in charge at the bottom who had blocked it, and those small issues didn't matter.

After coming out, her face relaxed: "No problem, you can rest assured."

"Can you tell me who blocked it?" Xia Yu asked again.

"It's the person in charge on your college student union side. I'm not sure who it is." The spectacled girl actually knew who it was, as it was written on the list, but she couldn't say it outright and could only remind Xia Yu like this.

When the college student union was mentioned, Xia Yu immediately thought of Yi Shiyu.

He squinted his eyes.