The Experience of Rejection

He hadn't come to see the brown bear for a few days, as he had already reached stamina level 3 and strength level 2, which was more or less enough.

This time, he came mainly to check on the current situation of the brown bear, and if everything was fine, he planned to leave the bear alone.

Now, it was early morning here, and the brown bear was lying down and sleeping.

Standing up, Xia Yu looked around.

To his surprise, the place where the brown bear was now was a wooden house.

There was nothing in the wooden house except for a pile of grass and some fruits.

Opening the door of the wooden house, Xia Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

His current location was still next to the cave, just with an additional wooden house.

The wooden house was probably made by the masked girl and her companions, as the cave was very damp and not suitable for a bear to live in for a long time.

Yawning, Xia Yu glanced at the rising sun, climbed onto the roof of the wooden house, and lay down to continue sleeping.

The height of the wooden house was not dangerous for the brown bear to fall off.

Besides, with agility and telepathy, Xia Yu wouldn't let the brown bear fall.

The wind blew his fur, and the morning sunlight sprinkled on his body, satisfyingly stretching his limbs and falling asleep.

So far, he had slept using the bodies of three different races: human, cat, and bear.

Cat sleep was similar to human sleep, even worse, while the sleep of a bear was much more comfortable than a human's.

After all, bears can sleep for an entire winter.

After sleeping for an unknown length of time, Xia Yu slowly woke up, feeling a little heavy on his body.

Opening his eyes, he saw the masked girl lying on his belly.

"Sister, the bear is awake, be careful!" Ah Wei, below the house, shouted worriedly.

The masked girl raised her head, looked at Xiong Yu, and then lay back on his belly.

The brown bear's size wasn't much bigger than a human, so the girl lay on him like she was hugging Xiong Yu.

The question now was, what should he do when he woke up with a beautiful girl on top of him?

He patted the girl on the back, signaling her to get off.

The girl reluctantly let go of Xiong Yu.

Xia Yu turned over and jumped down from the wooden house.

His movement startled Ah Wei, who immediately distanced himself.

By this time, the girl also jumped down, following behind Xiong Yu.

Xiong Yu didn't go far, just wandered around and after a while, a woman came over.

"Ah Hua," the masked girl called her.

Ah Hua had a bag in her hand, and she took berries from the bag and gave a handful to Xiong Yu first.

Xia Yu didn't know what kind of berries these were, but the brown bear's body felt that they tasted good.

Putting the bag down, Ah Hua went on to scold Ah Wei, "You were supposed to watch over Mei Mei and wait for me to return, is that how you watch her?"

"What can I do when Sister wants to come?" Ah Wei defended himself.

Xia Yu didn't listen to their argument anymore, picked up the bag Ah Hua had put aside, and continued eating the berries.

He glanced at the masked girl who was watching him and shared a few berries with her.

From Ah Hua's words just now, Xia Yu finally learned the masked girl's name, although it was just a nickname.

Her name was Mei Mei.

Since he had only heard one pronunciation, Xia Yu couldn't tell if it was the "mei" in "rose" or the "mei" in "no way."

As A-hua was about to teach A-wei a lesson, Xiong Yu emptied the remaining berries from the bag onto the ground and put the bag back in its original place.

When A-hua returned to where the bag was, she picked it up and immediately felt something was wrong. She opened the bag, saw it was empty, and looked around with a puzzled expression.

She quickly locked her gaze onto Xiong Yu, who was still eating berries.

Seeing the difference in size between her and the brown bear, A-hua gave up on pursuing the berries.

She asked A-wei to catch three fish and prepared to roast them for breakfast.

However, the brown bear came to the fire again, eyeing the fish in her hand.

In this way, Xia Yu spent eight hours eating and sleeping, before returning to his own body.

He was sure that the brown bear was now taken care of by a girl named Mei Mei and that he didn't need to worry anymore.

No need to check on them in the future.

At this point, Xia Yu's time was eight o'clock in the morning, and he still had a class to attend.

At the entrance of the neighborhood, he called a taxi driver to arrange transportation, but it took ten minutes for the driver's friends to bring the car.

Getting in the car, Xia Yu reported the name of his school and once again realized the inconvenience of not having a car.

He had already registered for driving school and would take the first test in a few days.

The whole process, including all four tests, would take about a month.

By that time, Yun Ni would have sold the milk tea brand company, and he would receive some money from the sale. The original eight million yuan he had couldn't be touched for the game development, so the money from the sale of the company could be used to splurge on a car.

Arriving at school, he rode his electric bike from the entrance to his classroom.

Just as the class began, he was called out by the counselor.

Outside the classroom, the counselor asked Xia Yu, "Professor Shen asked if you would like to participate in the composition contest held by the Music Academy."

"Composition contest?" Xia Yu was puzzled.

"It's not done live. It's just to showcase the pieces you've created in recent years," the counselor said.

Xia Yu wanted to refuse, but he thought of the piece he had recently completed.

He was worried about how to give the piece, Serene Princess, to An Siyao, and perhaps use this contest as an opportunity.

"Alright," Xia Yu agreed.

The counselor was overjoyed. He thought that if Xia Yu could refuse the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, the composition contest with higher professional value but lesser popularity would not attract him. To his surprise, Xia Yu agreed readily.

"Is it inappropriate for me to go since it's a competition held by the Music Academy?" Xia Yu had some concerns.

"What's inappropriate about that? Although the competition is organized by the Music Academy, there's no rule in there that only their students can participate," the counselor reassured Xia Yu.

After learning that the competition would take place next week, Xia Yu returned to the classroom.

After an ordinary lesson, class ended, and he was pulled aside by Duan Yi.

Duan Yi discussed the milk tea shop with him and planned to have him help with the promotion after it opened.

Feeling guilty, Xia Yu agreed to Duan Yi's plan to work there for a day.

Duan Yi smiled happily and invited Xia Yu to eat at the cafeteria.

The food at Hua University's cafeteria was not bad, and Xia Yu agreed to join her.

On the way to the cafeteria, Duan Yi pulled on Xia Yu's arm, "Look over there!"

Following Duan Yi's gaze, Xia Yu saw Yi Shiyu.

After failing to become the class leader, Yi Shiyu joined the student council, and now, he was with his fellow student council members.

They were walking in the same direction as Xia Yu and Duan Yi.

On the way, Yi Shiyu's behavior was quite normal. However, after arriving at the cafeteria, he acted overly courteous, helping his three colleagues get their food, and even paying for premium beverages from a vending machine. This behavior seemed somewhat unusual.

Duan Yi poked Xia Yu again, "Just look at him, he's so blatantly trying to please."

However, Xia Yu wasn't surprised. Standing up, he bought two bottles of milk, giving one to Duan Yi, "Well, when it comes to brown-nosing, you either do it openly or not at all. Pretending to be reserved while doing so is useless. There's no point in trying to save face."

He felt indifferent about Yi Shiyu's behavior.

His calm response prompted Duan Yi to ask,"There must be many people around you who try to please you too, right?"

"No, I'm too busy with my own stuff, and I don't know many people, so no one's really doing that," Xia Yu denied.

"How about I try to please you? Maybe you'll let me work at your shop for an extra day?" Duan Yi joked, hoping to strike a deal.

Xia Yu's hand holding the chopsticks stiffened. He asked Duan Yi, "Don't you think we shouldn't use the word 'brown-nose' so casually?"

Duan Yi paused for a second, her face turning red. Lowering her head, she didn't continue the topic and changed the subject.

After Xia Yu and Duan Yi finished eating, Yi Shiyu's group was also done. Yi Shiyu glanced at Xia Yu and Duan Yi, but didn't greet them and left straight away.

The two didn't mind and were about to go their separate ways when Xia Yu noticed a girl from their class, anxiously looking around.

"What's wrong?" Duan Yi asked as she approached her.

Seeing Duan Yi, the girl excitedly grabbed her hand, "Why didn't you answer your phone?"

"I forgot to turn off the silent mode during class," Duan Yi pulled out her phone to check, "What's up?"

"It's about Kangkang. Let's hurry to the dormitory." The girl quickly led Duan Yi towards the dormitory.

Xia Yu hesitated for a moment, but he didn't follow. Being a girl's matter, he didn't feel it appropriate to interfere or get involved.

When he got home, Xia Yu asked Duan Yi about the situation through social media.

It was about a student loan. Kangkang came from a difficult family background, so Duan Yi had helped her fill out the loan form at the beginning of the semester. Later, Qin Youliang couldn't submit the required materials, so Wang Lili stepped in. Last week, Wang Lili had announced the loan had been approved, and Kangkang had indeed received the money.

At this point, everything seemed to be good news. However, considering the outcome, there must have been a twist.

Duan Yi continued:

"I'd thought it was strange that Wang Lili told Kangkang privately about the loan approval, and the money transfer seemed to be just a regular transaction. This morning, Yi Shiyu asked Wang Lili in the group chat how she had managed to resolve the issue that he had previously been unable to help with."

The approved matter turned out to be fake? Xia Yu had a suspicion.

Well, it was never approved in the first place; Wang Lili had paid for it herself, fooling Kangkang into thinking it was approved.

If viewed ordinarily, it would seem like a deep friendship between classmates, but in reality, Wang Lili and Kangkang were not on good terms, they even had a public argument. Wang Lili probably felt annoyed and too embarrassed to admit she couldn't get it done. Since the money wasn't a big deal to her, she decided to deceive Kangkang directly.

If Kangkang had an ordinary temper, it wouldn't matter, but she was sensitive and had a violent temper. She almost had an argument with the instructor during military training.

Kangkang went to find Wang Lili at noon. Her words were not very pleasant, Wang Lili got annoyed, and the two of them started to quarrel.

Duanyi added another sentence: Kangkang felt like Wang Lili was doing charity for her.

Looking through the entire process, Xia Yu couldn't help but sigh at the fascinating events.

Wang Lili lacked consideration and Kangkang had psychological issues.

However, the trigger was still Yi Shiyu.

Did Yi Shiyu ask on purpose? Xia Yu asked.

He appeared to suddenly think of the question, but who knows? Duanyi also suspected Yi Shiyu.

What's the situation over there now? Xia Yu asked.

The money has been returned to Wang Lili, but Kangkang needs the money more, Duanyi explained.

Why wasn't the student loan approved? Xia Yu was puzzled again; such a big school like Hua University should not be short on this money.

It's because the information is incomplete. Kangkang's family is poor, but her father refuses to be labeled as such by the government, so the record still shows an ordinary family.

After listening to Duanyi's words, Xia Yu sighed again and thought, like father like daughter.

Although the registration deadline has passed and the money hasn't been sent out, I'll go ask about it in the afternoon. If it doesn't work, can you please help me talk to the counselor?

Xia Yu didn't want to get involved in this matter but felt it was difficult to refuse since he wanted to persuade Duanyi to play games with him.

After a while, he agreed.

He turned on the laptop and played games while waiting for Duanyi's news.

In the evening, the phone rang with a notification sound.

Duanyi told Xia Yu that she didn't succeed and hadn't even met the other party.

Xia Yu then texted the counselor to ask about the situation.

The counselor said he would give him news tomorrow.

After recounting the conversation with the counselor to Duanyi, Xia Yu received her gratitude.

Soon, Duanyi would have a chance to repay him.

After having dinner with Yuxue, Xia Yu was in his room, looking at the clock reading past six, he wondered why An Siyao hadn't come today.

In the past, An Siyao would come whenever she had spare time. What was going on today?

He considered asking but didn't want to intrude on her personal space.

In an attempt to distract himself, Xia Yu opened the game column and scanned through it, choosing Wen Ziying.

It had been many days since he had visited Wen Ziying.

After a brief darkness, he saw neon lights flickering around him and heard harsh metallic music.

He was in a bar with an unknown drink in front of him and a heavily made-up woman sitting beside him.

Feeling a tightness in his chest, Xia Yu looked down and found that the t-shirt on his chest was flat.

My chest—no, where's your chest?

He moved his body and felt it being entwined, and Xia Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, a big doubt rose in his heart: What is Wen Ziyin up to this time?

"I'm pretending to be a man and experiencing how to flirt with girls in a bar," Wen Ziyin explained voluntarily, "The person next to you is my target, pretending to be a man and flirting with someone of the same sex is thrilling."

As expected of you, you know how to have fun.

Xia Yu silently praised Wen Ziyin in his heart.

However, Wen Ziyin's flirting was not over, and now her body was under his control, how should he end this scene?

As Xia Yu was thinking of a solution, the woman next to him leaned against his body.

The woman poked Wen Ziyin's face with her finger: "Why aren't you talking, little sister?"

The last three words were spoken in a mocking tone, with a sarcastic expression.

You've been exposed long ago! Xia Yu complained silently in his heart.

"But if you were a man, I wouldn't be interested, actually," the woman hugged Wen Ziyin's waist even tighter, "How about it, want to come to my place tonight? I have a big bed at home."

Damn it, not only were you exposed, but you've also caught the eye of a lesbian!

Xia Yu racked his brain, thinking about how he should get out of this situation.

However, Wen Ziyin didn't seem to be in any hurry: "I've never experienced this sort of thing before."

You go experience it yourself; I won't accompany you!

Xia Yu had an idea.

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