An Siyao: Happy to Have a Fierce Dog

Returning to Hu Lianglu's home, An Siyu found that the girl really didn't close the door.

If it were an ordinary girl, at this time it would be either to run away or call the police, or at least close the door, but Hu Lianglu seemed to have done nothing.

This was probably the stubbornness of being a delinquent.

If it had been Zhong Yunxin, running away wouldn't be enough; she'd have to run to the police station to feel safe.

Thinking about it this way, Zhong Yunxin was an unqualified product as a delinquent.

Putting down the boring thoughts in his mind, Xia Yu went to Hu Lianglu's side and said to her, "Lie down on the sofa."

Looking at the bag in An Siyu's hand, Hu Lianglu grabbed her collar and glared at Xia Yu.

Without any further nonsense, Xia Yu pushed her down on the sofa, slightly shifted her coat up, revealing her waist.

Hu Lianglu tried to struggle, but Xia Yu, with a level 2 strength, could suppress her with one hand.

Opening the bottle of Red Flower Oil, Xia Yu dipped a cotton swab in it and applied it to her bruised area.

Feeling something wet on her waist, Hu Lianglu quickly turned her head to look, and seeing An Siyu applying the medicine for her, she felt relieved.

She continued to struggle, which wasn't strange; as a delinquent, how could she be pressed by an enemy to apply medicine?

However, what confused Xia Yu was that through his mental sense, he felt less and less hostility from Hu Lianglu.

By the time he finished applying the medicine, the hostility in Hu Lianglu had turned into a little bit of goodwill, although she was still struggling.

What was going on? A masochist?

The more she was bullied, the more her affection for him grew?

But when he had laid hands on her before, he hadn't felt any increase in affection.

Xia Yu pondered.

After a minute, he let go of Hu Lianglu, who immediately got up from the sofa and continued to glare at An Siyu.

Xia Yu went to the bathroom first, got the makeup remover and a towel, then grabbed Hu Lianglu's hand, dragged her to the kitchen, pressed her head under the faucet, and removed her makeup.

Through the mental sense, a faint hostility reappeared on Hu Lianglu, indicating that she wasn't a masochist.

After washing her face clean, Xia Yu wiped her face with a dry towel.

While wiping her face, Xia Yu felt the hostility on Hu Lianglu disappear, and her goodwill increased a little more.

Was it a pattern of bullying her first, then showing concern, and finally reaping the affection?

This was an alternative masochistic nature.

To verify his guess, Xia Yu secretly tripped Hu Lianglu, who fell to the ground.

Helping Hu Lianglu up, An Siyu rubbed the bumped spot and told her that it was not intentional.

Hu Lianglu's goodwill deepened a little more.

This girl had potential.

Dragging her back to the bedroom, Xia Yu found a set of clothes that were not as cool as Hu Lianglu's original ones but were warmer for her to change into, and her goodwill increased again.

Xia Yu felt as if he was playing a love development game, with the delinquent girl in front of him as the target to be pursued; as long as he showed her care, her affection would rise.

Unfortunately, he was now in An Siyao's body, which was like playing someone else's account in a game, and he was helping someone else raise a wife.

It was a good thing that he was using An Siyao's body; otherwise, he wouldn't be able to do some things. After all, he wasn't related to Hu Lianglu, and it was inappropriate to be too close if the genders were different.

After solving the clothing problem, Xia Yu continued to think about places that could be used to increase goodwill. He found a bag of instant noodles in the kitchen cabinet, cooked some boiling water, and made a bowl. Hu Lianglu's kindness increased once again.

Opening the refrigerator, Xia Yu found more food, but Hu Lianglu's goodwill did not grow anymore. The current goodwill level was that of ordinary friends.

Being able to increase this much in one day was already extremely quick; it's fine to take it slow from now on. Xia Yu saw great potential in Hu Lianglu.

"I'm leaving; I'll come to see you again tomorrow," Xia Yu said, patting Hu Lianglu on the head.

Hu Lianglu remained silent, as if she was forced by Xia Yu throughout.

Indeed, during the process of increasing goodwill, Hu Lianglu always resisted arrogantly, relying on Xia Yu's coercion to complete everything.

"Say goodbye." An Siyao pinched Hu Lianglu's face, threatening her.

Hu Lianglu refused to cooperate.

Xia Yu didn't mind; he let the girl go and left.

On the way back, Xia Yu was deep in thought.

Naturally, Hu Lianglu wouldn't like being mistreated first and then cared for; only the latter care worked.

Was this girl lacking love?

Recalling what Yu Ningmeng said about Hu Lianglu's parents being away most of the time, Xia Yu felt that Hu Lianglu's lack of love was inevitable.

Generally speaking, people pursue what they lack, but Hu Lianglu resisted the care for her body. If others didn't have Xia Yu's idea of forcing her first, even caring would be scared away by Hu Lianglu.

Hu Lianglu was probably stuck in a situation where no one cared about her because of this.

It's time for him to take advantage of her.

Xia Yu now felt that using Hu Lianglu as a mere tool to watch Zhong Yunxin was a waste; she could be more useful.

From today's events, Hu Lianglu had the following qualities: bravery, daring to fight against two men despite her lack of strength; toughness, being able to endure his intentional attacks; and easy to deceive, with her goodwill increasing rapidly as long as he pretended to care.

In ancient times, these would be the qualities of a loyal retainer who would assassinate competitors for a large family.

Of course, a retainer is just the most rational use of this position, and they would also be an excellent talent in other fields, such as a bodyguard.

Xia Yu didn't need one, but he felt An Siyao needed one.

An Siyao's temperament was too soft and easily bullied. It would be perfect if she had such a fierce dog on her side.

Strike while the iron is hot, spend some efforts in the next few days to win over this fierce dog.

After making up his mind, Xia Yu shared his plan with An Siyao.

An Siyao didn't fully understand Xia Yu's words, but she understood that he wanted Hu Lianglu to protect her.

"Alright," An Siyao agreed.

At the same time, the girl was worried: "If she protects me, will you still come?"

An Siyao was worried that Xia Yu would not take care of her anymore.

This was similar to when Yuxue heard that Xia Yu was looking for a nanny, and thought she would be useless. However, Yuxue didn't listen to any explanations, but An Siyao was still able to be comforted.

"Don't worry, I still need you to support me," Xia Yu replied.

"I'll work hard!" An Siyao cheered up.

When they returned to An Siyao's villa, Xia Yu logged out of her body and returned to his own.

After the familiar darkness, what he saw was Yu Ningmeng's face up close.

He realized that he was being pinned against the wall by Yu Ningmeng.

What was going on?

Was it that stimulating?

The head maid took advantage of the young mistress's absence to pin her fiancé against the wall, which could serve as the title of a light novel.

Unfortunately, this was not a pleasant plot.

Seeing the angry look on Yu Ningmeng's face, Xia Yu wondered if Tuoguanyu had done something to make her so angry.

Yu Ningmeng spoke: "Why aren't you saying anything? Weren't you always agreeing with me?!"

So that's how it was.

Xia Yu silently mourned for Yu Ningmeng for two seconds.

"Where's the thing I want?!" Clutching Xia Yu's shoulders, Yu Ningmeng's emotions flared up.

If the scene was changed to a dark alley, and Yu Ningmeng was dressed in gangster clothes, it would be a classic crime scene.

Xia Yu thought for two seconds and remembered what Yu Ningmeng wanted.

Previously, he told Yu Ningmeng that he had gathered information about Wen Ziyin's mother, Bian Guping, and would give her Weibo-related ideas. But when it was time to give her the ideas, he was suddenly distracted by a game email, forgot about it, and went to An Siyao's place.

Yu Ningmeng must have been itching for the information, so she came to ask. However, she was facing Tuoguanyu who couldn't provide any answers.

Xia Yu comforted her: "Don't get excited. Let me down first, and let's talk properly."

"Hand over the thing first!" Hearing Xia Yu's cold words, Yu Ningmeng became even angrier, and she brought her face closer to his. It was an effective oppressive move.

However, the premise was that the person being oppressed feared the oppressor.

Xia Yu wasn't afraid of Yu Ningmeng.

He saw Yu Ningmeng's irritability and closed his mouth first to let her calm down.

His calmness was unexpected for Yu Ningmeng, and she became a little uneasy. This uneasiness quickly extinguished her anger, awakening her rationality.

Looking at Xia Yu's face close at hand, and feeling the strong body she was pressing against, Yu Ningmeng's face felt a bit hot.

However, she did not let go of Xia Yu in a hurry.

Yu Ningmeng was not one of those girls who easily got shy. She swept her gaze over Xia Yu's lips. They were full and colorful. Yu Ningmeng had seen many men, including handsome ones, but those people's lips were rarely this good-looking, either too dry or too purple, with no dreamy feeling at all.

She moved her hand that was on Xia Yu's shoulder, and what she felt was a hard and burning touch.

Xia Yu was a little flustered by Yu Ningmeng's small movements, he grabbed her hand: "Ning Yi, please respect yourself."

Glancing at Xia Yu, Yu Ningmeng said carelessly, "Don't overthink it, I know you men well enough. Except for those with no money, those whose money is controlled by their wives, or those with peculiar hobbies, who among you is truly clean?"

"I am an upright person," Xia Yu firmly drew a line between himself and Yu Ningmeng.

"Alright, alright, don't make it look like I'm forcing you. I'm just your dad, taking a glance." Yu Ningmeng let go of Xia Yu.

"Dad?" Xia Yu looked at Yu Ningmeng's figure and indeed, she didn't really resemble a mother.

"You want me to call myself your old lady instead? Which girl calls herself that? It's just you men's fantasies." Yu Ningmeng explained to Xia Yu, "Only those who hang out among men try to fit in by saying that."

Xia Yu felt the topic had deviated quite a bit, but at least Yu Ningmeng finally stopped looking at him that way. He breathed a sigh of relief, not daring to pull the conversation back.

Yu Ningmeng was also a bit flustered at the moment, so she pulled the conversation so far away.

Thinking about what happened earlier, she felt a strange thrill.

If she had been facing the men she usually encountered, they would have taken advantage of any loose resistance. Therefore, Yu Ningmeng didn't dare to let her guard down. Facing Xia Yu, she finally tried the excitement of teasing the good boy.

Seeing Yu Ningmeng quiet down, Xia Yu steered the topic to Weibo's creativity, "The key to doing this is to create accounts with a large number of fans."

"How to create it?" Yu Ningmeng also got into the state.

With Xia Yu's business level 2, he gained new insights into Weibo's design and operation when he looked back. He shared these crucial things with Yu Ningmeng.

Yu Ningmeng took out her phone and made notes on it from time to time.

After Xia Yu finished speaking, Yu Ningmeng didn't leave immediately but stayed to discuss the details with him.

Seeing the sky getting late, Xia Yu worriedly had An Siyao call Yu Ningmeng back.

Watching Yu Ningmeng get into the car downstairs, Xia Yu returned home.

"Isn't Sister Ningmeng staying for dinner?" Yuxue asked as she brought the bowls to the table.

"She recently started a new company, so she's very busy," Xia Yu replied.


Yuxue obediently nodded on the surface, but she was muttering in her heart:

Since she's so busy with her new company, why did she come looking for her brother?

Could it be…

It shouldn't be possible.

Yuxue suppressed this thought for now.

During dinner, Xia Yu took the opportunity to ask Yuxue about her recent situation.

Hua University Attached High School is a public school, not a private one for the rich. Yuxue thrived there and according to her, she would compete for the position of vice-president when the student council changed.

Hearing this, Xia Yu stroked his chin and pondered.

He had been thinking about how to make Yuxue more confident and self-reliant, not to feel abandoned just because they needed to hire a maid.

His previous plan was to let Yuxue establish herself through her talents. When he went to check, Yuxue's three talents were exam-oriented education, acting spoiled, and Buddhist philosophy.

Taking exams could only improve her grades, acting spoiled wouldn't help, and if she were to become a nun, the Xia family would have one more nun, so none of the three options were suitable.

Now, Yuxue had gotten herself the qualification to compete for the vice president position, and he seemed to be able to help.

He had to help secretly, not letting Yuxue discover it, otherwise, it would be useless.

Xia Yu was pondering his strategy.

The change of the student council was either decided by voting, or by the appointment of the principal or the head teacher. It would be easy to handle the principal and head teacher, but if it depended on the students' votes, it would be a bit troublesome.

Although the principal could manipulate the votes in secret, it was easy to see the difference in popularity. If the operation was too obvious, it would backfire, like a certain celebrity with large followers.

Nevermind, there was still one semester left, and it wasn't necessary for her to take this path. He would observe the situation for now.

After dinner, Xia Yu sat on the sofa playing games, while Yuxue leaned against him and watched cartoons.

At eleven o'clock, the two went to their bedroom to sleep.

The next morning, Xia Yu once again entered An Siyao's body and went to visit the fierce dog, Hu Lianglu.