An Siyu: It's Not Me, I Didn't

Following yesterday's route, An Siyu came to Hu Lianglu's house again. He took out the spare key he had grabbed earlier and opened the door.

Upon entering the house, he waited for Hu Lianglu to come out and greet him. He made quite a bit of noise, so it was impossible for Hu Lianglu not to have heard it. Hearing someone suddenly entering her home, it was also impossible for Hu Lianglu not to come out and take a look.

However, to his surprise, Hu Lianglu did not come out as expected. An Siyu found it odd, as he thought Hu Lianglu wouldn't be so thick-skinned.

Could it be that the girl hadn't woken up yet? He looked at the time; it was 9 o'clock in the morning, and indeed, it was possible that Hu Lianglu was still sleeping.

Arriving outside the bedroom, An Siyu pushed open the door. He saw Hu Lianglu, not on the bed, but on the floor, covering her stomach with a pained expression on her face.

After observing her for a few seconds, he picked her up, placed her on the bed, and went to the kitchen to heat some water. While waiting for the water to boil, he returned to the bedroom.

"How are you feeling? Do you have any usual remedies?" An Siyu asked if Hu Lianglu had anything like a heating pad.

"I don't need your help!" Although Hu Lianglu's body trembled from the pain, her words were still full of defiance.

As An Siyu waited for the water to boil, he casually said, "If you know it's serious, you should prepare in advance."

Hu Lianglu was silent for five seconds and then said word by word, "It's not that."

It wasn't her period? Then what could it be? An Siyu's mind suddenly flashed through a pain literature plot involving miscarriage, breakup, and suicide. He looked at Hu Lianglu's flat stomach and remembered the fair-skinned belly he saw yesterday, dismissing the idea.

Since neither was the case, it must be a problem with her stomach or intestines. This was no longer something that could be resolved by enduring it at home. An Siyu called the usual taxi driver. It was a bit late to call An Siyu's driver, so he had to see if the taxi driver had any friends nearby.

Under the temptation of money, the taxi driver immediately made arrangements. An Siyu called the driver again and asked him to go to the hospital to prepare, as the time for queuing up for registration was too long.

A taxi stopped downstairs in three minutes, and An Siyu carried Hu Lianglu into the car. The hospital was nearby, and they arrived quickly.

After getting out of the car, An Siyu saw the driver, who used his connections to bring Hu Lianglu directly to a specialist. The specialist briefly examined Hu Lianglu and determined the cause of her stomach pain.

"What did you eat that upset your stomach?" the specialist asked Hu Lianglu. Hu Lianglu didn't answer, as she was still silently protesting against An Siyu.

Hearing the specialist's words, An Siyu touched his chin, and a glimmer of inspiration flashed in his mind. "Anyway, don't eat that kind of thing again," the specialist didn't ask further. He had seen many people who had eaten all sorts of things and was no longer surprised.

He prescribed some medicine for Hu Lianglu, explained the dosage and method of taking it, and ended the treatment. An Siyu fetched some water at the hospital, let Hu Lianglu take the medicine, and then they got into the driver's car to return to Hu Lianglu's house.

After taking the medicine, Hu Lianglu felt a bit better. She turned her head to look out the window, avoiding An Siyu's gaze.

The driver in front, trying to understand the situation through the rearview mirror, wondered about the relationship between his young lady and the unfamiliar girl. It seemed that their relationship wasn't simple since his young lady went to such lengths for the girl, However, why did the girl appear so cold?

Under such an inexplicable relationship, there were generally two situations:

1. They were in a senior-junior relationship. This was impossible, so ruled out.

2. They were just acting coy on the surface.

The driver wasn't aware that Xia Yu was using An Siyao's body to approach Hu Lianglu. In his mind, An Siyao had always been cold, and this conclusion had somehow led him to generate an error.

Once the driver confirmed the girl was acting coy, he couldn't help but wonder what was truly bothering her. He thought of a clue.

The specialist said the girl had an upset stomach, but how could the girl following the young lady possibly eat unclean food during regular meals? Unless, she didn't eat it during a regular meal, but during a special meal where unclean food was eaten.

The driver took a deep breath. Although he didn't know what the girl had eaten, he couldn't help but think about the degeneration and corruption of high society.

He glanced at Hu Lianglu's face in the rearview mirror, feeling pity for such a pure and lovely girl, who had fallen into the depths of high society. After that, he reminded himself that he was just an emotionless driver. Life was not easy, and no one was simple. Even he carried heavy burdens, with no time to concern himself with others.

Stopping the car at the location designated by An Siyu, the driver opened the back door. An Siyu led Hu Lianglu out of the car, telling the driver to return.

"Sure," the driver got back in the car and drove back to the villa. Xia Yu took Hu Lianglu to her home.

"Lie down on the bed," Xia Yu told Hu Lianglu.

"You don't have to worry about me," Hu Lianglu resisted, yet her feelings of gratitude towards An Siyu grew.

Seeing this through his psychic sense, Xia Yu smirked and placed Hu Lianglu on the bed.

At this moment, Hu Lianglu's gratitude had reached a level close to that of a good friend, but still fell short compared to Feng Yujia and Feng Yumo.

Only when she reached their level could she be used as a guard dog.

As Hu Lianglu lay down, her gratitude stopped increasing. Xia Yu sought a new growth point by bringing her hot water from the kitchen. Hu Lianglu refused to drink.

"Will I have to pinch your nose and pour it down, or will you drink it yourself? Your choice!" Under Xia Yu's threat, Hu Lianglu finally picked up the cup and drank the water.

Xia Yu felt the stalled gratitude growing slightly again.

After Hu Lianglu put down the empty cup, Xia Yu went to get another cup of hot water. She drank it once more, and her gratitude increased again.

After repeating this two more times, Hu Lianglu could no longer drink.

Regrettably giving up on using hot water to increase points, Xia Yu advised Hu Lianglu to lie down quietly, and he went to the kitchen.

In the kitchen trash can, he found the bag of instant noodles he had cooked for Hu Lianglu yesterday.

Scanning the bag, Xia Yu found a line of text.

Expiration date: ...October 3rd.

Today's date was October 30th, it had already expired nearly a month ago, no wonder there was a layer of dust on it when he found it yesterday.

It wasn't entirely his fault, who could have imagined that instant noodles could actually expire.

The shelf life was calculated in years!

Folding the bag, Xia Yu burned it with a lighter, successfully destroying the evidence.

He returned to the bedroom, continuing to care for Hu Lianglu.

After confirming that the quota of goodwill that could be brushed today was full, he left Hu Lianglu and returned An Siyu's body to the villa, then went back to his own body.

For the following five days, he continued to use An Siyu's body to brush Hu Lianglu's goodwill until the sixth day.

His telepathy was sending him some kind of danger alert; the danger was very far away, had already occurred, but not on him.

He first went to Yuxue's room, and after confirming that the girl was fine, Xia Yu asked An Siyu and Xu Youxiang on the penguin app, and they were all fine too.

All that was left was Tina and the brown bear.

Asking An Siyu to send someone to check on Tina, Xia Yu logged into the brown bear's body.

His intuition told him that there should be a problem with the brown bear.

His intuition was correct; the brown bear was indeed facing a crisis at this moment.

The brown bear was surrounded by three tigers, probably a mother tiger and her two underage tiger sons.

However, this alone did not constitute a crisis; brown bears, like tigers, were at the top of the food chain, and apart from adult male tigers, brown bears did not fear other tigers, even three of them.

But it wasn't just him, the bear, there was also the masked girl named Meimei and her bodyguard Awei.

The target of the three tigers was not the brown bear, but them.