Voice-controlled Mobile Phone An Siyao

Looking at An Siyao in front of him, Xia Yu was full of doubts in his heart. In his memory, he could find no corresponding experience to refer to, as An Siyao had never acted like this before.

A flash of insight crossed Xia Yu's mind, but he could not be sure.

He decided to observe what An Siyao was about to do first.

An Siyao took his hand resting on his thigh, turned around and sat on his lap, wrapping his hand around her waist.

Smelling the fragrance of An Siyao's body, Xia Yu marvelled at her surprising move.

Regardless, the girl had taken the initiative to embrace him, so he held her and thought about it.

Placing his chin on An Siyao's shoulder, Xia Yu pressed his face against the girl's, feeling the softness of her body.

Then, he began to ponder the situation.

Had An Siyao simply come over to sit in his arms, he would have thought the girl just wanted to act like a baby. However, before An Siyao came over, she had looked conspicuously at Zhong Yunxin.

Glancing at his other arm held by Zhong Yunxin, Xia Yu wondered if An Siyao had become jealous.

Xia Yu looked at An Siyao's face. The girl's expression was calm, as if she was merely doing a mundane task, but the faint blush on her cheeks betrayed her.

Unable to resist, Xia Yu opened his mouth and bit An Siyao's cheek lightly.

An Siyao, who had been bitten, looked at Xia Yu with confusion.

"I'll eat you up if you keep looking," Xia Yu teased playfully in response to the girl's gaze.

Feeling as though Xia Yu might actually follow through on his playful warning, An Siyao quickly turned her head away and stopped looking at him.

The situation made Yuxue across from them feel somewhat uncomfortable. She felt as if her brother and An Siyao were flirting and thought about leaving.

However, there was still something she wanted to see.

She thought Zhong Yunxin's move to sit close to Xia Yu was a provocation to An Siyao, and An Siyao's response was to reclaim her territory, leaving her curious about what Zhong Yunxin might do next.

When An Siyao approached, Zhong Yunxin instinctively wanted to release Xia Yu's arm and run, but she suddenly realized that her biggest support right now was Xia Yu. If she let go, she would be left with nothing to rely on.

An Siyao must have planned for her to let go so she could teach her a lesson!

So, Zhong Yunxin endured her fear and clung even closer to Xia Yu.

To Yuxue, this signaled that Zhong Yunxin was unwilling to cede any ground.

Eager to see more drama unfold, Yuxue was disappointed when neither An Siyao nor Zhong Yunxin made any further moves.

After enjoying himself with An Siyao for a while, Xia Yu began to get bored. He unwrapped his arm from around An Siyao's waist, intending to take his phone out of his pocket to check a forum.

But as soon as he let go, An Siyao grabbed his hand.

Siyao re-wrapped Xia Yu's hand around her waist, looking at him with innocent eyes.

Xia Yu gave up on using the arm wrapped around An Siyao and tried to use the other one held by Zhong Yunxin to get his phone.

Before he could succeed, Zhong Yunxin grabbed his hand as well.

With Xia Yu's hand back in her arms, Zhong Yunxin continued to tremble in fear.

Looking at his two arms being claimed by the two girls, Xia Yu was at a loss for how to react.

After weighing the situation between An Siyao and Zhong Yunxin, Xia Yu said to Zhong Yunxin, "Can you let go of my hand?"

"No!" Zhong Yunxin's tone was resolute.

"You can go hug Hu Lianglu." Xia Yu suggested another plan.

Glancing at Hu Lianglu, who had been tamed by An Siyao, Zhong Yunxin could not feel safe from her and rejected Xia Yu's suggestion.

Xia Yu had no other solutions.

So, he had to sit there like a fool?

After a moment, he had a new idea.

Rubbing An Siyao's face, Xia Yu said, "Take out your phone."

An Siyao obediently took out her mobile phone.

Xia Yu instructed An Siyao with voice control, and browsed the forum.

There weren't any interesting posts on the forum, and with An Siyao and Yuxue present, he couldn't simply cause conflict like before, which made him feel bored.

At this time, he thought of Wen Ziyin's "White Swan" adapted into a TV series.

"White Swan" had been broadcast for six episodes, and Xia Yu started watching it from the beginning on the TV station's website.

The theme song was a suitable little love song.

"White Swan" was not Wen Ziyin's earliest work, but it was her most famous one, telling the story of a pair of lovers and a small town.

The novel "White Swan" contained a lot of psychological and scenic descriptions, with the main focus being the sweet, bitter, and melancholic atmosphere of love depicted by Wen Ziyin's exquisite writing.

For such a novel, Xia Yu didn't have high expectations for its film adaptation, as the camera couldn't delve into the characters' inner worlds or recreate the atmosphere of the novel.

However, with enough effort, the atmosphere could be achieved as long as the cinematographer was skilled. Even if the cinematographer's skills were lacking, the problem could be solved with the help of appropriate background music.

As the theme song ended, Xia Yu finished his thoughts and began to enjoy the show.

Seeing the familiar plot and characters, he was in a good mood. Even though the problems he had been thinking about hadn't been completely resolved, they were no longer a concern.

The screenwriter inserted many dialogues between the characters, allowing Wen Ziyin's psychological descriptions to be presented visually and audibly. The cinematographer was quite competent, and the atmosphere was good.

After watching the first three episodes, Xia Yu felt that the show might become popular, so he eagerly had An Siyao play the fourth episode.

At the beginning of the fourth episode, he watched with a smile. But as time went on and the plot progressed, his smile gradually disappeared, and by the end, his brow was furrowed.

After finishing the remaining two episodes, Xia Yu sighed.

A TV show that could have been a masterpiece had failed.

Starting from the fourth episode, the female lead's acting was completely off, and as this was a story that relied solely on its atmosphere, the collapse of the acting led to the collapse of the atmosphere and the entire show.

What was wrong with the female lead actress?

Xia Yu couldn't help but complain in his heart, as he asked An Siyao to open another TV show and started watching.

This lasted until eight in the evening, when Yu Ningmeng called to remind An Siyao to go home.

By next Monday, Xia Yu had logged into Tina's body again.

This time, his purpose was to observe if there were any changes in the Qiao family. If not, he wouldn't have to monitor Tina every day.

At nine o'clock, the hospital driver took her to the familiar small western-style house.

In the morning, only the old lady from the Qiao family was at home, while Xia Yu continued to teach Tina Chinese, having already taught her how to write.

The old lady Qiao was a little worried when she looked at Tina.

She realized that Qiao Yang, Qiao Ting, and their mother had a certain attitude towards Tina.

It couldn't be said that it was a good attitude.

This couldn't go on. How could a child grow healthily in a hostile environment?

Old lady Qiao made up her mind and asked Tina, "How do you feel about your aunt, brother, and sister?"

Xia Yu looked up at Old lady Qiao, wondering what she was trying to do by asking this question, and answered in his own interest: "They are all very good."

Old lady Qiao was taken aback, thinking that such an attitude was still good?

She thought that Xia Yu had some concerns, so she said to him, "As long as you explain it to your father, he will understand you, and he is your companion."

When it came to this point, Xia Yu understood Old lady Qiao's meaning. She was concerned about Tina and didn't want her to continue staying in this malicious environment. She wanted Tina to talk to her foster father Qiao.

But he had just successfully conquered the three Qiaos, so how could he leave now?

He said to Old lady Qiao, "They really are good. If you don't believe me, wait until they come back at noon, and you will see."

Old lady Qiao muttered to herself, as if she hadn't seen the true colors of those three yet?

She sighed and decided to talk to Qiao's foster father herself.