No More Bootlicking

By noon, Old Lady Qiao saw the three people who had returned. Although she didn't feel that the three could change their minds, she still observed their actions carefully according to what Tina had said. It was not forconfirmation but to describe to Qiao's foster father what his daughter was facing.

The first to approach Tina was Qiao Ting. When Tina couldn't find the book before, Old Lady Qiao had already noticed Qiao Ting. Through the clues she had seen earlier, she knew that Qiao Ting had taken the book, but she didn't tell Tina because of some concerns.

What would be Qiao Ting's reaction to seeing Tina now?

Old Lady Qiao observed and found that when Qiao Ting saw Tina, her head immediately lowered. Her expression was not one of guilt, but more like fear?

Qiao Ting went to the side to do her homework, and soon Qiao Yang also returned.

Old Lady Qiao knew that Qiao Yang only had his desk mate in his heart, not caring about his two sisters at all. Qiao Ting had already become used to it, but for a little girl like Tina, being ignored was a significant issue.

Then, Old Lady Qiao saw Qiao Yang enter the kitchen and bring a cup of hot water to Tina.

Watching Qiao Yang eagerly asking Tina if she wanted to cool the water down in cold water before drinking it, Old Lady Qiao rubbed her eyes. This enthusiasm was almost on par with his attitude towards his desk mate.

Old Lady Qiao shifted her gaze to the middle-aged woman, hoping that Qiao Yang's mother would do something in line with her impression.

It wasn't that she couldn't stand Tina's good fortune, but the scene was too different from her impression, and she was having a hard time accepting it.

The middle-aged woman didn't approach Tina and just stood aside holding dishes.

Although it didn't fit her impression, it didn't subvert it either, and Old Lady Qiao breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, she heard Tina's voice.

"I want to drink Sprite." Xia Yu closed the book in his hand and said to the middle-aged woman.

Old Lady Qiao widened her eyes, not daring to believe that Tina was so bold. It was already a good thing that the middle-aged woman didn't cause her trouble, but she even wanted to order her around!

Old Lady Qiao immediately stood up, ready to smooth things over, but the middle-aged woman's response was faster than her.

"Okay." After saying that, the middle-aged woman put down what she was doing and went to the nearby store.

Old Lady Qiao sat down and pondered what was going on.

In less than five minutes, the middle-aged woman returned with three bottles of Sprite, one large, one medium, and one small, allowing Xia Yu to choose.

Qiao Yang immediately stepped forward and eagerly asked Xia Yu which bottle to open, while Qiao Ting took an empty glass for Xia Yu to use.

The three of them looked at each other and exchanged glances.

What a coincidence, you were also threatened?

The tacit understanding between the three kept Old Lady Qiao scratching her head, unable to figure it out.

Throughout the afternoon, Old Lady Qiao followed Xia Yu closely and observed her in detail. She had to accept the fact that not only did the Qiao family not dislike Tina, but they had already begun to worship her nearly.

Giving up on thinking, Old Lady Qiao decided not to complain to Qiao's foster father.

After this day passed and she returned to her body the next day, Xia Yu did not continue to visit Tina. The Qiao family was no longer a problem, and he was liberated.

In the morning, he tossed and turned in bed, thinking about whose card he should turn over today. He saw An Siyao every day, and had already visited Wen Ziying on the weekend, leaving only Xu Youxiang and the brown bear.

In the end, he chose the brown bear.

It had been a long time since he last checked on the brown bear, and he didn't know how it was doing now.

After rescuing Meimei and Awei last time, the brown bear should be treated quite well, right?

After a moment of darkness, Xia Yu saw the brown bear's current environment.

The brown bear was lying on soft straw, looking at the clouds in the sky.

He got up, and around him was the familiar wooden house. Inside the house, there were two large baskets of fruit, which should be the extra meals given after the last "Three Tigers" incident.

There were straps on the baskets for carrying them. Xia Yu put the basket on his back so he could eat and walk at the same time.

No other bear could do this, and he marveled at his own cleverness.

After washing his paws in a nearby water tank, Xia Yu picked up a fruit and started eating.

As he walked out of the house, the young girl Meimei came over. She happily jumped in front of the bear and hugged him by the waist from behind.

Xia Yu patted her back and shared the fruit he was carrying on his chest with her.

He didn't know what kind of fruit it was, but it tasted good.

While eating the fruit, Meimei took a pottery jar out of her bag and handed it to Xia Yu.

Taking the pottery jar, Xia Yu used his claws to open the stopper and saw the honey inside.

He had eaten honey at An Siyao's place before, but the honey there didn't have the same allure as the one in front of him now. It wasn't that An Siyao's honey was bad; the brown bear just really loved honey.

Hugging the honey, Xia Yu looked around for something to use as a spoon. As a brown bear with ideals, morals, culture, and discipline, he could not accept licking his paws as a way to eat.

However, after searching for a while, he couldn't find any suitable utensils.

Seeing Xia Yu's actions, Meimei was puzzled at first, but then she remembered that the brown bear was a cleanliness freak who washed its hands before eating, so she understood his dilemma.

She rolled up her sleeves and dipped her hand into the honey jar. After a while, she raised her arm covered in honey and offered it to Xia Yu.

Looking at the tender, white arm wrapped in golden honey, Xia Yu fell into deep thought.

Meimei brought her hand even closer to him: "Lick it, bear."

Am I that kind of bear?

He originally thought that he would never lick, but since she sincerely offered it to him, it wouldn't hurt to show some kindness and satisfy her.

However, he still couldn't bring himself to lick it.

Opening his mouth, Xia Yu held Meimei's hand in his mouth.

"Ahaha," Meimei let out a crisp laugh.

However, the situation that followed was not very pleasant.

Three people in camouflage suddenly appeared and surrounded Xia Yu, pointing three guns at him.

"Let go of your mouth!" the leader of the camouflaged men shouted nervously.

Facing these strangers, Xia Yu let go and began to calculate how long it would take to deal with them.

As soon as Meimei pulled her hand back, she immediately told them to put down their guns.

"Put it down, don't point the gun at Xiong Xiong!" Meimei stepped in front of Xia Yu.

Seeing that the situation seemed not to be a bear attacking people, the three of them put away their guns. They breathed a sigh of relief, although they were three people with three guns, facing a brown bear, they were still a little panicked.

"Who are you!" Meimei asked angrily.

"Your Highness, we are here to take you back," said the man in the lead.