An Siyao: Bullying

Upon seeing Xia Yu approaching, Hu Lianglu calmly observed his movements. She saw Xia Yu throw a punch and, relying on her focused mind, judged the trajectory of the punch and immediately put her arm in front of her.

A trace of joy rose in her heart: She had blocked it.

However, the enormous force that came from the punch easily shattered her stance.

Affected by the impact, Hu Lianglu quickly retreated three steps before finally stabilizing her body.

At this point, Xia Yu had come to her face again and threw a second punch.

Hu Lianglu widened her eyes, ready to block for the second time. However, although she clearly saw the trajectory of the punch this time, she could not react in time.

Xia Yu had deliberately slowed down just now. As this thought flashed through Hu Lianglu's mind, Xia Yu's fist had already arrived in front of her face.

Xia Yu stopped his hand in time, his fist only a finger-wide distance from Hu Lianglu's head.

Lowering his arm, Xia Yu asked, "Do you realize now how useless you are?"

Hu Lianglu clenched her fists but neither admitted nor refuted.

"Remember, don't let Yao Yao go to dangerous places again. You can't even beat an ordinary thug, you can only bully children," Xia Yu added.

Hu Lianglu still didn't say anything.

Xia Yu frowned, reaching out to grab Hu Lianglu's collar and pulling her closer, "I'll have An Siyao's bodyguard train you. Remember what I just said, or I'll remove you from An Siyao's side."

After finished speaking, Xia Yu let go of Hu Lianglu and returned to the villa.

Hu Lianglu hit the wall hard with her fist, and stomped her foot on the wall again. With a gloomy face, she also returned to the villa.

After entering, she saw Xia Yu sitting on the sofa. She was about to walk away, but felt that doing so would mean she was afraid of Xia Yu. So she changed her direction and sat down next to Xia Yu.

Sitting up straight, she frowned. Liu Manman and the other two who had come down from upstairs all knew that she was in a bad mood.

Approaching them, An Siyao put her palm on Hu Lianglu's head, mimicking Xia Yu's actions and comforting her.

Xia Yu, who was playing with his phone, glanced at the two of them. He guessed that Hu Lianglu's feelings must be changing like this:

Good feelings for An Siyao 10, good feelings for Xia Yu 10.

Xia Yu did not mind. If he cared about others' feelings, he would not have been so cold to those girls in school.

A lower affection level was a good thing. Hu Lianglu, who was by An Siyao's side, would likely need to follow him around frequently. Having a higher affection level might create complications if something happened.

Lowering his head, Xia Yu continued chatting with Yuxue.

He and Yuxue had agreed to return home at noon.

When the three of them had finished breakfast, Xia Yu proposed to leave.

"Eh? Let's just hang out here, it's such a remote place, it's really rare!" Liu Manman didn't want to leave, she felt that this place was very interesting.

Before Xia Yu could speak, Ning Qiuqiu interjected: "Being too remote is not a good thing, and it's cold now, let's go back."

Ning Qiuqiu was frightened by Xia Yu last night and didn't want to stay here any longer.

"Are you scared?" Liu Manman looked at Ning Qiuer, using a provocative tone, but her casual provocation hit right at Ning Qiuer's heart.

"I'm not scared!" Ning Qiuer, provoked, gritted her teeth and stopped talking about leaving.

"Yuxue is still waiting for me at home, so we'll leave first." Xia Yu refused Liu Manman's invitation to stay.

He also declined the offer to have a maid drive them and took Liu Manman's car keys, getting into the driver's seat.

He had already obtained his driver's license.

An Siyao sat in the passenger seat, while Hu Lianglu seriously considered if she could fit in the front but ultimately, disappointed, sat in the back.

Starting the car, Xia Yu began his first official car driving experience in this world.

His previous motorcycle rides with Yin Shulan and truck driving with the brown bear didn't count.

Speaking of the brown bear, he wondered how Meimei was doing recently.

He still only knew Meimei's nickname, not her full name.

The scenery outside the window quickly retreated, as they passed through small roads and reached the main road. He didn't go on the expressway, as it was illegal for a beginner driver with less than one year of experience to drive on the expressway without a more experienced driver present.

An Siyao and Hu Lianglu were obviously not experienced drivers.

It took Xia Yu four hours to finally return to Ah Fang's house.

He first parked the car outside An Siyao's house and looked at her on his right.

The girl was looking down, already asleep.

Xia Yu stretched out his hand and touched An Siyao's neck. It was December, and the weather was a bit cold, so his hand was cool.

Startled awake by the cold touch, An Siyao became alert.

"Are we there?" An Siyao rubbed her eyes.

"Yes." After rubbing An Siyao's warm neck again, Xia Yu reluctantly moved his hand away.

Halfway through pulling his hand away, An Siyao grabbed it.

An Siyao pulled up Xia Yu's other hand and placed both hands on her cheeks.

Xia Yu's originally cold hands gradually warmed up.

Feeling that it was good enough, An Siyao showed a satisfied smile and prepared to let go.

"It's still cold," Xia Yu brought his face closer to hers, "because your face isn't warm either."

Confused, An Siyao put Xia Yu's hand on her neck.

The temperature of her neck was slightly higher than her cheeks.

However, this scene looked like Xia Yu was trying to strangle An Siyao's neck, and she was grabbing his hand to resist.

A sweet moment turned into what seemed like a murder scene.

Xia Yu couldn't help but laugh.

An Siyao tilted her head, not understanding.

Pulling his hand away, Xia Yu pinched the girl's cheek and brought his face closer to An Siyao's, saying, "Your face is cold too."

An Siyao, without suspicion, pressed her face against his.

Upon contact, she realized she had been deceived—Xia Yu's face was warmer than hers.

He tricked me again!

Turning her face towards Xia Yu, An Siyao prepared to argue with him, but before she could speak, her lips were met by the scorching heat.

Silencing An Siyao's discontent, Xia Yu let her out of the car.

Watching her flustered little appearance, Xia Yu licked his lips, feeling delighted.

Just as the diligent Yu Ningmeng came out, he immediately started the car.

As expected, after Yu Ningmeng and An Siyao exchanged a few words, they waved to him to stop the car.

Pressing the accelerator, Xia Yu quickly left the villa.

Half an hour later, he returned to his house.

Because the car belonged to Liu Manman, Xia Yu registered it with the security guard before being allowed to enter.

When the car arrived outside the door, Yuxue, who was waiting, quickly opened the door and ran towards Xia Yu.

Stopping in front of the car, Yuxue looked at it and asked, "Did you go to buy a car, brother?"

"No, this is Liu Manman's. I stayed at Ning Qiuer's place last night, so I drove her car back." Xia Yu explained.

"Oh." Yuxue nodded on the surface, but was actually very puzzled.

Why were you at Ning Qiuer's place, brother? And how did you get Liu Manman's car from there?

Sigh, a mature younger sister always pretends to be naive about her brother's affairs.

Locking the car, Xia Yu and Yuxue walked towards their house together.

Halfway there, he suddenly stopped.

He felt as if he had forgotten something. What was it?

He remembered Yu Ningmeng waving at him, was she really trying to settle the score for him biting An Siyao?

After recalling the situation, he finally remembered.

Returning to the car, he opened the driver's door and glanced at the back. Seeing nothing, he opened the rear door and a sleeping figure curled up on the seat was revealed.

Yuxue, who was beside him, covered her mouth. She turned the figure, confirming that it was Hu Lianglu.

Touching her chin, she fell into deep thought: The brother drove Liu Manman's car out of Ning Qiuer's villa with a sleeping Hu Lianglu inside.

The relationships seemed a bit messy.

"I forgot to drop her off." Rubbing his forehead, Xia Yu explained to Yuxue, "They were too crazy last night, and she was too tired. I forgot about her. Last night..."

"I got it." Yuxue hurriedly stopped Xia Yu from speaking further, as last night's incident was clearly not suitable for a child like her to know.

"Call her up and let her take a taxi back." Handing Hu Lianglu to Yuxue, Xia Yu returned to the house.

Holding the car key that Xia Yu had given her, Yuxue sighed.

Leaving the exhausted girl in the car like this, he was truly her brother.

Even like that, there were still many people gathering around her brother.

Feeling a little envious for two seconds, Yuxue nudged Hu Lianglu awake and then dialed their usual female driver to pick her up.

Returning to the house, she saw Xia Yu sitting on the sofa on the second-floor balcony, looking at the scenery outside.

She had seen her brother lying on the balcony sofa before, but at those times, he either had chips or a game console in his hands, never just sitting there watching the scenery.

She carefully observed: Xia Yu's right leg was resting on his left leg, his right hand was flat on the armrest, his body slightly tilted to the left, his head slightly lowered, and his left hand was supporting his chin on the left armrest.

Because of the angle, Yuxue couldn't see her brother's face clearly, but she felt that his mood at the moment was not pleasant.

Was this the legendary wise man's time? The more fulfilling it was before, the more empty it would be after?

Leaving the living room, Yuxue went into the kitchen to continue making cookies.

Half an hour later, she came out of the kitchen with biscuits and saw that her brother was still in the same position, but his lean to the left had changed to a lean to the right.

Judging by the severity, there must have been more than three people last night.

She carefully approached the balcony, put down the biscuits and Sprite, and quietly left.

Taking a sip of Sprite, Xia Yu sighed.

He originally thought that Ning Qiuer was a special person, but now it seemed that there was nothing special about her.

Although the dream's creative theory was somewhat magical, she wasn't an old acquaintance from Earth, nor a person from the future, nor his own soulmate. No matter how magical it was, it had no value to him.

He took another sip of Sprite, and Xia Yu's thoughts returned to his memories of his time on Earth, wondering how his friends and relatives were doing. After so long, it wouldn't be surprising if things had changed.

Taking another bite of a biscuit, Xia Yu put down his raised foot and lay on the sofa.

He began to review his life in this world. In just a little over a year, he went from having a sister and a house, to having a sister and a house again. While feeling a bit sentimental, he couldn't help but feel emotional as well.

His previous life consisted of working and attending classes daily, and now he was just playing games and skipping classes. It didn't seem to be much different.

Shooting arrows daily had become somewhat boring, so he wanted to find something else to do.

What should he do?

As Xia Yu was feeling somewhat lost, a phone call came in.

It was from Kong Hanyue.

Xia Yu deeply felt his mistake and prayed in his heart that the reason Kong Hanyue called this time was not because of some trouble.

After praying three times, he pressed the answer button.

"Yu Yu!" Kong Hanyue's voice came with an aggrieved tone.

"What's wrong?" Xia Yu asked helplessly.

"This morning, as usual, I took a shower, then brushed my teeth and had breakfast. I rode my Lamborghini bicycle to the supermarket..."

"Get to the point," Xia Yu interrupted Kong Hanyue.

"Well, I came back from outside, and the doorman stopped me..." Kong Hanyue continued.

"I'll give you three sentences to explain." Xia Yu estimated that it wasn't an urgent matter, so Kong Hanyue must have been half-serious talking.

"A child came, calling me her mom," Kong Hanyue condensed her explanation into six words.

Xia Yu thought about it. This meant a girl had come, calling Kong Hanyue her mother.

"Is it an illegitimate daughter?" Xia Yu asked.

"Of course not! Where would I get an illegitimate daughter?" Kong Hanyue immediately denied.

Xia Yu was just joking. A woman's illegitimate daughter was not as hard to detect as a man's, because the woman would be pregnant.

If there were any new siblings, Xia Yu would surely know, and even if he didn't know, Zhong Yunxin and Zhong Yunze would.

"What's the situation? How old is the girl?" Xia Yu was curious. Are there still people who recognize their mothers randomly these days?

"I sent her to the police station and forgot to take a picture," Kong Hanyue said with regret.

"So, you've already sent her to the police station. What do you want me to do?" Standing up, Xia Yu stretched his legs that had become a bit numb from sitting for so long. He wondered if Kong Hanyue was just lonely after he had moved. He had not visited her since arriving at the apartment.

"That kid really pulled me and called me mom! A policewoman even said to me, 'Scaring the child is enough', what does she mean? Can I suddenly have a daughter? So I left the child at the police station and ran away immediately!" Kong Hanyue's words were full of pride.

She then detailed the process of deceiving the little girl to the police station, "I passed by the security room, and the little girl ran out and called me mom. I pretended to agree at first, then said I would take her to eat Kende roast duck. While eating, I excused myself to go to the restroom and called the police to take her away. I'm amazing, right?"

"… If she was a robber or an adult scammer, you'd be considered amazing, but what's the point of deceiving a little girl like this? Wouldn't it be better to just take her straight to the police station?" Knowing Kong Hanyue, Xia Yu thought that she was not troubled at all, but rather found it very interesting.

"This is art!" Kong Hanyue retorted.

After chatting with Kong Hanyue for a while and agreeing to visit her during the New Year, Xia Yu hung up the phone.

He touched his chin, still somewhat puzzled about the little girl who suddenly called Kong Hanyue mom.

Although Kong Hanyue often lies about money and indulging herself, she shouldn't deceive people about this kind of thing. What exactly was the situation with that little girl?

Kong Hanyue didn't even ask, and just sent the girl straight to the police station.

Forget it, with the police there, nothing should happen.

Temporarily putting this matter aside, Xia Yu clicked on the column, as he had not used today's gaming opportunity yet.

He chose Wen Ziyin.