Princess's Transportation Method

Xia Yu originally thought that Kong Hanyue would panic and come out, asking who was in the bathroom, and then he would start explaining. However, Kong Hanyue didn't come out. Sitting in the living room, he could hear the conversation between the two in the bathroom. "Little girl, what are you doing in my bathroom?" Kong Hanyue's tone was frivolous. If her gender were male, it would be considered as teasing.

Zhu Mei's response was somewhat faint, and Xia Yu didn't hear it, but judging from Kong Hanyue's subsequent words, the two seemed to have established a friendly relationship. "Don't leave so soon," said Kong Hanyue playfully. Drinking a sip of cola, Xia Yu tried not to imagine what Zhu Mei looked like at the moment.

After a dozen seconds, Yuxue brought up a pair of slippers, and Kong Hanyue finally let Zhu Mei go. Kong then dragged Yuxue to Liu Manman's bedroom. The sound of water in the bathroom stopped, and one minute later, Zhu Mei came out.

Scanning the empty living room, Zhu Mei sat down next to Xia Yu, but left a distance of about two bodies between them. This showed some dependence and some distance. Xia Yu handed her a bottle of cola and waited for the girls in Liu Manman's room to come out.

Five minutes later, they finally finished discussing Liu Manman's clothes and came out together. Xia Yu originally thought that Kong Hanyue would tell them about seeing Zhu Mei in the bathroom, but judging from their surprised expressions, Kong Hanyue hadn't said anything.

Looking at Zhu Mei, whose hair was wet and she was sitting quietly, Liu Manman took two steps back and leaned against the wall. Outside the window, dark clouds gathered, and the sky was dim. No lights were turned on in the living room, and Zhu Mei seemed like a shadow on the sofa. In a trembling voice, she asked An Siyao, "Can you guys see the person on the sofa?"

"Do you mean Xia Yu?" Kong Hanyue and Yuxue exchanged a glance and decided to tease Liu Manman. "No, the one next to Xia Yu," Liu Manman pointed in Zhu Mei's direction.

"Where is anyone beside me?" Xia Yu found this interesting and joined in. An Siyao, who was unclear about the situation, looked at Liu Manman and then at Xia Yu, not knowing what game they were playing.

Her behavior made Liu Manman believe that she couldn't see either, and she became more frightened. In her mind, she recalled many ghost stories about haunted villas. It seemed that the female ghost she saw was most likely motivated by love, with strong resentment!

"I'm not feeling well, I'll go back to my room," she opened her bedroom door and was about to run away. "If you don't feel well, go sit on the sofa!" Kong Hanyue grabbed her and began walking towards the sofa. "Let go of me, I don't want to, I don't!" Liu Manman struggled.

Although An Siyao hadn't figured out what was happening, she understood that Kong Hanyue was bullying Liu Manman, so she hid behind Hu Lianglu to avoid being bullied herself. Hu Lianglu initially planned to intervene, but seeing An Siyao hiding behind her, she lost the desire to do so.

In the end, Kong Hanyue couldn't help laughing, which made Liu Manman realize what was going on. "You scared me to death!" Liu Manman furiously chased after Kong Hanyue. "Hahaha, how could there be a ghost? You're too timid," said Kong Hanyue, patting Liu Manman on the shoulder.

At the same time, Xia Yu noticed that Zhu Mei moved slightly, and her hanging back now leaned on the sofa's backrest.

Zhu Mei was also startled when everyone in the room suddenly acted as if they couldn't see her. She had just been reflecting on whether she was still in this world or if she had died while trying to escape.

Fortunately, it was just a prank.

Feeling relieved, Zhu Mei looked at the frolicking people in front of her with some envy. Before this, she had been living a similar life in the mountains.

"So, who is this?" Liu Manman came to Zhu Mei's side, pinched her face, and then reached out to touch her neck.

After confirming that Zhu Mei had a body temperature, a pulse, and a heartbeat, Liu Manman completely relaxed.

She began to be curious about Zhu Mei's origin, as it was strange for someone to suddenly appear in such a secluded villa.

And she was so beautiful.

"Do you remember what happened early this morning?" Yuxue began explaining.

Upon learning that Zhu Mei was being pursued by an evil force, the girls all pitied her and had no objection to her hiding in the villa.

However, they only had no objection to her hiding. Xia Yu's plan was to take Zhu Mei away.

He was somewhat worried about how to convince Yu Ningmeng to help Zhu Mei obtain a legal identity.

He didn't even know if the Yu family could do it.

Before he could think of a suitable reason, the girls had already started whispering to Zhu Mei.

Seeing that he didn't have to do anything for now, Xia Yu returned to his bedroom.

Half an hour later, the maid came to call him for dinner, and at the dinner table, the girls were discussing where Zhu Mei should stay.

There was an empty room downstairs, but no one wanted to let her stay on the first floor with the servants because of her charming face.

Hu Lianglu, who was somewhat worried about Zhu Mei, offered to let her stay with her.

By the afternoon, the excitement that Zhu Mei had brought had subsided, and everyone was doing their own thing - some playing games, others watching movies.

Xia Yu called Zhu Mei over to the balcony by waving his hand.

"If you're willing, I can try to take you to the first district," Xia Yu said directly.

"I can't go there," Zhu Mei shook her head.

"I know, you're not from District 26," Xia Yu gestured.

If Zhu Mei was an ordinary person from District 26, there would be basically no problem in going through the procedures to enter the first district. However, in reality, she was the princess of District 232. Not to mention the identity of a person from a war-torn area, her princess title alone wouldn't allow her to enter and leave the country freely.

"You know?" Zhu Mei became nervous.

"I know everything, just answer me - if you have the chance to go to the first district and live an ordinary life, would you go?" Xia Yu said.

Zhu Mei fell into deep thought. She clearly heard the underlying meaning of Xia Yu's words, which was asking her to leave behind Rihua and her brother, who were caught.

"No one can chase you to the first district. Once you're there, you can live a peaceful life as an ordinary girl," Xia Yu suggested as he saw the struggle on Zhu Mei's face.

"Why do you want to help me?" Zhu Mei began to doubt Xia Yu's motives, and her previous suspicions reappeared in her mind.

"A friend asked me to take care of you," Xia Yu replied. The friend he was referring to was Brown Bear.

"What friend?" Zhu Mei asked.

"You don't need to know that," Xia Yu couldn't bring himself to tell her about the brown bear.

"I don't know what to do." Zhu Mei shook her head and leaned against the corner in pain.

Xia Yu didn't press her further, saying, "You can take a day to think about it, and let me know your thoughts tomorrow."

After that, he left Zhu Mei alone on the balcony and went back to his bedroom.

He wasn't unwilling to help Zhu Mei save her brother and the others, but he felt that if Zhu Mei didn't care about them, he didn't need to help. After all, this wasn't the familiar first zone, and it was very troublesome to save people. Finding a suitable body was also very inconvenient.

The rain had already started to fall outside the window, and he didn't know if it would stop by tomorrow.

Coming to the window, Xia Yu watched as the raindrops landed on the beach, the sand being pitted by them, accompanied by the sound of a closely-packed patter - it was somewhat artistic.

Taking out his handheld game console, he sat by the window and played his game.

In the evening, Kong Hanyue knocked on Xia Yu's door.

When he opened the door, he saw her in a swimsuit.

"Swimming in the bathtub?" Xia Yu was very puzzled.

Kong Hanyue, originally in high spirits, frowned at Xia Yu's words, "You're the one swimming in a bathtub, we're going outside to take photos!"

She and Liu Manman had just seen an artistic photo of a beauty in the rain and planned to imitate it.

"Then you guys have fun," Xia Yu was fighting a boss and couldn't save, so he declined the invitation that Kong Hanyue hadn't even made yet.

"It's a great opportunity for you to openly appreciate beautiful girls!" Kong Hanyue held Xia Yu's hand, not letting him close the door.

"I refuse," Xia Yu tried to close the door, having no interest in swimsuits that only exposed the limbs and head, not even revealing the thighs.

"Who will take photos for us if you don't come!" Kong Hanyue supported the door with both hands, but was no match for Xia Yu as the door slowly closed.

"You can let Yuxue..." Xia Yu's words stopped halfway, as he spotted An Siyao coming out of the adjacent room.

Instead of the previous one-piece swimsuit, An Siyao was now wearing a proper swimsuit.

Releasing the door, Xia Yu supported the unstable Kong Hanyue due to his sudden withdrawal of force, and said, "I'll take care of it, An Siyao is going too, right?"

Glancing back at An Siyao, Kong Hanyue understood the cause of Xia Yu's change in attitude.

He agrees when he sees An Siyao, but not me? I'm your mother!


Angrily glaring at Xia Yu, Kong Hanyue didn't answer and returned to her room.

Xia Yu's mind was now focused on An Siyao, not caring about Kong Hanyue's awkwardness. He went to An Siyao's side, talking on the surface, but actually admiring her.

After a while, Hu Lianglu and Liu Manman also came out, both wearing normal swimsuits.

Apparently, they didn't plan to wear the one-piece suits all the time; they just chose the less revealing ones on the first day out of shyness.

Once everyone had gathered, Yuxue called out to Kong Hanyue and handed Zhu Mei a swimsuit she had gotten from the maid.

Xia Yu originally thought that Zhu Mei, who wouldn't even let him touch her when climbing the cliff earlier, would firmly reject the swimsuit. However, Zhu Mei actually put on the swimsuit.

This clearly abnormal behavior made Xia Yu somewhat guess what Zhu Mei was thinking at this time.

Three minutes after going out together, the girls gave up on the idea of taking photos and returned to the villa.

In their imagination, they believed that beautiful photos should be taken during a beautiful time, but in reality, it was not like that.

It was raining so heavily that the women in the artistic photos were just forcibly smiling.

After they had each taken a shower and watched an ordinary movie after dinner, the night's activities came to an end.

Back in his bedroom, Xia Yu opened the window, and the rain outside had become lighter. It was expected to clear up tomorrow.

Taking out his phone, he dialed Yu Ningmeng's number.

Although Zhu Mei hadn't said whether she wanted to leave or not, Xia Yu felt that she did. From Zhu Mei's lack of immediate refusal, it could be seen that the girl also wanted to go to the quiet and peaceful Zone 1.

At most, he would help the girl rescue her brother, and then she wouldn't have any concerns.

It was better to call Yu Ningmeng early to ask for more time in case of any changes.

Yu Ningmeng quickly answered the phone.

"What's up?" Yu Ningmeng's voice was a bit vague, as it was already late in Zone 1, and she was sleeping.

"I have something to ask you," Xia Yu organized his words.

"What? Did you take a fancy to a girl from Zone 26 and want to bring her back?" Yu Ningmeng casually said, picking up the cup of water on her bedside table, ready to drink some water to relieve her sleepiness.

"Almost," Xia Yu replied.

Yu Ningmeng's hand trembled, spilling water on the bed.

"What did you say? Say it again!" Yu Ningmeng's sleepiness vanished. She gripped her phone, astonished.

Her first reaction was that Xia Yu was joking, but a joking answer should be "yes," not "almost."

"There's a girl from Zone 232. I want to take her to Zone 1, and maybe another boy as well," Xia Yu said.

"Zone 232? The war zone? You bought a girl from Zone 232?" Yu Ningmeng put on her coat, sat up straight, and decided to have a serious talk with Xia Yu.

Although Yao Yao indulged him, it was not an excuse for him to indulge himself, even buying a lover before marriage. What would happen after marriage?

At the same time, she was also angry that Xia Yu didn't appreciate the charm of mature women and always played with those naive girls.

"No," Xia Yu rubbed his forehead. He couldn't understand how Yu Ningmeng had connected it to human trafficking.

He said the prepared explanation, "She's the... daughter of a friend of mine. She's in trouble in Haiming City, and I want to send her directly to Zone 1."

Before the brown bear died, facing Zhu Mei's inquiry, Xia Yu jokingly said that he was the reincarnation of Zhu Mei's father from her past life; Zhu Mei even really called him dad. Therefore, calling her his daughter was not too much.

"How old is she?" Yu Ningmeng asked. If she was over thirty or under fifteen, she would believe it.

"She seems to have just reached the age of maturity," Xia Yu replied, as he didn't know Zhu Mei's actual age.

"Hehe." Yu Ningmeng didn't believe it at all. It was already far-fetched that Xia Yu had a friend in District 232, and it was even more ridiculous that he met his friend's daughter while traveling in District 26.

However, it wasn't impossible. She decided to see for herself when they got back.

"You let her apply for entry, and I'll help speed up the process." Yu Ningmeng yawned, ready to hang up the phone.

"No." Xia Yu replied.

"What do you mean, 'no'? She doesn't have an ID? You must have gotten her from somewhere!" Yu Ningmeng raised her voice.

"Her identity is a bit special." To prevent Yu Ningmeng from saying something inappropriate, he added, "Not some random identity."

"What is it then? A special profession that's hard to get entry permits for? Don't worry, I can..."

"She's a princess," Xia Yu interrupted Yu Ningmeng.

"What did you say?" Yu Ningmeng was stunned.

"She's a princess, from District 232. Her nickname is Meimei, and I haven't asked for her full name yet." After saying this, Xia Yu moved his phone about a meter away, prepared for the reaction.

In the next moment, Yu Ningmeng's roar came through the phone, "You actually got a princess!"