I Am an Eagle

After confirming that Yu Ningmeng had calmed down and wouldn't do anything to harm her ears, Xia Yu put the phone back to his ear.

"It's just an ordinary princess," Xia Yu replied.

"So, you've grown tired of playing with rich young ladies, and now you're going after a princess?" Yu Ningmeng didn't know what to say, so she casually made a witty remark.

"..." Xia Yu couldn't respond.

"Wait, you said you know the princess's father, which means, your friend is the king?" Yu Ningmeng discovered another loophole.

"No," Xia Yu replied.

"Your denial is even more exciting than a confirmation. I need to think this through." Yu Ningmeng put down the phone and touched her chin.

Xia Yu had a friend who was the princess's father, but he wasn't the king.

Picking up the phone again, Yu Ningmeng sighed, "That king is a bit cuckolded, huh?"

Xia Yu realized the problem with his words and was thinking about how to explain when he heard Yu Ningmeng's wild guess, he was speechless for a moment.

He didn't want to discuss this issue any further: "It's hard to say whether he's cuckolded or not, but anyway, she will have no problems in all aspects, a genuine princess. Just tell me if you can handle it or not."

"Royal bloodlines definitely cannot run around freely. However, District 232 is just a small area, let me ask around." After saying that, Yu Ningmeng hung up the phone.

Xia Yu put down the phone and tossed it aside, knowing that tonight's conclusion might not be reached and they would have to wait until tomorrow for any news.

He didn't know if Zhu Mei would obediently follow him tomorrow. If it really didn't work, he would just kidnap her.

Opening the game column, Xia Yu began to consider where to go tonight.

He decided to visit Wen Ziyin to find out how her new book was selling.

However, he didn't go immediately because he felt something else would happen tonight.

Lying in bed playing with his phone, at half-past eleven, he heard a gentle knock on the door.

Xia Yu didn't bother because he knew the person outside must be Zhu Mei.

As for Zhu Mei's purpose, it was nothing more than offering herself and then asking him to save her brother and friends.

In the afternoon when Zhu Mei was wearing a swimsuit in front of him, Xia Yu knew her intentions.

Saving her brother might be troublesome, but it was negotiable. However, allowing Zhu Mei into his room late at night was not negotiable.

He was an upright person.

Zhu Mei and Hu Lianglu shared a room. With Hu Lianglu's personality, she would definitely keep an eye on Zhu Mei, and if she saw Zhu Mei not returning for a long time...

He couldn't open this door.

Lying on the bed, Xia Yu thought Zhu Mei would leave after knocking for a while, but he didn't expect her to decide to open the door herself.

Xia Yu didn't have the habit of locking the door when sleeping. Seeing the doorknob being twisted, he immediately got up and turned the doorknob back and locked the door.

Hearing the click of the lock, Zhu Mei blushed with embarrassment outside the door.

When she knocked and no one answered, Zhu Mei could still think that Xia Yu was asleep and didn't hear. But now that the door was locked, it couldn't be locked by sleepwalking Xia Yu.

After the embarrassment, Zhu Mei's feelings turned to disappointment.

It took her so much courage to do such a thing, yet he didn't seem to care for her at all.

Releasing her grip on the doorknob, Zhu Mei looked toward the staircase.

Since the other party was unwilling to help save people, should she leave?

There was no moon outside the window, the stairway entrance was pitch black, making people feel uneasy, while there was a little light on the other side of the corridor, the light of Hu Lianglu's night light, soft and warm.

Zhu Mei thought again, even if she went down the stairs, she couldn't leave, as the door on the first floor needed iris authentication.

Taking a step, she returned to Hu Lianglu's room and gently got into bed.

The warmth of the quilt quickly put her to sleep.

Hu Lianglu, who was originally facing away from her, turned over and opened her eyes to look at her, then closed them again.

It was almost twelve o'clock now, and if she didn't use the game machine, it would be a waste. Xia Yu chose Wen Ziyin's column and logged in.

After a moment of darkness, he still saw darkness.

Was Wen Ziyin asleep so early today?

Reaching out his hand, Xia Yu was going to touch the light switch, but what he touched was a very peculiar feeling.

The touch of the wall was off, as was the feeling of reaching out.

Before he had time to be surprised, he felt unstable and rolled down.

If it was an ordinary bed, rolling down would only hurt a little, but Xia Yu was falling for two seconds and still in a weightless state.

Barely stabilizing his rolling body, Xia Yu quickly looked around.

Under the starlight and with the help of his night vision skill, he saw the surroundings clearly.

He was falling off a cliff and within a few seconds would fall into the valley below.

What was going on?

Bonus generation complete

Obtained bonuses: Flight Bonus LV1, Farsight Bonus LV1, Tracking Bonus LV1

Seeing these bonuses that were completely different from Wen Ziyin, Xia Yu knew that he triggered a bug again; right now, he was in an animal's body.

If he guessed right, it was probably a bird's body, which was why the feeling of reaching out was so strange.

The ground was getting closer, and his bird's life would soon dissipate as he hit the rock surface. Xia Yu hurriedly spread his wings and made a glide.

After a second, he collided with a tree, and his vision was blocked by leaves.

He had no choice but to hold on to his claws, hoping to grab a branch and avoid falling to the ground after passing through the canopy.

A second later, his vision widened suddenly, and what Xia Yu saw was the hard rock surface.

If he hit at this speed, he would at least have to lie on the ground for more than ten minutes, and maybe even bleed.

Fortunately, just before landing, he felt something solid in his claws, and he grabbed a branch.

Stopping his fall and swinging around the branch, Xia Yu successfully escaped the crisis.

Not in a hurry to let go, he hung upside down on the branch, making sure there were no animals or dangers around him before doing a backflip and landing steadily on the ground.

It's a good thing he was agile; otherwise, using an unfamiliar bird's body would not have allowed him to react in time.

Lying on the ground, Bird Yu eased his racing heartbeat.

If he guessed correctly, he was in this bird's nest just now. Because he spread his wings to turn on the light, he rolled out of the nest, but luckily nothing happened.

He glanced at the direction he had just fallen from, which was a towering cliff. He didn't know what kind of bird this body was, but it was able to build a nest in such a high place.

After taking a break, Xia Yu stood up and began to think about what to do next.

First, he needed to learn to fly, and then find a pond to look at himself and see what kind of bird he was.

So the question was, how should he learn to fly? Would it be the same as in the legends, climbing to the edge of a cliff and then jumping off?

Not to mention whether this method was reliable or not, just climbing the cliff would take a great deal of effort, and perhaps by the time he climbed up, it would already be daylight.

Giving up on climbing the mountain, Xia Yu chose to climb a tree instead. The tree had a certain height, and if he fell, nothing would happen. It was the perfect practice object.

Thinking this, Xia Yu used his claws to grab the tree trunk and climbed upwards.

Fortunately, he had a strength level of LV3, otherwise climbing a tree with claws would be really tiring even if he managed to reach the top.

Choosing a thicker branch, Xia Yu stood on it and prepared himself before leaping down.

He glided for two seconds, but due to his tail not being positioned correctly, he entered a sideways tumble and fell to the ground. Getting up, Xia Yu continued to climb the tree.

He practiced continuously like this, not knowing how much time had passed. By the time the sun appeared, he was already proficient at low-altitude gliding. By the time the sun completely rose above the horizon, he had acquired the skill of Flying LV1.

Estimating that there was at most one more hour left until the 8 hours of game time would pass, Bird Yu flew into the sky, searching for a river to look at his own bird appearance.

He didn't find a river, but he found two people on the cliff.

They were two climbers, wearing thick clothes and holding climbing poles, sitting on an open area eating something.

Xia Yu considered for a moment that although rivers were not difficult to find, their reflective effect was nowhere near as strong as that of a mobile phone.

More importantly, with a mobile phone, he could find out where he was and immediately have people come to catch the bird and take it home!

However, as a bird who had received compulsory education, was taking someone's phone not a good thing to do?

A moment later, he firmly convinced himself that it was alright as long as he only used the phone for a bit and didn't steal it.

Adjusting his angle, he swooped down.

The two climbers were eating chips one by one, completely unaware of Bird Yu in the sky.

Since they didn't notice him, Xia Yu didn't actively expose himself. He landed not far behind the two people and then walked towards their backs.

When he got closer, he found that he was actually slightly taller than the two climbers who were sitting down.

That meant that this bird body he was using was at least almost a meter tall.

This was no ordinary bird, but an eagle or a hawk.

A quick look would tell him.

Lowering his head, Hawk Yu looked at the thighs of the two people, and in the left pocket of the woman with glasses, he saw the mobile phone.

Extending his claw, he went to take the phone.

If he were using his hand, Xia Yu could guarantee a smooth operation, but what he was using now was a claw with only three toes.

The woman with glasses felt something trying to get into her pocket, and when she turned her head to look, she saw Hawk Yu looking into her eyes.

A human and a hawk were silent for a second.

"Ah!" The bespectacled woman cried out in panic as she stood up and hid behind her companion.

Looking at his empty claws, Xia Yu sighed, almost stealing the phone. But it didn't matter, he still had his backup plan.

Putting down his claw, Xia Yu looked at the two women. The bespectacled woman appeared to be both frightened and curious. She cautiously peered at Xia Yu, clutching her companion's clothes. The short-haired woman, however, was on full alert, holding her trekking pole and staring directly at Xia Yu.

No wonder these two women had dared to venture into the mountains. They were not to be taken lightly.

Xia Yu had no plans to rob them. Once he was sure they wouldn't run away, he began his performance - flapping his wings, kicking his claws, moving his neck, and preening his feathers; all in all, appearing harmless.

The short-haired woman remained vigilant, but the bespectacled woman gradually relaxed. Curiosity gradually took over her panic. "This eagle doesn't seem to bite, does it?" she said to her companion.

"Eagles are carnivores. How could they not bite? And this is not an eagle; it's a "hawk!" the short-haired woman corrected, taking the trekking pole from the bespectacled woman and holding it with both hands as she kept her eyes on Xia Yu.

"That's right, eagles bite, but this is a hawk!" The bespectacled woman's face brightened.

The short-haired woman was speechless, looking at her companion as if she was an idiot.

"I'll go have a look," the bespectacled woman approached Xia Yu.

"Wait!" The short-haired woman couldn't grab her companion, fearing any sudden movements would provoke Xia Yu's attack.

Once in front of Xia Yu, the bespectacled woman rummaged through her backpack on the ground and took out a sausage, offering it to Xia Yu's beak.

Looking at the unpeeled sausage, Xia Yu wondered if the woman in front of him was mentally challenged.

"Ah, I need to peel it," the bespectacled woman realized as she peeled the sausage and put it back in Xia Yu's mouth.

Xia Yu ate it.

Seeing the feeding success, not only the bespectacled woman but also the short-haired woman relaxed.

Humans always have a sense of "you've eaten my food, now you belong to me." The bespectacled woman now regarded Xia Yu as a stray cat by the roadside.

After feeding him the sausage, she took out bread for Xia Yu.

As Xia Yu slowly ate, he noticed the bespectacled woman reach into her pants pocket, just as he had planned.

Whenever encountering a bird of prey, the first reaction of ancient people was to run away, while the first reaction of modern people - other than running - was to take a photo.

He had acted so harmless just to get the other party to take out their phone so that he could steal it.

As the bespectacled woman lowered her head to use her phone, Xia Yu lifted his claw, aiming straight for the phone.

"Watch out!"

Just before his claw could grasp the phone, the short-haired woman pulled the bespectacled woman, and they both rolled on the ground, with the phone pressed beneath them.

Frustrated by his failed plan, Xia Yu flew above the two, trying to push them aside to grab the phone. However, he noticed part of the phone sticking out of the top pocket of the short-haired woman's shirt.

Lowering his head, he picked up the phone with his beak and quickly made his escape.

"Ah!" The bespectacled woman's scream echoed behind him. He thought there might have been an accident, but when he looked back and saw that both women were fine, he flew away without any concern.

"Ah!" The woman with glasses continued to scream.

"Stop screaming, it's flown away!" The short-haired woman said.

Upon opening her eyes and seeing that the eagle had indeed flown away, the woman with glasses cried and threw herself into her companion's arms: "How are you? I'll call 120 right away!"

Just before, she had been holding her phone and adjusting the camera when she saw the eagle's claw coming for her face. Fortunately, her companion pulled her back and she avoided the attack. But before she could react, the eagle pounced on her companion, pecking at her chest.

Unable to bear the sight, she closed her eyes and screamed.

"I'm fine." The short-haired woman felt her body, not even her clothes were damaged.

"But I just saw that eagle pecking at you," the woman with glasses said, staring at her unharmed companion in astonishment.

After checking herself again, the short-haired woman said with a complicated expression: "It took my phone away."

"Ah?" The woman with glasses stared blankly.

Recalling the previous scene, she hesitated and said, "At first, the eagle seemed to be going for the pocket where I kept my phone, then it seemed to not want to grab my face, but rather the phone in my hand…"

The two looked at each other, filled with disbelief.

Had the eagle come for the phone?

Before the two could figure it out, they saw that the eagle had flown back.

They both watched cautiously as the eagle didn't approach, but rather, in the distance, dropped two things and then left.

After a minute of vigilance and confirming that there was no danger, the two came to the spot where they found the phone and a dead rabbit.

Picking up the phone, the short-haired woman looked at the rabbit with confusion: "Is this the reward for using the phone?"

"Hehehe, such a polite eagle, but I didn't take any pictures." The woman with glasses leaned on her companion, feeling wronged.

"I think I have some here." The short-haired woman opened her phone and found it on the camera interface.

She then opened the photo album and discovered several photos of the eagle.

"Did the eagle steal the phone to take selfies?" The two's worldviews were shaken.

Xia Yu naturally wouldn't be bored enough to take selfies, but he felt that the two women must like them, so he took a few for them.

He was grateful that the short-haired woman's phone had no screen lock; otherwise, it would be useless even if he took it.

At this point, not only did he know what he looked like, but he also knew his position.

This was the intersection of District 26 and District 232, not far from Haiming City.

Standing in the nest where he had previously landed, Xia Yu pondered how to reclaim this eagle.