Confess and Be Lenient

Seeing the disbelief on their faces, Xia Yu sighed and gave up explaining.

He directly said to Li Hua, "You three can go together, it's up to you to decide, but Mei Mei must go."

Li Hua and the housekeeper looked at Zhu Meng Bing.

Zhu Meng Bing shook his head, "I'm not leaving. I can't leave without restoring our homeland."

"By the way, I forgot to tell you something," Xia Yu interrupted, "It's impossible for your remaining men to come back now."

Hearing that he was almost alone, Zhu Meng Bing's face turned pale. He looked at the housekeeper, "Is there any hope for us?"

The housekeeper carefully analyzed and thought seriously, coming to the conclusion that even if Li Hua didn't leave with the princess, they only had three people left. Li Hua was a bodyguard and couldn't do anything else, the prince was unreliable, all the matters had fallen on his head.

"It won't work." The housekeeper said firmly.

To prevent Zhu Meng Bing from forcing others, the housekeeper added fuel to the fire, "Actually, going to the first area is quite good. Hai Ming City is not a place to stay for long. Moreover, once we get to the first area, we might be able to open up a new situation."

"But isn't that running away?" Zhu Meng Bing was still a little reluctant.

"Your Highness, it's not running away. We're going to the first area to open up a second battlefield! We can't do it alone!" The housekeeper knew Zhu Meng Bing's temperament and coaxed him.

"Let's go then." Zhu Meng Bing's eyes were filled with fighting spirit.

With the matter resolved satisfactorily, Xia Yu touched his chin and figured out Zhu Meng Bing's character.

How could this childish prince revive the royal family?

But it had nothing to do with him; as long as Zhu Mei was fine, it was good.

This would fulfill Brown Bear's wish as well.

Thinking back to Brown Bear's determination in the face of over a dozen guns and two squads of soldiers, Xia Yu sighed.

He had never had such determination, and he was somewhat envious of Brown Bear and even more envious of Zhu Mei.

"Let's have dinner." Xia Yu stood up, preparing to leave.

"Wait." Li Hua called out to Xia Yu.

"What's the matter?" Turning around, Xia Yu was puzzled.

"I wanted to ask about that eagle." Li Hua felt that the golden eagle was as intelligent as Brown Bear. These two animals might have some connection.

"It's the latest research from one of my laboratories," Xia Yu lied.

"Isn't it a messenger of Buddha?" The housekeeper held onto his Buddhist beads tightly and asked solemnly.

"Of course not," Xia Yu replied.

The housekeeper's hand loosened, and the Buddha beads fell to the ground and scattered. Along with it scattered his 24-hour-held belief in Buddhism.

"Science is really amazing," the housekeeper sighed.

"Is there anything else?" asked Xia Yu.

"Have you ever experimented with a bear before?" This time it was Zhu Mei who asked.

Xia Yu was silent for a moment, considering how to answer: "It seems that we lost a brown bear once."

"The kind that can talk?" Zhu Mei asked again.

"How is that possible? Animals have different vocal organs than humans!" Xia Yu denied, he couldn't lie about it.

"How did you do it specifically?" Zhu Meng Bing also joined the conversation, "Can I buy a golden eagle army?"

Xia Yu felt a headache coming on, as this situation seemed to be getting complicated.

"No comment," Xia Yu said directly, thinking that there was no need to be polite with Zhu Mengbing and the others.

After saying that, Xia Yu went back to the second floor, leaving the four to eat downstairs.

After Xia Yu left, Li Hua sat next to Zhu Mei, who was still thinking about the bear incident and looked quite downcast.

"I feel like we've been tricked," Li Hua said to Zhu Mei. "How could there be technology capable of making animals so powerful? Even if there was, why would they share it with us?"

The butler thought about it and agreed. He picked up the beads from the ground and restrung them.

"Right," Zhu Mei agreed, grasping Li Hua's hand.

"I don't care how it came to be; I just want a golden eagle army. Even one would be enough, with that one golden eagle I could kill the leaders of the false government and the rebels, and return to our homeland," Zhu Mengbing thought about how to ask Xia Yu for the golden eagle.

"It's useless. Kill one and there will be another; there's no end," the butler stopped Zhu Mengbing.

As the maid brought lunch to the table, they stopped talking and started eating.

When they finished, Xia Yu came downstairs and took the four to the embassy to process their paperwork.

The procedures were complicated, and by the time they were done, it was evening.

Looking at Zhu Mengbing, who had just signed the last document and swung his hand, Xia Yu said, "I've already talked to the people in the embassy. The three of you will stay here tonight."

"The three of us?" Zhu Mengbing noticed the discrepancy in the number.

"Yes, Mei Mei and I are going back," Xia Yu said.

He couldn't possibly let Zhu Mengbing stay at the beach villa, and he didn't feel comfortable leaving Zhu Mei at the embassy with the others, fearing that they would all run away together.

"You pervert!" Zhu Mengbing stood up, furious, and swung his fist at Xia Yu.

Misunderstood again, Xia Yu was used to itHe grabbed Zhu Mengbing's hand, twisted it, and pressed it against his back, pinning him against the nearby wall.

"I'm not discussing with you; I'm informing you," Xia Yu said, pushing Zhu Mengbing hard and leaving the room.

Outside, Zhu Mei and the others were waiting.

Taking Zhu Mei's hand, Xia Yu repeated his earlier words. Li Hua and the butler had no objections, allowing Xia Yu to take Zhu Mei away.

Driving back quickly, Xia Yu soon returned to the villa.

He rubbed his forehead, realizing that he now had to face Kong Hanyue's suspicions - he hadn't told them about this yet.

Leaving Zhu Mei on the first floor, Xia Yu went upstairs and knocked on the girls' door.

After gathering them together, Xia Yu realized a problem.

He only needed to explain the situation to An Siyao, and maybe also to Yuxue and Kong Hanyue. Why did he call Hu Liang Lu and Liu Man Man?

Ah well, it was already done.

"I have something to tell you," Xia Yu thought about how to phrase his words.

"Say it quickly, I paused my game for this!" Kong Hanyue urged him.

"Zhu Mei will be going back to the first area with us," Xia Yu looked at An Siyao.

An Siyao yawned, seeming to be tired from playing and didn't show any special reaction.

Kong Hanyue, Liu Man Man, and Hu Liang Lu also showed no apparent reaction.

Only Zu Xue seemed to have thought of something. She covered her mouth and looked at Xia Yu in shock.

Xia Yu didn't know what Zu Xue had thought of, but it must be wrong.

"You mean Mei Zhu?" Kong Hanyue asked in confusion, "Is she going to the first district for refuge?"

They did not understand the core of the issue.

The key point was not that Zhu Mei was going to the first district, but that Xia Yu was going to take Zhu Mei to the first district.

"I'm the one who's taking her back. Her name isn't Mei Zhu, it's Zhu Mei. She is the princess of District 232," Xia Yu answered.

Besides An Siyao, the other four all widened their eyes in surprise.